Making federal agencies work together as one government
In an unprecedented effort, instead of creating more bureaucracy, the president directed the
federal agencies involved with the forest plan to work together in creative new interagency
groups. Agencies are saving money by jointly coordinating efforts, improving
communication, sharing information, and eliminating duplication.
Along with the interagency committees, advisory committees were established to help ensure
federal decision makers would be able to receive valuable input from local, state, and tribal
governments, the public, and communities of both place and interest.
- The Interagency Steering Committee (ISC) is based in Washington DC, and it
establishes overall policies for the forest plan. It is chaired by the White House Council
on Environmental Quality.
- The Regional Interagency Executive Committee (RIEC) serves as the senior regional body
implementing the forest plan, coordinating and communicating policies with agencies in
the forest plan area. Advising the RIEC is the Intergovernmental Advisory Committee
(IAC), which ensures a forum for the state and tribes within the region.
- The Regional Ecosystem Office (REO) provides independent recommendations and
scientific, technical and other staff support to the RIEC to help implement the forest
plan. Staff of the REO are on loan from federal agencies involved with the forest plan.
Each of the 12 provinces has a Provincial Interagency Executive Committee (PIEC), made
up of federal agency directors who oversee the implementation of the Forest Plan within
their province. Advising the PIECs are the Provincial Advisory Committees (PAC), made
up of community, business, environmental groups, Native American tribes, and federal,
state, and county officials.
- Assisting the Economic Adjustment Initiative are the Multi-Agency Command (MAC) and
the Regional and State Community Economic Revitalization Teams (RCERT and SCERT).
The MAC members are based in Washington DC, and the RCERT and state CERT members
include representatives from California, Oregon, Washington, Native American tribal
organizations, and the federal agencies responsible for awarding grants and loans.