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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | April 2000 ROBERT Z. LAWRENCE
PREVIOUS POSITIONS Albert L. Williams Professor of International Trade and Investment, Center for Business and Government, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University (on leave), 1991-1998 New Century Senior Fellow, Brookings Institution, 1997-8 Senior Fellow, Brookings Institution, 1983-91 Consultant, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, 1982-3 Research Associate, Brookings Institution, 1976-82 Instructor, Yale University, 1975 AFFILIATIONS Research Associate, National Bureau of Economic Research PREVIOUS ACTIVITIES and MEMBERSHIPS Editor, Brookings Trade Forum. Member, Presidential Commission on United States Pacific Trade and Investment Policy. Member, Board of Advisors, Committee for Free Trade and Economic Growth. Member, Advisory Committee, Institute for International Economics. Member, Council on Foreign Relations. Chair, Project on Middle East Trade, Institute for Social and Economic Policy in the Middle East, Harvard University. Faculty Associate, Center for International Affairs, Harvard University. Columnist, Nikkei Financial Daily; Brookings Panel on Economic Activity, 1977-81, 1983, 1985, 1987; Panel on Foreign Trade Statistics, National Academy of Sciences; Research Advisory Board, Committee for Economic Development; Panel of Economic Advisors, Congressional Budget Office. Member, Program Associates Group, Overseas Development Council. CONSULTANCIES Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD); The World Bank; Coalition for Advancement of Industrial Technology; United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) BOOKS and MONOGRAPHS A Prism on Globalization: Corporate Responses to the Dollar with Subramanian Rangan (Washington DC: Brookings Institution Press, 1999. Brookings Trade Forum 1999 with Susan Collins as editors (Washington, D.C., Brookings Institution, 1999) Building Bridges: A US-Egypt Free Agreement Edited with Ahmed Galal (Washington DC: Brookings Institution) 1998 Brookings Trade Forum 1998 edited (Washington DC: Brookings Institution) 1998. Globaphobia: Confronting Fears About Open Trade, with Gary Burtless, Robert Litan and Robert Shapiro (Washington DC: Brookings Institution, Progressive Policy Institute, Twentieth Century Fund, 1998) Emerging Agenda for Global Trade: High Stakes for Developing Countries, with Dani Rodrik and John Whalley (Washington DC: Overseas Development Council, 1996) Globalization and Trilateral Labor Markets: Evidence and Implications, with Niels Thygesen and Yutaka Kosai (New York: Trilateral Commission, 1996) Single World, Divided Nations? (Paris: OECD Development Centre and Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution, 1996) Regionalism, Multilateralism and Deeper Integration (Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution, 1996) A Vision for the Global Economy: Openness, Diversity and Cohesion, with Albert Bressand and Takatoshi Ito (Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution, 1996) The North American Free Trade Area: An Assessment of the Research, edited with Nora Lustig and Barry Bosworth (Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution, 1992) An American Trade Strategy: Options for the 1990s, edited with Charles L. Schultze (Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution, 1990) American Living Standards: Threats and Challenges, edited with Robert E. Litan and Charles L. Schultze (Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution, 1988) Barriers to European Economic Growth: A Transatlantic View, edited with Charles L. Schultze (Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution, 1987) Saving Free Trade: A Pragmatic Approach, with Robert E. Litan (Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution, 1986) Can America Compete? (Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution, 1984) Primary Commodity Markets and the New Inflation, with Barry P. Bosworth (Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution, 1982) ARTICLES "Inequality in America: The Recent Evidence," in The Responsive Community, Rights and Responsibilities, Amitai Etzioni, Editor (The George Washington University), Volume 10, Issue 2, Spring 2000 "Preparing for Seattle," in Seattle, the WTO, and the Future of the Multilateral Trading System, Roger B. Porter and Pierre Sauve, Editors, Harvard University and John F. Kennedy School of Government, The Center for Business and Government, June 2000. "Oportunidades y Desafios de la Globalizacion" in Memorias Seminario: America Latina y la Globalizacion, Ediciones