CEQ Internship Program

Internship Program

The Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) is responsible for advising the President and Vice President on national and international environmental policy matters and ensuring that federal agencies operate efficiently in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Detailed information about CEQ’s various roles and responsibilities can be found at our website at: www.whitehouse.gov/CEQ. Information on our internship program, including an application which can be downloaded, also can be found on the website.

THE PROGRAM: CEQ has a very competitive internship program. We receive approximately 75 applications per session from both undergraduate and graduate students from universities across the country. We typically accept only 12 students per session. CEQ’s limited number of staff, coupled with its important responsibility of advising the President and Vice President on environmental policy matters, makes our internship program critical to the success of our office. We have unpaid internship opportunities available year round and are currently seeking interns for the Spring, Summer, and Fall sessions.

The CEQ staff consists of our Acting Chairman, George T. Frampton, Jr., three Special Assistants, and fifteen Associate Directors who are responsible for various environmental policy areas including:

CEQ Internship Programs

CEQ Internship Program

CEQ Legal Internship Program

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