Vice President and Sandra Thurman with Olivia Nantango

White House Events

The Vice President and Sandra Thurman with Olivia Nantango
The Vice President and Sandra Thurman with
Olivia Nantango from Lusaka, Zambia
at the announcement of the
Administration's new global AIDS initiative

Directory for ONAP White House Events

The President and First Lady view the AIDS quilt

The President and First Lady view the AIDS quilt

The President and Sandra Thurman meet with the Presidential Advisory Council

The President meets with members of the Presidential Advisory Council on HIV

First Lady with Dr. Scott Hitt

The President with Rep. Maxine Waters and Denise Stokes

The President at the 1998 World AIDS Day commemoration

The President with Amy Slemmer at the 1998 World AIDS Day commemoration

Comments by Amy Slemmer

The President with USAID Administrator Atwood

Vice President with UN Secretary General Kofi Annan

The President with Senators Harkin and Bumpers

The President with Senator and Mrs. Bumpers

The President with Senator Bumpers

Sandra Thurman and Todd Summers greet

Dedication of the New Dale and Betty Bumpers Vaccine Research Center

Vice President and Sandra Thurman with Olivia Nantango

Dedication of the new Dale and Betty Bumpers Vaccine Research Center

First Lady with Michael Glazer at an awards ceremony

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