Uniandes, October 1999 "Measuring the International Contestability of Markets: A Conceptual Approach" with Edward M. Graham. Journal of World Trade, 30 (5), October 5-20, 1996. Reprinted in The Globalization of the World Economy, "Trade and Investment Policy", Thomas L. Brewer, ISBN: 1 85898 704 0 (2-volume set). "The Role of Trade in East Asian Productivity Growth: The Case of Japan" with David Weinstein in Stiglitz, Joseph (ed.) In Rethinking the East Asia Miracle, World Bank (forthcoming). "Trade, Integration and Global Housekeeping" with Nancy Birdsall in Global Public Goods: International Cooperation in the 21st Century, (New York: United Nations Development Programme, 1999) "Regionalism, Multilateralism and Deeper Integration: Changing Paradigms for Developing Countries" in Trade Rules in the Making: Challenges in Regional and Multilateral Negotiations Mendoza, Miguel Rodrìguez, Patrick Low, and Barbara Kotschwar, Editors (Washington DC: Brookings Institution Copublished with the Organization of American States) 1999. "Blessing or Curse? The East Asian crisis and America's trade deficit" Brookings Review Summer 1998, Vol 16, No3. "Does a kick in the pants get you going or does it just hurt? The impact of international competition on technological change in US manufacturing," in Robert E. Feenstra (editor) The Impact of International Trade on Wages, pub.: University of Chicago Press for the National Bureau of Economic Research, pgs 197-224, 2000. "The Challenge of Deeper Integration: U.S. Trade Policy Options" in Geza Feketekuty with Bruce Stokes (eds) Trade Strategies for a New Era: Ensuring U.S. Leadership in a Global Economy (New York: Council on Foreign Relations Press for the Monterey Institute of International Studies 1998) "Toward an Egyptian U.S. Free Trade Agreement: A U.S. Perspective" in Ahmed Galal and Robert Lawrence (eds) Building Bridges: An Egypt-US Free Trade Agreement Washington D.C. Brookings Institution Press 1998. "Globaphobia: The Wrong Debate Over Trade Policy" with Robert E Litan. Brookings Institution Policy Brief #24 September 1997. (Washington DC: Brookings Institution). "Is it Really the Economy Stupid?" in Joseph Nye, Philip D. Zelikow and David C. King (eds) Why People Don't Trust Government (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1997) "Current Economic Policies: Social Implications over the Longer Term," in Societal Cohesion and the Globalising Economy. (Paris: OECD, 1997) "The World Trade and Investment System and Developing Countries," in John H. Dunning and Khalil A. Hamdani (eds) The New Globalism and Developing Countries. (Tokyo: United Nations University Press, 1997) "Preferential Trading Arrangements: The Traditional and the New" in Ahmed Galal and Bernard Hoekman (eds) Regional Partners in Global Markets: Limits and Possibilities of the Euro-Med Agreements (London: CPER/ECES) 1997 "Challenges for the Global Trading System," in Il SaKong (ed) Major Issues for the Global Trade and Financial System. (Seoul, Korea: The Seoul Global Trade Forum, 1996) "Commerce and Security in the Middle East: An Action Agenda," with Robert D. Blackwill (Institute for Social and Economic Policy in the Middle East, December 1996) "The Global Contestability of Markets: the Next Stage in the Movement Towards an Open World Economy?" (Washington, D.C.: George Washington University, forthcoming) "Regionalism and Multilateralism: Should the Rules be Changed?" in Jeffery Schott (ed) The World Trading System: The Challenges Ahead. (Washington DC: Institute for International Economics, 1996) "Preferential Trading Arrangements: The Traditional and the New," in Ahmed Galal and Bernard Hoekman (eds) Regional Partners in Global Markets: Limits and Possibilities of the Euro-Med Agreements, (London: CEPR and ECES: 1996) "Measuring the International Contestability of Markets: A Conceptual Approach," with Edward M. Graham in Journal of World Trade, October 1996 "Towards Globally Contestable Markets," in Market Access After the Uruguay Round: Investment, Competition and Technology Perspectives (Paris: OECD, 1996) Book Review: Adrian Wood, North-South, Trade, Employment, and Inequality: Changing Fortunes in a Skill-Driven World in Industrial & Labor Relations Review, April 1996, v.49, no.3 Towards Free Trade in the Middle East: The Triad and Beyond (Cambridge, Mass.: ISEPME, Harvard University, 1995) "Resist the Binge," Foreign Affairs, July/August 1996. "The Slow Growth Mystery: Can We Cure the Cancer?" Foreign Affairs, v.75, no.1, January/February 1996 "Issues and Preliminary Conclusions: Lessons from the NAFTA Debate," in DeFontenay et al. (eds.) Western Europe in Transition: The Impact of