Office of the Press Secretary
(Dundalk, Ireland)
Immediate Release December 12, 2000
Courthouse Square, Dundalk
County Louth, Ireland
8:52 P.M. (L)
PRIME MINISTER AHERN: Mr. President, First Lady and Senator-elect,
Chelsea, Ministers and friends: (remarks continue in Gaelic). (Applause.)
Thank you very much, Joan. You're absolutely right when you say that
development and growth are all about people and building strong
communities. Your words are an inspiration on this day, which is the
symbol of how confident people in Dundalk are about the future of this
great community.
It's wonderful for me to be here in Dundalk with President Clinton.
And all of the pictures, ladies and gentlemen, that will go across the
United States of America will see the warm welcome which awaits visitors to
Dundalk and to County Louth from all you good people. (Applause.)
President Clinton, Dundalk, as a meeting point between Dublin and
Belfast, has played a central role in the origin and evolution of the peace
process. More than most towns in this country, Dundalk, as a border town,
has appreciated the need for a lasting and just peace. The people here are
already seeing the difference, as Joan has said, that peace has made, and
the special contribution which President Clinton, that you have made, to
building peace and prosperity in our country.
Here in Dundalk, as Joan has said, the International Fund for Ireland
has helped dozens of projects. Back in 1998, one such project, the Xerox
Corporation, made a decision to locate here. And going forward at Dundalk
Institute of Technology means that Dundalk now offers third-level
opportunities for students to train here.
Mr. President, we're deeply grateful for all you and your
administration have done to encourage trade and investment. And standing
here this evening, I also want to remember, on the people's behalf, the
many friends you introduced to us along the way: George Mitchell; Jim
Lyons, who is with us this evening; and, of course, Ron Brown, the gifted
Secretary of Commerce and your good friend, President, who visited Dundalk
almost six years ago to this day and who died so tragically in Bosnia. We
also remember Ron's colleagues, Chuck Meissner, and we remember them since
early this evening.
Mr. President, when you took office, as Joan has said, in January of
1993, Northern Ireland was in the grip of bitter conflict. We had, at that
stage, 25 years of tragedy, frustration and an entire generation had never
known peace. There seemed little chance of breaking the vicious cycle of
All that has now changed. Peace is a living reality in which few
could have thought possible. The people of Ireland treasure peace in every
part of the island, and we totally reject that tiny minority who seek to
destroy it. (Applause.) And this government will not swerve and do all
within our power to prevent all attacks on the people's right to peace.
Because in the Good Friday agreement, we have an historic
accommodation which brings together Unionists and Nationalists, North and
South, as well as British and Irish, on the basis of the shared principle
of equality and partnership.
And we now see, all of us, the prospect of radical change in human
rights, justice and policing. And the success of the peace process is due
to the courage, the vision and hard work of many people, and to the
overwhelming desire of the Irish people for a better way.
But it would not have happened, and it would not have been possible,
without you, Mr. President. You, Mr. President, moved our relationship to
a totally new plane. You made clear that America was a friend to all who
wanted peace and agreement. You showed everyone that you could be trusted
not to promote a hidden agenda or yield to partisan pressures. Your
patience, and can I say, good humor, has been an example to all of us. In
the White House itself, you've offered us neutral ground, a listening ear,
and wise advice. Your visits to this country have symbolized the many
phases of the process.
When you were with us in the beginning of December of 1995, your words
in Mackie's factory in Belfast, at the Guildhall in Derry, at the College
Green in Dublin, captured the hope, the determination that we all felt.
And two years ago, when the island was deeply shaken by the tragedy of
Omagh, you and Hillary walked among the heartbroken people of that town,
sharing their grief, and bringing them comfort in the wake of the
senseless, appalling violence that they had endured.
And now, again, Mr. President, you've come at a time when we need to
recall how much has been achieved, and to be encouraged to persevere in the
achievement of what remains to be done. There is some way to go. The
effective operation of the Good Friday institutions on a fully inclusive
basis must be put beyond all doubt. There needs to be a police service in
Northern Ireland which can attract the full support of both communities.
And more progress needs to be made towards a normal, demilitarized society
and weapons must be put totally and verifiably beyond use. (Applause.)
How to resolve any given issue is not always easy, or it's not always
clear. But the one thing which we are certain, President, is that there's
no alternative on this island to the Good Friday agreement; no other way
forward than the road of peace. We will stay on course, no matter how long
it takes.
No matter what your future holds, President, I hope, on behalf of
everybody here in Dundalk and throughout County Louth and throughout the
border region, I hope and believe you'll continue to offer us your support,
your valuable advice. You will always be an honored and most welcome guest
here. (Applause.)
Mr. President, on behalf of all of the people, and particularly
tonight, of the people of Dundalk and all over County Louth, I thank you
from the bottom of my heart for being with us.
Ladies and gentlemen, the President of the United States of America,
Bill Clinton. (Applause.)
THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much. First let me thank the
Taoiseach, Bertie Ahern, for his leadership and his friendship and his kind
and generous words tonight.
