The Federal government, through its agencies, has long recognized
the importance of supporting the development of highly trained scientists and
engineers through the research enterprise. Research was being conducted in
private universities even before the Morrill Land-Grant College Act of 1862,
which provided for the establishment in every state of universities to conduct
scientific research and teach "branches of learning as are related to
agriculture and the mechanic arts." More recently, Vannevar Bush's 1945
report stated that it should be one of the nation's highest priorities to
maintain a continuous supply of well-trained scientists and engineers to
address the nation's evolving science and technology agenda. The
importance of making a scientific education accessible to a diverse student
population and of ensuring strong research-intensive universities in all
regions of the United States is recognized through such programs as EPSCoR
(Experimental Programs to Stimulate Competitive Research) and by support of
Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Hispanic-Serving Institutions.
Students emerge from their research training to embark on research careers in
universities, industry, and government, others become integral to directing and
managing the high-technology economy, and many also become involved in public
policy as citizens, public advocates, and policymakers. They collectively make
major contributions to public health and safety, national security,
environmental quality, agricultural productivity, quality of life, and
international economic competitiveness.
The integration of research and education is the hallmark and
strength of our research and education system. Indeed, an important rationale
for the Federal investment in university-based research is the benefit derived
from training a new generation of scientists and engineers. The proximity and
integration of the research and education functions enables a continuous
process of mutual enrichment. Most Federal agencies also consider education and
training of students who become familiar with issues of importance to that
agency to be one of the major benefits of their research partnership with
universities. Students who assist in Federally sponsored research projects
simultaneously satisfy their educational requirements while providing an
important contribution to the national research enterprise. Because it is
integrated with education, university research not only generates knowledge and
understanding, but is also therefore a wellspring of new science and
engineering talent. The findings of the recent National Science Board report on
"The Federal Role in Science and Engineering Graduate and Postdoctoral
Education" reaffirm the importance of the link between research and
The vital and dual roles of students as both researchers, who
contribute to the national research enterprise, and as students, who gain
research experience as part of their training as future scientists and
engineers, must be recognized and reflected in government policies and
practices. Dividing the research and education enterprise into financial or
operational component parts reduces the effectiveness of the enterprise as a
whole. To the extent that Federal requirements encourage such distinctions,
they should be re-examined and possibly modified to ensure that the linkage
between research and education is as clear as possible. Artificial distinctions
that characterize students as either students or employees, rather than
as students and employees, for example, send the wrong message about
national priorities and lead to misunderstanding about the role of students in
Federally funded research projects. A student should be eligible for support on
a Federal research grant on the basis of the benefits that individual brings to
the research project, and not on whether the university defines the individual
as a student or as an employee.
The scientific and technological advances that keep our nation at
the forefront of economic progress, military preparedness, health care and
quality of life for our citizens depend upon a highly educated and motivated
workforce. Developing such a workforce requires that the best and the brightest
students from varying cultural, ethnic, and socioeconomic origins are prepared
for careers in science and technology and that they choose to pursue such
careers. We must engage the natural curiosity of all our young people, from all
backgrounds and areas of the country, in science and engineering. It was with
these considerations in mind that the NSTC established an interagency working
group on the "U.S. Science and Technology Workforce of the Future." The working
group is analyzing the impact of demographic and socio-economic changes on the
S&T workforce and will make recommendations for how the Federal government
can increase the participation of women and minorities who are currently
under-represented in the workforce.
The linkage between education and research must begin before
students reach college and be reinforced at the undergraduate level if it is to
be effective in ensuring the flow of our best and brightest into science and
engineering disciplines. Undergraduates, as well as graduate students, should
have the opportunity for regular exposure to senior research faculty and for
engagement in meaningful scientific or engineering research. Such programs can
contribute to a scientifically literate population and help provide the
foundation for educating future scientists and engineers. NSTC encourages
partnerships among schools (K-12), research intensive industry, universities,
and Federal Laboratories to give students and teachers exposure to research and
to better undertand its role in our society.
As we look toward the next century, we see a world in which all
citizens will need a high level of scientific and technological literacy to
succeed. Attaining this level of proficiency will require improved training for
K-12 teachers of mathematics and science, which in turn requires research to
improve our understanding about the learning process. Universities are
encouraged to help raise the quality of K-12 education in their own communities
and in the communities from which they draw their undergraduates. The missions
of several Federal agencies include education objectives at the K-12 and
undergraduate, as well as at the graduate and postdoctoral levels. Increased
science and math study opportunities for non-traditional students, such as
those returning to school for mid-career retraining, are also important in
attaining a scientific and technically literate population and workforce. The
Federal government's partnership with universities, while not always entailing
specific educational obligations, can contribute significantly to human
resource development at all levels. The Interagency Education Research
Initiative, in its second year, is such an initiative, providing substantial
support for large-scale, interdisciplinary university-based research that will
lead to improved teaching and learning through better understanding of K-12
learning in reading and mathematics and K-12 teacher education.
ACTIONS: Reaffirm
the Importance of the Integration of Research and Education and Strengthen the
Linkages in Practice |
The NSTC reaffirms the importance to the nation,
the research enterprise, and the future scientific and engineering workforce of
linking education and research. Federal agencies and universities are
encouraged to explore mechanisms and to experiment with programs that catalyze
the integration of research and education on campus and aid students in their
transition from students to members of the scientific and engineering
The NSTC will review government policies and
practices to ensure that agencies are able to support students in a manner
consistent with their dual roles as researchers and students, and recommend
changes as necessary. The NSTC will provide the results of the review and
recommendations to the appropriate Federal agencies within twelve months of
this report.