the Opening Up of Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union (Washington, D.C.: International Monetary Fund, August 1995) "U.S. Wage Trends in the '80s: The Role of International Factors," New York Federal Reserve Bulletin, v.1, no.1, January 1995 "U.S. Trade and Investment Priorities: Asia's Place," in Wendy Dobson and Frank Flatters (eds.) Pacific Trade and Investment: Options for the 90s (Kingston, Ontario: International and Development Studies Program, John Deutsch Institute for the Study of Economic Policy, Queen's University, 1994) "Regionalism: An Overview," Journal of Japanese and International Economics, v.8, 1994, 365-387 "Trade, Multinationals and Labor" in Phillip Low and Jacqueline Dwyer (eds.) International Integration of the Australian Economy (Australia: Reserve Bank of Australia, Ambassador Press, 1994) "Rude Awakening: The End of the American Dream," International Economic Insights, v.V, no.1, January/February 1994 "Trade, Jobs, and Wages," with Paul Krugman, Scientific America, April 1994 "Futures for the World Trading System and Their Implications for Developing Countries," in Manuel R. Agosin and Diana Tussie (eds.) Trade and Growth: New Dilemmas in Trade Policy (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1993) "The Responses of U.S. Firms to Exchange Rate Fluctuations: Piercing the Corporate Veil," with Subramanian Rangan, Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 2: 1993, pp. 341-379. "Trade and Wages: Great Sucking Sound or Small Hiccup?" with Matthew Slaughter, Brookings Papers on Economic Activity: Microeconomics, 1993 "Trends in World Trade and Foreign Direct Investment," in Pauline Baker, Alex Boraine and Warren Krafchik (eds.) South Africa and the World Economy in the 1990's, (Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution, 1993) "Why is Foreign Direct Investment in Japan So Low?" in Ken Froot (ed.) Foreign Investment (Cambridge, Mass.: National Bureau of Research, 1993) "The Real Wage/Productivity Story," The International Economy v.VII, no.4, July/August 1993, pp.16-19 "Is Japan's Trade Regime Different?" Journal of Economic Perspectives (Summer 1993) "Competitiveness," in David R. Henderson (ed.) The Fortune Encyclopedia of Economics (New York: Warner Books, 1993) "Japan's Low Levels of Inward Investment: The Role of Inhibitions on Acquisitions," Transnational Corporations, v.1, no.3, December 1992, pp.47-76 "The U.S.-Asian Pillar: A New Initiative," Economic Insights, v.III, no.VI, November/December 1992 "Debating the 1980's And What's Next," Book Review, Fortune, June 15, 1992 "Emerging Regional Arrangements: Building Blocks or Stumbling Blocks," in Richard O'Brien (ed.) Finance and the International Economy: 5 (New York: Oxford University Press, 1991) "The World Trading System after the Uruguay Round," with Robert E. Litan in Boston University International Law Journal, v.8, no.2, Fall 1990 "How Open Is Japan?" in Paul Krugman (ed.) Trade with Japan: Has The Door Opened Wider? (Cambridge, Mass.: National Bureau of Economic Research, 1991) "Issues in Measurement and International Comparison of Output Growth in Manufacturing," in Peter Hooper and J. David Richardson (eds.), International Economic Transactions: Issues in Measurement and Empirical Research (Cambridge, Mass.: National Bureau of Economic Research, 1991) "Efficient or Exclusionist? The Import Behavior of Japanese Corporate Groups," Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 1: 1991 "Keiretsu and Japan's Rigged Distribution System," The International Economy, v.5, no.3, May/June 1991 "The Reluctant Giant: Will Japan Take Its Role on the World Stage?" The Brookings Review, v.9, no.3, Summer 1991 "American Manufacturing in the 1990s: The Adjustment Challenge," in Kenneth W. Chilton, Melinda E. Warren, and Murray L. Weidenbaum, (eds.) American Manufacturing in a Global Market (Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers for the Center for the Study of American Business, 1990) "U.S. Current Account Adjustment: An Appraisal," Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 2: 1990 "Innovation and Trade: Meeting the Foreign Challenge," in Henry J. Aaron (ed.), Setting National Priorities: Policy for the Nineties (Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution, 1990) "A Depressed View of Policies for Depressed Industries,"in Robert M. Stern (ed.), U.S.