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pcsd report
This draft is for review and comment only. No part of this version of the report should be cited or quoted.
Preamble | Table of Contents
The President’s Council on Sustainable Development (PCSD) is taking public comment and finalizing recommendations for its latest report to the President. A draft of this report is included below for your review. The Council will consider all comments received in the offices of the PCSD by Monday, February 8, 1999. Please submit written comments to: PCSD, Public Comments, 730 Jackson Place, NW, Washington, D.C. 20503, fax to: 202/408-6839, or email directly to
The Council’s current charter from the President is to forge consensus on policy, demonstrate implementation, get the word out about sustainable development, and evaluate progress. The Council is advising the President in four specific areas: 1) domestic policy options to reduce greenhouse gas emissions; 2) next steps in building the new environmental management system of the 21st century; 3) promoting multi-jurisdictional and community cooperation in metropolitan and rural areas; and 4) policies that foster the United States’ leadership role in sustainable development internationally. This report to the President will fulfill this charter and culminate work in all four areas. The Council is interested in hearing from the public on the following questions:
- How can the Council improve its proposed findings and recommendations in the areas of climate change, metropolitan and rural strategies for sustainable communities, environmental management, and international leadership?
- Are there any major omissions among the Council’s set of policy recommendations?
- How can the Council generally improve the report?
- How can the Council maximize exposure of the report and have it contribute to and influence active policy debates?
- How can the Council and the President use the report to engage the public and leaders from all sectors to promote sustainable development?
Table of Contents
Expanded Table of Contents
Executive Summary
Chapter 1 - Introduction
Chapter 2 - Climate Change
Chapter 3 - Environmental Management
Chapter 4 - Metropolitan and Rural Strategies
Chapter 5 - International
Chapter 6 - Appendices