Roadless Area Conservation Project
January 5, 2001
Total area of National Forest System lands and total area of Inventoried
Roadless Areas within National Forest System lands by State and by National
All acreage figures are rounded to the nearest 1,000.
Total area of Inventoried
Total area of National Roadless Areas within
Forest System land 1 National Forest System lands 2
State (1,000 acres) (1,000 acres)
Alabama 665 13
Alaska 22,083 14,779
Arizona 11,255 1,174
Arkansas 2,586 95
California 20,698 4,416
Colorado 14,509 4,433
Florida 1,152 50
Georgia 866 63
Idaho 20,458 9,322
Illinois 293 11
Indiana 196 8
Kansas 108
Kentucky 800 3
Louisiana 604 7
Maine 53 6
Michigan 2,858 16
Minnesota 2,838 62
Mississippi 1,159 3
Missouri 1,493 25
Montana 16,893 6,397
Nebraska 352
Nevada 5,833 3,186
New Hampshire 728 235
New Mexico 9,327 1,597
New York 16
North Carolina 1,244 172
North Dakota 1,106 266
Ohio 230
Oklahoma 97 13
Oregon 15,658 1,965
Pennsylvania 513 25
Puerto Rico 28 24
South Carolina 613 8
South Dakota 2,012 80
Tennessee 698 85
Texas 755 4
Utah 8,179 4,013
Vermont 376 25
Virginia 1,660 394
Washington 9,214 2,015
West Virginia 1,033 202
Wisconsin 1,523 69
Wyoming 9,238 3,257
Total 192,300 58,518
For additional state breakdowns, go to
1 USDA Forest Service Land Areas Report September 1999, plus additional
254,000 acres for Land Between the Lakes National Recreation Area and Exxon
Valdez Oil Spill Acquisition. Acreages for National Forest System land and
do not include private inholdings.
2 Inventoried Roadless Areas are based on forest plans, forest plan
revisions in progress where the agency has established an inventory, or
other assessments that are completed or adopted by the agency. RARE II
information is used if a forest does not have a more recent inventory based
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