Washington Shorecrest High School, Seattle
"A letter to the future: We are Karen Mikolasy’s Senior Connections Class
from Shorecrest High School, Shoreline Washington, U.S.A. We submit this box to the White House Millennium Council in hopes that it will be placed in the time capsule as a representation of the past, present, and future of ourselves, our state, our country, and our planet. Our box and its contents are meant to be both insightful and humorous. It contains our individual hopes and dreams, as well as a collective collage poem, a modern Washington State timeline, and an object of enduring American symbolism; a Twinkie.
"Believe in our ideas by hearing our voices. Our wish is that our
country’s dreams may become a reality in time. Peace be to all who come
after us."
The Class of 2000
Shorecrest High School
Thoughts on Community
A Poem by Shorecrest High Class of 2000
Don’t Escape Love
Gratitude in Family
Wild Outrageous Laughter, Joy
Free, Recreation
Change our Community Viewpoints and Big Ideas
And Wishes.
Teach Life ,
Community Worth, Family, Safety, Control,
Our Community Air, Space, International Community Nature
Faster Transportation,
Technology, Internet!