-Canadian Trade and Investment Relations with Japan (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1989) "Fool's Gold: How America Pays to Lose in the Olympics," The Brookings Review, v.7, no.4, Fall 1989 "Protection: Is There a Better Way?" American Economic Review (May 1989) "The Dynamics of Trade and Employment (book review), Journal of Economic Literature, September 1989, v.27, no.3 "America in the World Economy," with Barry P. Bosworth, The Brookings Review (Winter 1988-89), v.7, no.1 "Improving American Living Standards," with Robert E. Litan and Charles L. Schultze, Brookings Review (Winter 1988-89), v.7, no.1 "The International Dimension," chap. 2 in Lawrence, Litan, and Schultze, eds., American Living Standards: Threats and Challenges "America's Global Role," with Barry P. Bosworth, chap. 2 in John Steinbruner, ed., Restructuring American Foreign Policy (Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution, 1988) "The Danger of a Dollar Strike," in Susan J. Irving (ed.), Economic Vulnerabilities: Challenges for Policymakers (Washington, D.C.: The Curry Foundation, 1988) "U.S. Business in the Global Economy: Where Are We Headed?" in Andrew Blair and Josephine E. Olsen, (eds.), The Role of the Private Sector in Fostering/Responding to Global Structural Change, University of Pittsburg, Joseph M. Katz Graduate School of Business, June 1988 "Trade Performance as a Constraint on European Growth," in Robert Z. Lawrence and Charles L. Schultze (eds.) Barriers to European Economic Growth: A Transatlantic View "Imports in Japan: Closed Markets or Minds?," Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 2: 1987, pp. 517-54 "The Protectionist Prescription: Errors in Diagnosis and Cure," Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 1: 1987 "The Pitfalls of Protectionism," with Robert Litan, Harvard Business Review (May 1987) "Dealing with Dislocation," with Robert Litan, Harvard International Review, vol. IX, no. 3 (February-March 1987) "Adjusting to Slower Economic Growth: The Domestic Economy," with Barry P. Bosworth (chap. 2) in Bosworth and Alice M. Rivlin, (eds.), The Swedish Economy (Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution, 1987) "Adjusting to Slower Economic Growth: The External Sector," with Bosworth (chap. 3) in The Swedish Economy "Economic Goals and the Policy Mix," with Bosworth (chap. 4) in The Swedish Economy "Industrial Policy in the United States and Europe: Economic Principles and Political Practice," in Hiromichi Mutoh, et al. (eds.), Industrial Policies for Pacific Economic Growth (Sydney, Australia: Allen and Unwin, 1986), pp. 126-46 "Systemic Risk and Developing Country Debt," in Deepak Lal and Martin Wolf, (eds.), Stagflation, Savings, and the State (Oxford University Press, 1986), pp. 91-102 "Manufacturing Wage Dispersion: An End Game Interpretation," with Colin Lawrence, Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 1:1985, pp. 47-116 "Living with the Trade Deficit: Adjustment Policies to Preserve Free Trade," with Robert E. Litan, Brookings Review (Fall 1985) "Sectoral Shifts and the Size of the Middle Class," Brookings Review (Fall 1984), pp. 3-11 "Should U.S. Trade Policies Be Changed?" in Robert Z. Lawrence, et al., U.S. Competitiveness and Its Implications for Europe, Centre for European Policy Studies, CEPS Papers, no. 11/12/13, November 1984, pp. 7-41 "Adjusting to Economic Change," with Linda Cohen, Lawrence B. Krause, and Robert Meyer in Alice M. Rivlin, (ed.), Economic Choices (Washington, D.C.: Brookings, 1984) "The Myth of U.S. Deindustrialization," Challenge (November-December 1983). Reprinted in Thomas Petri, et al. (eds.), National Industrial Policy: Solution or Illusion (Westview Press: 1984), and Richard D. Bartel, The Challenge of Economics (Armonk, N.Y.: M.E. Sharpe, Inc., 1984) "Changes in U.S. Industrial Structure: The Role of Global Forces, Secular Trends and Transitory Cycles," in Industrial Change and Public Policy, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, 1984 "Is Trade Deindustrializing America? A Medium-Term Perspective," Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 1: 1983 "U.S. International Competitiveness," in U.S. International Economic Policy, selected essays prepared for the Joint Economic Committee, U.S. Congress, 1982 "World Manufactured Goods Trade," prepared for the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences-Brookings Institution Conference on International Economic Relations, Beijing, May 31-June 4, 1982 (translated and published in Chinese by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences) "Toward a Research Program for U.S. Trade Policy in the 1980s," with Lawrence B. Krause, in U.S. Policies in Response to Growing International Trade Competitiveness, Colloquium on International Economic Policy Research, National Science Foundation, 1982 "Study of U.S. Competitiveness" (book review), in Journal of International Economics, 1982 "Minority Employment and