This is historical material, "frozen in time."
The web site is no longer updated and links to external web sites and some internal pages will not work.
Outside firms have verified the conformance of the Credit Subsidy Calculator (CSC) with the applicable standards and have tested for
Y2K issues. Reports presenting the results of these efforts may be downloaded in PDF format.
If you wish to receive an email notification when new material becomes available, please fax your name,
email address, and phone number to (202) 395-7230, attn "credit updates."
The "basket-of-zeros" rates are in a data file named "rates.txt" that may be found in the same folder as
the CSC. Periodically, this rate file must be updated. Updates may be downloaded from
this web site. Update announcements will be sent by email to all who have sent in their email address to
the FAX number above.
The most recent similar maturity rates for completed fiscal years (1992-present) are included in the
rate file and may be viewed online.
Files saved in ".123" format may produce a "file may be damaged" message in error (reported on 12/13/99).
Description: Spreadsheet files that are saved in ".123" format and have a chart may produce the following message
"The spreadsheet file may be damaged or not in the format indicated by the extension." This message appears to result from
the presence of a chart in the spreadsheet file and does not mean that your file is damaged. If you receive the "file may be damaged"
message and do not have a chart in the file, please email a copy of the spreadsheet to with
any comments that might be helpful.
Solution: Avoid using charts if you save files in ".123" format. If you need to have a chart, please save
the file in "wk4" format. The presence of a chart in the file does not appear to cause problems when the file
is saved in "wk4" format.