Conference Speaker Biography
Chairman and CEO America Online,
Steve Case is chairman and chief executive officer of
America Online, Inc., the world's leading interactive services company. Under
his leadership, AOL supports programs that use interactive technology to
empower the disadvantaged. To achieve this goal the company created the AOL
Foundation in 1997, which uses educational programs, community building and
increasing access to interactive services to improve the lives of families and
children. These efforts include:
Providing teams of educators and community leaders with seed money
to develop innovative ways to improve student performance through the
integration of interactive technology.
Supporting the volunteer activities of AOL employees.
Promoting telecommunications innovations that strengthen rural
community service.
Partnering with the Benton Foundation and the National Urban League
to create the National Digital Divide Clearinghouse, a unique resource that
brings together the information on initiatives to narrow the gap between
technology haves and have-nots.
Creating a philanthropy portal called to make it easier
for people to give their time and money to charities.
Recently, AOL also launched the Giving Tree Service which offers
employees information to help them increase the impact of their charitable
giving, find ways to get more involved in their community and join "giving
circles" with AOL colleagues who share similar interests.
In 1998, Mr. Case and his wife, Jean, created the Case Foundation to
serve as a catalyst for action among public, private and non-profit service
organizations; civic and faith groups; and individual citizens. The Case
family's personal foundation works to address the various challenges of
underserved children by embracing a social venture philanthropy model.
Born and raised in Hawaii, Steve Case graduated with a degree in
Political Science from Williams College. |