U.S. Trade," in Foreign Trade Policy and Black Economic Advancement, Joint Center for Political Studies, 1981, pp. 49-63 "The United States Current Account: Trends and Prospects," Special Study on Economic Change, vol. 9, The International Economy: U.S. Role in a World Market, Joint Economic Committee, U.S. Congress (December 1980) "Keeping Up With the Mitsubishis," Executive (Spring 1980) "Toward a Better Understanding of the Trade Balance Trends: The Cost Price Puzzle," Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 1:1979 "Within and Between Country Inflation Rate Variances: Are They Similar?" Journal of Monetary Economics, vol. 5 (1979) "An Analysis of the 1977 U.S. Trade Deficit," Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 1:1978 "There Is a Postwar Growth Cycle," Kyklos (1977), vol. 3 "The 1972-75 Commodity Boom," with Richard N. Cooper, Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 3:1975 "The International Monetary System," with Robert Triffin, Colliers Encyclopedia. "Risks and Benefits of Open Trade" session. Published speech before Friedrich Naumann Foundation July 8-9, 1999 Seminar on "The Risks and Benefits of Globalization," in Washington, DC; pub: Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung. PUBLISHED COMMENTS Commentary on Barry Eichengreen "From Benign Newglect to Malignant Preoccupation: U.S. Balance of Payments Policy in the 1960s" in Economic Events, Ideas, and Policies, The 1960s and After, George Perry and James Tobin (editors), Brookings Institution Press, 2000. Commentary on Dennis Snower "Causes of Changing Income Inequality." A Paper presented at the Symposium Sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City. Jackson Hole Wyoming. August 1998. Commentary on Barry Eichengreen and Douglas Irwin "The Role of History in Bilateral Trade Flows" in The Regionalization of the World Economy (NBER, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1997) Commentary on Alan V. Deardorff, "Economic Effects of Quota and Tariff Reductions" in Susan M. Collins and Barry P. Bosworth (eds.), The New GATT: Implications for the United States (Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution, 1994) Commentary on Jeffrey A. Frankel, "Is Japan Creating a Yen Bloc in East Asia and the Pacific?" in Jeffrey A. Frankel and Miles Kahler (eds.), Regionalism And Rivalry (NBER, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1993) Commentary on K.C. Fung, "Characteristic of Japanese Industrial Groups and Their Potential Impact on U.S.-Japanese Trade," in Robert E. Baldwin (ed.), Empirical Studies of Commercial Policy (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1991) Commentary on Rudiger Dornbusch, "Policy Options for Freer Trade: The Case for Bilateralism" in Robert Z. Lawrence and Charles L. Schultze (eds.), An American Trade Strategy: Options for the 1990s (Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution, 1990) Commentary on Geza Feketekuty, "Super 301," in Jagdish Bhagwati (ed.), Aggressive Unilateralism (Ann Arbor, Michigan: University of Michigan Press, forthcoming) Commentary on Symposium on Europe 1992, Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 2:1990 (Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution, 1990) Commentary on Makoto Kuroda, "Strengthening Japan-US Cooperation and the Concept of Japan-US Free Trade Arrangements," in Jeffery Schott (ed.), Free Trade Areas and US Trade Policy (Washington, D.C.: Institute for International Economics, 1989) Commentary on J. David Richardson, "U.S. Automobile Competitiveness," in Richard C. Marston, (ed.), Misalignment of Exchange Rates: Effects on Trade and Industry (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1988) Commentary on Juergen B. Donges, "Whither International Trade Policies," in Kimberly Ann Elliot and John Williamson (eds.), World Economic Problems (Washington, D.C.: Institute for International Economics, April 1988) Commentary on Jeffrey Sachs, "Global Adjustments to a Shrinking U.S. Trade Deficit," Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 2:1988 (Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution, 1988) Commentary on Manuel Johnson, "Enhancing Competitiveness: National Economic Policies," in Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, Competing in the World Marketplace: The Challenge for American Agriculture (Kansas City, Missouri, October 31 - November 1, 1986) Commentary on Richard M. Levich, "Gauging the Evidence on Recent Movements in the Value of the Dollar," in Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, The U.S. Dollar--Recent Developments, Outlook, and Policy Options (Jackson Hole, Wyoming, August 21-23, 