Mr. O'Hanrahan, thank you so much for the gift and your words. Joan
McGuinness -- it's not easy for someone who makes a living in private
business to stand up and give a speech before a crowd this large. If you
look all the way back there, there's a vast crowd. You can't see it in the
dark, but all the way back here there are just as many people. (Applause.)
So I think we ought to give Joan McGuinness another hand for the speech she
gave here. (Applause.)
I thank the government ministers, the members of the Congress, and
other Americans who are here. I'd like to thank the musicians who came out
to play for us tonight, and those who still will. (Applause.) You know, I
like music, and so I have to say it may be cold and dark, but I'm back in
Ireland, so, in the words of U2, it's a beautiful day. (Applause.)
And I am particularly glad to be here in Dundalk, the ancient home of
Cuchalainn. I want to acknowledge some natives of Dundalk who are among
our group here -- the Taoiseach's spokesman, Joe Lennon; the White House
correspondent for the Irish Times Joe Carroll; a member of our American
embassy team in Dublin Eva Burkury, who has been taking late-night calls
from us all week to make sure we do the right things in her home town.
Let me also say that for Hillary, Chelsea and me, it's great to be in
the home town of the Corrs. (Applause.) Now, we had the privilege of
being with them and hearing them sing in Washington just Sunday night.
They did you proud. (Applause.)
I understand their success has been great for your community, except that
in this tight labor market, you haven't been able to replace them down at
McManus's Pub. (Applause.)
In a few weeks, I'll have a little free time. (Laughter.) You know,
I feel at home here. And so, even though I can't claim to have a granny
buried in Castletown, I hope you won't call me a blow-in. (Applause.) In
America, over 40 million of us claim Irish roots. And the number keeps
going up every year. I'm not sure whether that's because so many millions
are green with Irish ancestry or just green with envy of Ireland.
There are so many reasons to admire Ireland -- the beauty of the land,
the people, the music, the dance, the movies, the golf -- (laughter) -- the
literature. You know, according -- Americans in the audience will
understand this -- according to the latest manual count -- (laughter) --
you have won approximately 66 times the number of Nobel Prizes in
literature you would be entitled to, based on your percentage of the world
population. (Applause.) In so many ways, you have had an impact far
beyond your numbers -- especially in your worldwide reputation for
compassion and taking on humanitarian causes.
And then there is your amazing Irish economy. Today, we're seeing
your economy reaching out across the ocean to us in the United States, with
Irish technology firms in Boston, New York and Atlanta.
And I want to note, because we're here in County Louth, that the man
famous for the ideas behind this prosperity grew up just a short distance
from here, in Drogheda -- or Drogheda. (Laughter.) Anybody here from
Drogheda? (Applause.) I told them to put you in the front row.
Listen to this: In a major report in the late 1950s, T.K. Whittaker
wrote, "Sooner or later, protectionism will have to go, and the challenge
of free trade accepted, if Ireland wishes to keep pace with the rest of
Europe." Well, over the last six year, Ireland has outpaced the rest of
Europe. (Applause.) Indeed, you have turned deficit to surplus, slashed
debt, seen employment grow four times the rate of Europe, and seen your
economy grow faster than any other nation in the entire industrialized
world. (Applause.)
Earlier this year, as the Taoiseach said today, Ireland was selected
by our distinguished Massachusetts Institute of Technology as the European
location for its Media-lab research center. The director said he did this
because -- I love this -- because of Ireland's anti-establishment attitude
to innovation. (Laughter.) The Wall Street Journal says, Ireland enjoys
one of the freest economies in the world, and one of the most responsive
With the strong leadership of Prime Minister Ahern as the government,
computer science graduates in Ireland have jumped fourfold in just the last
four years. Now Microsoft, Intel, Nortel, IBM, Oracle, Lotus, Xerox and
Heinz and so many others are in Ireland. And Ireland has now displaced the
United States as the number one software exporting country in the entire
world. (Applause.) But you enjoyed respect in the world long before this
boom, because Ireland has been exporting compassion a lot longer than
Probably the saints in heaven don't spend too much time boasting of
their achievements. But if they do, I suspect the saints can bare no more
bragging from St. Patrick. (Applause.) For no nation has ever lived up
more fully to the virtues of its patron saint than Ireland.
Some years ago, when your then President, Mary Robinson, paid a visit
to America, she told of a kindness Ireland received and never forgot.
During the Potato Famine, the Chalktaw Indians in the United States -- who,
themselves, were very poor and displaced from their own land -- collected
from among themselves $147 and sent it to Ireland to help ease the
suffering. One hundred and fifty years later, the President of Ireland
remembered that kindness on the South Lawn of the White House, because it
so closely mirrors your own compassion.
To know suffering and reach out to others in suffering is woven into
the heart of Ireland. And in your rising prosperity, you have not
forgotten what it is to be poor. So you continue to reach out to the
dispossessed around the world. In your newfound peace you have not
forgotten what it is to be at war, so you continue to stand guard for peace
around the world. That is a powerful reason that I am very glad Ireland is
now on the United Nations Security Council.
