Promising Practices - Government

American Indian Science Technology Education Consortium A consortium established in 1994 to create a model for moving American Indian students from elementary school to Ph.D. programs, and to provide resources for tribal colleges

Beaver Race Initiative Development Group Effort A Beaver Falls, PA program that brings people together to discuss race relations in their communities

Black History Tours A Dade County, FL-based activity that provides tours of African American historical sites

Bridging the Gap Project, Inc. An Atlanta, GA area project designed to improve the quality of life of Georgia's refugee and immigrant communities through crisis intervention, education and youth outreach

Community Building Task Force A Charlotte, NC task force that engages institutions and grassroots leaders in constructive interracial dialogue to build an inclusive community

Community Diversity Appreciation Teams The Columbia, Iowa-based program was founded in 1994 by the Iowa Civil Rights Commission to develop community-wide plans to fight discrimination and teach the value of diversity

Community Enhancement Program A Flint, MI program that uses public forums to engage members of the community in dialogues on race

Community-Based Fire Protection Program, Los Angeles Fire Department A Los Angeles Fire Department effort to promote community and involvement and better integrate itself into Los Angeles' socially and ethnically diverse communities through a variety of education and outreach projects

Cultural Sensitivity: Orientation for the New Juvenile Justice Professional Center for Juvenile Justice Training and Research, implemented a program to train juvenile justice probation officers to become more familiar with and sensitive to their clients' cultures

Democracy Resource Center The Lexington-based center began in 1990 under the auspices of the Kentucky Local Governance Project to encourage residents to take a greater interest and involvement in local government

Department of Defense Pilot Mentor-Prot�g� Program An Arlington, VA program that increases the participation of small disadvantaged businesses in the Department of Defense marketplace

Diversity and Unlearning Prejudice Program A Los, Angeles-CA based program created to train county employees to recognize the value of diversity in the workforce

Diversity and Racial Equity Summit Meetings and Roundtables Diversity and Racial Equity Roundtables in Eastern Iowa and Western Illinois which actively address issues focusing on the media, conflict resolution and education

Grow Your Own, Ohio Projects for a Diversified Teaching Force An Ohio Department of Education program to increase diversity in the teaching workforce by means of a long-term mentoring relationship with students who possess college potential through early exposure to the university environment

Human Relations Council, McHenry County The Illinois-based council began in October 1995 in response to the growing diversity of the county's population

Indian Education Office-Minnesota Department of Children, Families and Learning A St. Paul, MN office that provides citizens with accurate information about tribes in the state

Initiative on Race at the U.S. Department of Education A U.S. Department of Education Initiative which promotes honest and respectful communication among people of all races about issues of race in our workplace and in the larger society

Kentucky Commission On Human Rights - "A Conversation on Race" A Louisville, KY based effort to generate public discussion of race issues by conducting statewide live broadcasts of conversations on race. A 1-800 number allows citizens to call in after the shows with comments and ideas on concerning race

Leadership for Equity, Antiracism, Diversity, and Educational Reform A Los Angeles, CA program that supports teachers in promoting educational equity, justice, cultural inclusion and self-esteem

Leon County's Quality/Diversity Initiative A Tallahassee, FL-based initiative that teaches county employees effective management skills for working in an increasingly diversified workforce

Lt. Governor's Committee on Diversity The Dubuque-based committee provides information, resources and support to communities throughout the state of Iowa so they can combat prejudice and racism

Marathon County Diversity Management Education Program The Wisconsin-based program educates county government employees on the value of diversity

Maricopa Integrated Health System (MIHS) Customer Service and Cultural Diversity Program A Phoenix, AZ based program that educates health care providers to be aware of and sensitive to different cultural norms and mores

Mega Project Initiative, U.S. Department of Labor Mega Project increases the representation of minorities and women in the skilled trades by building partnerships among private industry, community organizations, labor groups, and government.

NASA Senior Executive Development Program The SES Candidate Development Program prepares qualified female and minority employees at the 14 and 15 grade levels for senior executive service to diversify NASA and ensure equal opportunities

Native American Intertribal Council An organization that provides Native Americans working at the Kennedy Space Center with an opportunity to share native heritage, further cultural exchange and foster personal growth through an exchange of heritage values with others

Oktibbeha County Race Relations Team A Starkville, MS program that identifies and develops strategies for getting people to understand cultural, ethnic and racial differences

Project Harmony A Volusia County, FL effort involving classroom training and weekend retreats, designed to cultivate student leaders in middle school and to promote ethnic harmony

Proyecto Access, NASA-HACU Proyecto Access prepares middle and high school Hispanic students for advanced studies and careers in mathematics, science and engineering.

Publicolor A New York-based nonprofit organization that works with young people, using painting as a way to increase their self-esteem and build camaraderie

Race Relations Dialogue Month A Bridgewater, NJ program that sponsored racial dialogues throughout April 1998

South Carolina Links The South Carolina-based organization is a coalition of four organizations that united to seek redress for crimes committed against racial and ethnic residents in South Carolina

Task Force on Police and Urban Youth, U.S. Department of Justice's Community Relations Service An U.S. Justice Department Community Relations Service (CRS) project to bring together police officials, youth advocacy agencies and academicians to address the considerable tension between police and minority youth throughout New England

Tribes Learning Community A program that encourages people in the school system to respect racially and ethnically diverse populations

Underground Railroad Education and Preservation Initiative Underground Railroad Education and Preservation Initiative, in Washington, D.C., coordinates nationwide education and preservation efforts relating to the Underground Railroad.

VA Minority Forum, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs A Department of Veterans Affairs program that allows employees to safely and honestly discuss issues of diversity in the workplace

Washington Interns for Native Students A program implemented through American University to provide Native American students with internships in various government agencies

We will try to keep the information timely and accurate and will correct errors brought to our attention. Inclusion of a program or activity does not constitute an endorsement of the program or organization.


Proyecto Access, NASA-HACU

Tribes Learning Community

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