"For every country engaged in trade, open markets dramatically widen the base of possible customers for our goods and services. We must press forward. Redoubling our efforts to tear down barriers to trade will spur growth in all our countries. It will create good jobs and boost incomes. It will bring new opportunities for our people. And it will advance the free flow of ideas, information and people that are the lifeblood of democracy and prosperity."

President Clinton
Geneva, Switzerland
May 19, 1998

The Clinton Administration has an unequaled record for opening foreign markets to U.S exports and expanding prosperity through free trade. This has contributed to the longest economic expansion in our history, with the U.S. economy growing from $7 trillion to over $10 trillion in real terms between 1993 and 2000. Employment in the United States rose from 119 million in 1993 to 135 million in January of 2000, while unemployment fell to 4.0 percent. During his two terms in office, President Clinton negotiated more than 300 trade agreements that helped open markets and create opportunity for Americans. These agreements include six that fundamentally transformed world trade: NAFTA, which cemented our strategic trade relationship with our immediate neighbors; the PNTR agreement, which will allow unprecedented access for American businesses to Chinese markets; the Uruguay Round, which created the World Trade Organization with a binding dispute settlement mechanism and extended its rules to new areas such as agriculture, services and intellectual property; and the three multilateral agreements of 1997 on information technology, financial services and basic telecommunications. By opening global markets to U.S. exports and expanding prosperity worldwide, President Clinton has ensured that the United States will keep pace with the rapidly expanding global economy and compete on equal terms with foreign competitors.


Opening China's Markets

Establishing the World Trade Organization

Boosting the U.S. Economy through NAFTA

Launching the Free Trade Areas of the Americas (FTAA)

Expanding Trade with Japan

Seizing New Opportunities in Africa

Strengthening Ties with the Caribbean Basin

Expanding Trade with Asia


"Testimony of Ambassador Charlene Barshefsky, USTR: Renewal of Normal Trade Relations with China," July 9, 1998.

"Joint U.S.-China Statement," October 29, 1997

"Statement of President Clinton to the 1998 WTO Ministerial Meeting, Geneva," May 19, 1998.

"1999 Trade Policy Agenda and 1998 Annual Report of the President of the United States on the Trade Agreements Program: United States Trade Representative," March 1999.

"Statement by the President on the passage of the African Growth and Opportunity Act," July 16, 1999.

"Fact sheet on the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation," September 12, 1999.

"Fact Sheets on China Permanent Normal Trade Relations," April 6, 2000.

"The WTO and U.S. Economic Growth," March 2, 2000.

"U.S. Membership in the WTO: Supporting American Workers, Farmers, Businesses, Economic Progress and Security," April 12, 2000.

"The U.S.-China WTO Accession Agreement: Effects on Trade Flows," March 30, 2000.

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