You might be interested to know -- and you may not -- that Ireland is
so well thought of around that world that when the campaign was on for the
Security Council members, you found help in surprising places. Your
Ambassador to Australia, Dick O'Brien, visited 14 countries in the South
Pacific, seeking their votes. In the tiny island nation of Tuvalu, he was
met by a local journalist by the name of O'Brien. (Laughter.) He learned
then that the Prime Minister of Tuvalu's mother's name was O'Brien.
(Laughter.) Turns out, there was an Irish sailor in the 19th century
shipwrecked on Tuvalu, named O'Brien. (Laughter and applause.)
He liked it there, stayed on, and now, a full quarter of the
population are O'Briens. (Applause.) If the math is right, maybe there
are more than 45 million Irish Americans. We are delighted to have you as
our partner on the Security Council. But as we look to Ireland and to
America, we remember that for all our efforts to heal the world, sometimes
the toughest healing problems are right at home.
The story of the United States, I believe, is largely about three
things: love of liberty, belief in progress, struggle for community. The
last has given us the most trouble, and troubles us still. Matters aren't
so different for Ireland. For hundreds of years, and intensely for the
last 30, you confronted the challenge of religious difference. You in
Dundalk know what it's like to face fear and isolation -- with unemployment
rising, the economy stalling and hope failing.
A young businessman once said, now, money isn't everything, but it's
up there with oxygen. We know violence suffocates opportunity. We know in
the end, there can be no full justice without jobs. Fortunately, the Irish
had the courage to grasp the chance for peace and the new beginning.
Those who argued for peace promised a better life. But then, there
was no proof. Today, you are the proof of the fruits and wisdom of peace.
(Applause.) The border between Ireland and Northern Ireland is now more a
bridge than a barrier. Newry, just across that border, is your sister city
and economic partner.
Some fear the change won't last; but some of the smartest business
people in the world are already betting that it will last. You have a
cluster of information technology companies and broadband networks. Here
in this community, Xerox is making the second-largest American investment
in all of Ireland, and your Institute of Technology is building classes to
meet the growing needs of technology-based employers.
I appreciated Prime Minster Ahern mentioning the late Secretary Ron
Brown and his trip here in 1994. When he came back, he encouraged us to
continue investing in Dundalk through the International Fund for Ireland.
I'm very glad we did. I know you haven't solved every problem, but this is
now a boomtown. It's a new day in Dundalk, and a new day in Ireland.
My friends, I come here near the end of my eight years of service as
President of the United States to ask you to protect this progress, to
cherish it, and to build on it. As Pope John Paul said in Drogheda more
than 20 years ago, violence only delays the day of justice. The Bible
says, there are many parts, but one body. If one part suffers, every part
suffers with it. It takes some people a long, long time to fully grasp
that. But life teaches us over and over and over again that in the end,
you cannot win by making your neighbor lose.
Unionists and Nationalists, native-born Irish and immigrants, to all
of you, I say again, you cannot win by making your neighbor lose. Two
years ago, after the horrid bombing in Omagh, you good people filled these
streets. Young people came, not wanting to lose their dreams. Older
people came because they wanted a chance to live in peace before they rest
in peace. You stared violence in the face and said, no more. You stood up
for peace then, and I ask you, stand up for peace today, tomorrow and the
rest of your lives. (Applause.)
Ohm yes, there are still a few hills to climb on the road ahead; the
Taoiseach mentioned them. But the people of Ireland have two advantages
now. You now know the value of peace; and in the hard moments, you can
also still draw strength from the inspiration of your poets. Seamus Heaney
once said of William Butler Yeats, "His intent was to clear a space in the
mind and in the world for the miraculous." Seamus was born the year Yeats
died, and has spent his own life clearing that space, following this
instruction to himself: "Walk on air against your better judgment."
As extraordinary as Ireland's efforts are in exporting peace and
peacekeepers to troubled areas all around the world, I can tell you nothing
-- nothing -- will compare to the gift Ireland gives the world if you make
peace here permanent. You can give people all over the world desperately
needed hope and proof that peace can prevail; that the past is history, not
destiny. That is what I came to ask you to redouble your efforts to do.
Every St. Patrick's Day, the Taoiseach comes to the United States and
we have a ceremony in the White House. We sing Irish songs, tell Irish
stories -- everything we say is strictly true, of course. (Laughter.) In
my very first St. Patrick's Day occasion as President, I said I would be a
friend of Ireland not just on St. Patrick's Day, but every day.
(Applause.) I have tried to be as good as my word. And every effort has
been an honor and a gift.
Your kindness to me has brought life to Yeats' wonderful lines, "think
where a man's glory most begins and ends, and say my glory was, I had such
friends." And so, my friends, as I prepare to leave my office, a large
part of my heart will always be in Ireland, for all the days of my life.
And let me say, I will pray: May the road of peace rise up to meet you.
May the wind of prosperity be always at your back. And may the God of St.
Patrick hold you in the hollow of his hand.
Thank you, and God bless you.
END 9:17 P.M. (L)