The First Lady's Treasures Tour - Francis Scott Key Memorial

The First Lady continues her trip in Baltimore, Maryland, where she visits the Francis Scott Key memorial. The memorial is located at Eutaw Place in the Bolton Hill neighborhood about 15 minutes from downtown Baltimore. Commissioned by Charles and Theodore Marburg and created by French sculptor Jean Marius Antonin Mercie, the lower part of the monument is a circular pool with a boat in it. Seated in the boat is a sailor and Francis Scott Key with his right hand raised handing the manuscript of his poem to Columbia, the figure atop the structure which rises out of the pool.

Tour - Follow the First Lady

The First Lady's Treasures Tour - M'Clintock House

The First Lady's Treasures Tour - National Museum of American History

The First Lady's Treasures Tour - Francis Scott Key Memorial

The First Lady's Treasures Tour - Fort McHenry

The First Lady's Treasures Tour - Thomas Edison Invention Factory

The First Lady's Treasures Tour - Newburgh, New York

The First Lady's Treasures Tour - Edith Wharton's The Mount

The First Lady's Treasures Tour - Colonial Theater

The First Lady's Treasures Tour - Kate Mullany Home

The First Lady's Treasures Tour - Harriet Tubman's Home for the Aged

The First Lady's Treasures Tour - Ganondagan State Historic Site

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