1985) "U.S. Competitiveness," in David Morrison and Diane B. Bendahmane (eds.), Robotics and Foreign Affairs, Proceedings of a symposium sponsored by the Foreign Service Institute of the U.S. Department of State (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, August 1985) Commentary on Paul R. Krugman, "The U.S. Response to Foreign Industrial Targeting," in Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 1:1984 (Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution, 1984) "Comments at Conference" [on Agriculture and U.S. Macro- Economic Policy] in the Curry Foundation report, Agriculture, Stability, and Growth (Port Washington, N.Y.: Faculty Press, 1984) CONGRESSIONAL TESTIMONY "Causes of the US Trade Deficit and Its Implications for the U.S. Economy." Testimony before the Senate Finance Committee June 12, 1998. "Peace and Security in the Middle East" Testimony before the Joint Economic Committee October 21 1997. "The Uruguay Round," testimony before the Committee on Labor and Human Resources, U.S. Senate, November 23, 1994. "An Examination of Major Factors Affecting U.S. International Competitiveness," testimony before the Committee on Ways and Means, U.S. House of Representatives, June 6, 1991 "The Economic Impact of a Mexico Free Trade Agreement," testimony before the Task Force on Economic Policy Projects and Revenues, Committee on the Budget, U.S. House of Representatives, May 14, 1991 "The Structural Impediments Initiative," testimony before the Subcommittee on International Trade, Committee on Finance, U.S. Senate, April 15, 1991 "The Structural Impediments Initiative," testimony before the Subcommittee on International Trade, Committee on Finance, U.S. Senate, November 7, 1989 "The Japanese Market: How Open Is It?" testimony before the Joint Economic Committee, U.S. Congress, October 11, 1989 "The Impact of the Federal Budget Deficit on the Nation's Economic Future," testimony before the Ways and Means Committee, U.S. House of Representatives, February 8, 1989 "American Living Standards," testimony before the Joint Economic Committee, U.S. Congress, April 11, 1988 "Industrial Transition in a Global Economy," testimony before the Technological Policy Task Force, Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, U.S. House of Representatives, July 1, 1987 "Policies Toward Fair and Unfair Trade," testimony before the Subcommittee on International Trade, Committee on Finance, U.S. Senate, November 20, 1985 "Tax Reform and International Competitiveness," testimony before the Subcommittee on International Economic Policy and Trade, Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives, October 8, 1985 "Tax Reform and Innovation," testimony before the Committee on Ways and Means, U.S. House of Representatives, July 31, 1985 "The R&D Tax Credit," testimony before the Committee on Finance, U.S. Senate, June 26, 1985 "The Current Trade Deficit," testimony before the Subcommittee on International Trade, Committee on Finance, U.S. Senate, June 28, 1984 "The Impact of the Transition to a Service Economy on Earnings," testimony before the Subcommittee on Economic Stabilization, Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives, June 28, 1984 "National Materials Policy," testimony before the Subcommittee on Science, Technology, and Space, Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, July 1980 NEWSPAPER WRITINGS "From Here to Infiniti (and Lexus and Acura)," Boston Sunday Globe, May 21, 1995. "Counting the cost of German unification," with Warwick J. McKibbin, Financial Times, March 15, 1990 "Bringing Home the Gold," Newsday, November 19, 1989 "Trade, tough talk and bad politics," Chicago Tribune, June 30, 1987 "Ending the 'Lunacy' of Trade Protection," New York Times, April 27, 1986 "Rx for Disaster: A Surcharge on Imports," New York Times, May 26, 1985 "The Middle Class Is Alive and Well," New York Times, June 23, 1985 "Hardships lie ahead for workers, but structural change is a benefit," with Charles L. Schultze, Boston Globe, October 30, 1984 "Before Industrial Policy," New York Times, November 30, 1983 COMMISSIONED STUDIES "Social Implications of Current Economic Policies," paper prepared for OECD Forum For the Future: Economic Flexibility and Social Cohesion in the 21st Century, Paris, December 1996. "Toward Globally Contestable Markets", mimeo, paper prepared for the OECD Trade Committee, Paris: Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, February 1995. "Competitiveness, Trade Performance and the End of the American Dream," paper prepared for consultants' meeting of the Federal Reserve Board, November 1992 "Futures for the World Trade and Investment System and the