Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release
January 31, 1996
National African American History Month, 1996
By The President of The United States of America
Today's schoolchildren are fortunate to grow up in
classrooms where they are taught to appreciate all of the many
heroes of American history. While previous generations read
textbooks that told only part of our Nation's story, materials
have been developed in recent years that give our students a
fuller picture -- textured and deepened by new characters and
themes. African American History Month provides a special
opportunity for teachers and schools to celebrate this ongoing
process and to focus on the many African Americans whose lives
have shaped our common experience.
This year, our observance emphasizes black women and the
strides made to bring their achievements to the fore. From
Sojourner Truth's sermons, to Mary McLeod Bethune's speeches,
to the contemporary novels of Nobel laureate Toni Morrison, the
voices of African American women have called attention to the
twin burdens of racism and sexism and have invited listeners to
discover the richness of traditions kept alive in back kitchens
and workrooms. In churches and communities, and more recently
in universities and statehouses across America, these women have
fought extraordinary battles for social, economic, and political
Barbara Jordan once wrote,
'We the people'; it is a very eloquent beginning.
But when the Constitution of the United States
was completed on the seventeenth of September,
1787, I was not included in that 'We the people.'

As we mourn the loss of this great American, let us honor her
by seeking to further the progress made since those early days
toward true equality and inclusion. During African American
History Month and throughout the year, we must embrace the
diverse strands of our story so that all children can see
themselves in our Nation's past and know that they have a
role to play in seizing the future's countless opportunities.
United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in
me by the Constitution and laws of the United States, do hereby
proclaim February 1996, as National African American History
Month. I call upon Government officials, educators in schools,
colleges, universities, and libraries, and all the people of the
United States to observe this month with appropriate ceremonies,
activities, and programs that raise awareness of African
American history and invite further inquiry into this area of
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this
thirtieth day of January, in the year of our Lord
nineteen hundred and ninety-six, and of the Independence
of theUnited States of America the two hundred and twentieth.
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