I applaud the media and the entertainment industry for
announcing that they have answered our call to action to develop a one-stop web
site for parents to learn more about how to monitor and understand their
children's interaction with the media. This website is a positive step,
but not the only one we need to take, to give parents the tools they urgently
need to help them choose what media is appropriate for their children. The
First Lady challenged the industry to develop this web site as part of the
White House Conference on Teenagers, to give parents more and better
information about how to use the current media rating systems and parent
advisory guidelines voluntarily put in place by the movie, television, music,
and computer/video game industries. Hillary and I will continue to call on the
industry to take the next step of voluntarily creating a uniform rating system
that would apply to movies, television, music, and video games.
The parental media guide can be found at www.parentalguide.org.
This web site was jointly developed and produced by the Motion Picture
Association of America, the National Cable Television Association, the National
Association of Broadcasters, the Recording Industry Association of America, and
the Interactive Digital Software Association. |