Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release December 22, 2000
Warm greetings to everyone celebrating Kwanzaa.
One of the best ways we can shape the future is to preserve what we
value of our past. The celebration of Kwanzaa is a wonderful example of
this endeavor. With its focus on the values that have sustained African
Americans through the centuries -- unity, self-determination,
col-lective work and respon-s-ibility, cooperative economics, purpose,
creativity, and faith -- Kwanzaa also emphasizes the importance of
strong families and communities to our success as a nation in the years
to come.
African Americans have a proud history and a rich heritage. During
this holiday season, as Americans of many different back-grounds
remember and rejoice in their cultural and religious traditions, let us
all give thanks for the diversity that is among America's greatest
strengths, and let us unite around the shared dreams and values that
bind us together as one nation.
Hillary joins me in sending best wishes to all for a memorable
Kwanzaa and for peace and happiness in the years to come.
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