Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release
January 5, 2001
The Presidential Decision Directive on CI-21: Counterintelligence for the
21st Century
President Clinton signed a Presidential Decision Directive (PDD) entitled
?U.S. Counterintelligence Effectiveness ? Counterintelligence for the 21st
Century.? The PDD outlines specific steps that will enable the U.S.
counterintelligence (CI) community to better fulfill its mission of
identifying, understanding, prioritizing and counteracting the intelligence
threats faced by the United States. The system will be predictive,
proactive and will provide integrated oversight of counterintelligence
issues across the national security agencies.
Specifically, the PDD directs the following structure be established to
continue the task of improving U.S. counterintelligence effectiveness:
Counterintelligence Board of Directors
? A National Counterintelligence Board of Directors, chaired by the
Director, FBI and composed of the Deputy Secretary of Defense, Deputy
Director of Central Intelligence and a senior representative of the
Department of Justice is hereby established.
? The Board, chaired by the Director of the FBI, will operate by
consensus, and will select, oversee and evaluate the National
Counterintelligence Executive (CI Executive) and will promulgate the
mission, role and responsibilities of the CI Executive.
? The Board will approve the National Counterintelligence Strategy drawn
from the annual National Threat Identification and Prioritization
Assessment, ensuring the integration of government and private sector
? The Board working with Congress, OMB, and other Executive Branch
agencies will ensure the CI Executive has adequate resources to carry out
his/her responsibilities and duties.
NSC Deputies Committee
? The NSC Deputies Committee, to include the Director of the FBI, will
review the annual National Threat Identification and Prioritization
Assessment and will meet at least semiannually, to review progress in
implementing the National Counterintelligence Strategy.
? The Deputies Committee will ensure that the strategy, priorities and
activities of the CI Community are grounded in national policy goals and
objectives; the Deputies Committee shall also ensure that CI analysis and
information is provided to assist national policy deliberations as
appropriate. The Board of Directors through the CI Executive will be
responsible for ensuring the implementation of these decisions.
The National Counterintelligence Executive
? The position of CI Executive is established and empowered to execute
certain responsibilities on behalf of the Board of Directors and will serve
as the substantive leader of national-level counterintelligence. The CI
Executive will be a federal employee, selected by the Board of Directors
with the concurrence of the Attorney General, DCI and the Secretary of
? The CI Executive will report to the FBI Director, as Chairman of the
Board of Directors, but will be responsible to the Board of Directors as a
whole. The Board will, through the Chairman, oversee and evaluate the CI
? The CI Executive and the National Coordinator for Security,
Infrastructure Protection and Counterterrorism will work together to insure
that both of their programs are well coordinated with each other.
? The CI Executive, in carrying out the duties and responsibilities of
the position, will advise members of the Board on counterintelligence
programs and policies.
The National Counterintelligence Policy Board
? The CI Executive will chair the National Counterintelligence Policy
Board. Senior counterintelligence officials from State, Defense, Justice,
Energy, JCS, CIA, FBI and NSC Staff, at a minimum will serve on the Policy
Board. The NSC Deputies Committee will approve the composition, functions
and duties of the Policy Board which will be consistent with the
statutorily defined functions of the Policy Board. The Policy Board will
establish, with the approval of the Board of Directors, other interagency
boards and working groups as necessary.
? The Policy Board, under the chairmanship of the CI Executive, will
serve as an Interagency Working Group to prepare issues relating to the
full implementation of this PDD for Deputies discussions and review, as
well as a forum to provide advice to the CI Executive on priorities with
respect to the National Counterintelligence Strategy.
Office of the CI Executive
? The CI Executive, on behalf of the Board of Directors, will head the
Office of the National Counterintelligence Executive, which will among its
other functions assume the functions previously exercised by the NACIC. To
the extent permitted by law, resources previously assigned to the NACIC
will become the initial resource base for the Office of the CI Executive.
The Office will develop and deploy the following capabilities:
National CI Strategic Planning
? The Office, in consultation with United States government agencies and
the private sector, will produce an annual report entitled The National
Threat Identification and Prioritization Assessment for review by the
Deputies Committee.
? The Office, drawing on this Assessment and working with the policy
community, appropriate Government counterintelligence organizations and the
private sector, will formulate and, subject to the approval of the Board of
Directors, publish the National Counterintelligence Strategy.
National CI Strategic Analysis
? The Office will oversee and coordinate the production of strategic
national CI analysis and will be supported in this endeavor by all
components of the Executive Branch.
? The Office will oversee and coordinate the production of CI damage
assessments and ?lessons learned? papers with full support from Executive
Branch components.
National CI Program Budget and Evaluation
? The Office, working with the DCI?s Community Management Staff, will
review, evaluate, and coordinate the integration of CI budget and resource
plans of, initially, the DOD, CIA and FBI. It will report to the Board of
Directors and the Deputies Committee on how those plans meet the
objectives and priorities of the National CI Strategy.
? The Office will evaluate the implementation of the National CI
Strategy by the CI community agencies and report to the Board of Directors
and Deputies Committee. The Office will also identify shortfalls, gaps and
weaknesses in agency programs and recommend remedies.
National CI Collection and Targeting Coordination
? The Office will develop for approval by the Board of Directors
strategic CI investigative, operational and collection objectives and
priorities that implement the National CI Strategy.
? The Office will not have an operational role in CI operations and
investigations and no independent contacts or activities with foreign
intelligence services.
National CI Outreach, Watch and Warning Capability
? The Office will conduct and coordinate CI vulnerability surveys
throughout government, and with the private sector as appropriate, while
working with the Security Policy community. It will engage government and
private sector entities to identify more clearly and completely what must
be protected.
? The Office will conduct and coordinate CI community outreach programs
in the government and private sector. It will serve as the national
coordination mechanism for issuing warnings of counterintelligence threats
to the national security.
? The Office will work with various government and private sector R&D
centers to explore technology needs and solutions for the CI community.
The Office will ensure that emerging technology and products and services
are used effectively.
In addition, the Office will develop policies for CI training and
professional development for CI investigators, operators, and analysts. It
will also develop and manage joint training exercises, and assess the need
for a National CI Training Academy. Also, the CI Executive and the Office
will have a Principal Legal Advisor who will ensure that all activities of
the Executive and the office comport with the law, Executive Orders and
Attorney General Guidelines. The Principal Legal Advisor will provide
advice and counsel to the Executive and the Office regarding national
security law issues. The Advisor will coordinate with the appropriate law
enforcement, intelligence and defense agencies? General Counsels and Legal
Advisors in providing legal advice, guidance and representation to the
Executive and the Office.
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