President Clinton and Vice President Gore Won Historic Funding For Native Americans In the FY2001 Budget

President Clinton and Vice President Gore

Won Historic Funding

For Native Americans In the FY2001 Budget

January 2, 2001

Updated December 30, 2000 


To better serve Native American communities and to honor the federal government’s trust responsibility to tribes, the President and Vice President fought for a final FY 2001 budget that includes a total of $9.4 billion for key new and existing programs that assist Native Americans and Indian reservations. This total is an increase of $1.1 billion over Fiscal Year 2000 – the largest increase ever. This initiative brings together over a dozen agencies in order to address the needs of Native American communities comprehensively. Some of the highlights include: almost $300 million for Bureau of Indian Affairs school construction and repair; $256 million through the Department of Transportation for roads in Indian Country; and $2.6 billion for the Indian Health Service. Key components of the Native American initiative are:

Budget Initiatives for Native Americans:

Investing in Education and Training.


Fighting Crime in Indian Country. The President’s budget included key increases for law enforcement:

Providing Health Care and Promoting Safety. President Clinton and Vice President Gore are committed to providing health care to the Native American population. This budget moves forward on their vision to help realize this goal.

ü Providing Quality Health Care to Native Americans: The budget provides $2.6 billion, a 10 percent increase, for high-quality health care services on American Indian and Alaska Native reservations. This is the largest increase in history and it will fund:

· Clinical Services: The budget provides $1.77 billion, $138 million over last year, including funds to hire health care professionals to provide additional primary care services at IHS hospitals and clinics and to purchase additional basic and specialty health care services from local and community health care providers.

· Contract Support Costs: The budget provides $249 million for the Indian Health Service, $20 million over the FY 2000 enacted level, to support tribes as they assume responsibility for providing direct health care services.

· Indian Health Care Improvement Fund: Within Hospital and Clinics, the budget provides $30 million to address funding disparities by targeting increases to tribes most in need.

· Facilities: The budget provides $364 million, $47 million over FY 2000 enacted, to make much needed improvements to IHS' infrastructure for the delivery of health care services to patients.

· Alcohol and Substance Abuse: The budget provides $30 million -- $15 million for Alaska Natives and $15 million for American Indians in non-Alaska tribes – for drug and alcohol prevention and treatment services.

Providing Infrastructure for Native American Communities. President Clinton and Vice President Gore are providing solid investments to build infrastructure in Native American communities.

Empowering Communities and Moving People from Welfare to Work.

Revitalizing America’s Underserved Communities. The final budget includes the historic new bipartisan New Markets and Community Renewal initiative. This initiative resulted from the commitment President Clinton and Speaker Hastert made in Chicago last November to develop a bipartisan legislative initiative on New Markets and revitalizing impoverished communities this year. This initiative will help encourage private sector equity investment in underserved communities throughout the country to ensure that all Americans share in our nation’s economic prosperity. The President’s New Markets Initiative was originally proposed in President Clinton and Vice-President Gore’s FY 2000 budget. President Clinton has highlighted the potential of the nation’s New Markets in three separate trips across America to underserved inner city and rural communities like Newark, NJ, Hartford, CT, the Mississippi Delta, Appalachia, and rural Arkansas, and the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in S. Dakota. The key elements of the legislation are:

Protecting Sovereignty and Promoting Self-Determination.

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