Implications for Developing Countries," paper prepared for United Nations Center on Transnational Corporations, March 1992 "Do Keiretsu Reduce Japanese Imports?" paper prepared for the eighth international symposium of the Japanese Economic Planning Agency's Economic Research Institute on "External Adjustments and Changing Trade Structure of Manufactured Goods since 1985" in Tokyo, January 1991 "An Analysis of Japanese Trade with Developing Countries," paper prepared for UNCTAD, July 1990 "Foreign-Affiliated Automakers in the United States: An Appraisal," paper commissioned by the Automobile Importers of America, Inc., March 1990 "U.S. Trade Policy in the 1990s: The Case for Rules-Based Multilateralism," paper prepared for the Japan Society's Managed Trade Symposium in New York City, January 1990 "Time Horizons of American Management: The Role of Macroeconomic Factors," paper prepared for Michael Porter (ed.), Time Horizons of American Management, Harvard Business School, 1989 "Structural Adjustment Policies in Developed Countries," paper prepared for UNCTAD, Geneva, October 1988 "Tax Policies for Innovation and Competitiveness (with Martin N. Baily), a study commissioned by the Council on Research and Technology, April 1987 "Product Market Rigidities and Macroeconomic Performance: Issues in Theory and Measurement," paper prepared for the OECD, February 1987 "The World Economy over the Next Decade," background paper prepared for the World Development Report, The World Bank, September 1986 "Do Industries Injured by Trade Ever Adjust?" with Paula DeMasi, June 5, 1985, draft prepared for Gary Hufbauer and Howard Rosen (eds.), Studies of Industrial Adjustment (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press) "Issues in American Economic Policy," with Barry P. Bosworth, paper prepared for the Conference on Economic Relations in the Asia-Pacific Region, sponsored by the Brookings Institution and the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Wye Plantation, June 1985 "Appropriate Tax Accounting for Research and Development Expenditures Under a Corporate Minimum Tax, with Martin Neil Baily, Barbara Felker and Paul Costerhuis. Paper prepared for the Coalition for the Advancement of Industrial Technology, July 1985 "The Need for a Permanent Tax Credit for Industrial Research and Development," with Martin Neil Baily and Data Resources, Inc., a paper prepared for the Coalition for the Advancement of Industrial Technology, February 1985 "The Employment Effects of the New Information Technologies: An Optimistic View," September 1984 (paper prepared for a Conference on the Societal Challenges of Information Technologies in Berlin, November 1984 and circulated as Brookings Discussion Paper in International Economics No. 20) "The Questionable Case for Selective Industrial Policies," paper presented at the Southern Economic Association Meeting, November 1983, and circulated as Brookings Discussion Paper in International Economics, No. 10, December 1983 "Problems of Positive Adjustment: Do We Really Need a National Industrial Policy?" with Lawrence B. Krause, paper presented at December 1982 meetings of the American Economic Association "Deindustrialization and U.S. International Competitiveness: Domestic and International Forces in U.S. Industrial Performance, 1970-19080," prepared for Conference on the Political Economy of Inflation and Unemployment, Williams College, October 19, 1982, "U.S. Domestic Adjustment," prepared for Phase I of National Science Foundation project on Growing U.S. International Competitiveness, April 1982 "U.S. Trade Performance Patterns," prepared for Phase I of National Science Foundation project on Growing U.S. International Competitiveness, April 1982 "Growth, Trade and the Global Trading System," prepared for Phase I of National Science Foundation project on Growing U.S. Competitiveness, April 1982 "Global Commodity Prices and Financial Markets: Theory and Evidence," with Colin Lawrence, paper presented at 1981 meetings of the American Economic Association "Primary Commodity Prices in a Dualistic Economy," paper presented at the meeting of the Research Consortium on Agricultural Trade, Tucson, Arizona, December 15, 1980 "United States Performance in International Trade," a background paper prepared for the Conference on U.S. Competitiveness, organized by Harvard University, the New York Stock Exchange, and the U.S. Subcommittee on International Trade, April 1980 The Measurement and Causes of the Synchronization of the International Business Cycle, dissertation presented in partial fulfillment of Ph.D. requirements, Yale University, 1978
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