This is historical material, "frozen in time."
The web site is no longer updated and links to external web sites and some internal pages will not work.
NEW MAX A-11 Technical Requirements for FY2001 Budget (Fall 1999)
The following recommendations represent the minimum requirements for
the upcoming Budget Season:
Windows 95 or 98
Windows NT 4.0 or
Year 2000 Tested 486 Processor (minimum) Pentium
Processor (recommended)
12MB Free Hard Disk Space for New Installation
3.5" 1.44MB Floppy Disk or CD-ROM Drive
9600 baud (or better) Hayes compatible modem or an agency=s Internet capability
(Telnet to the Internet). Hayes compatible 28.8 modem or
better is recommended
Year 2000 Tested Pentium Processor
16MB RAM minimum - 32MB is Recommended
12MB Free Hard Disk Space for New Installation
3.5" 1.44MB Floppy Disk or CD-ROM Drive
9600 baud (or better) Hayes compatible modem or an agency=s Internet capability
(Telnet to the Internet). Hayes compatible 28.8 modem is
or better is recommended
About Y2K:
MAX A-11 is Y2K compliant. It is in the best interest of the user to
use a Y2K compliant machine. If you have question regarding the compliance of
your hardware/software, contact your in-house Technical support Staff.
About Getting the Software
The MAX A-11 Software for FY2001 will be available for download and
installation from the MAX A-11 Web Site at: /WH/EOP/OMB/MAX
The web site also contains general information on the status of the MAX
System, MAX A-11 Users Guide, hours of operations, who to call for help,
schedules, and other MAX documents. If you do not have access to the Internet
you can request a copy of the software on either CD or diskette.
About Your Password
Starting April 19th, 1999 all passwords for existing
userids have been changed. You will need to contact the EOP Help Desk at 202/
395-7370 for assistance.
About Faxing Reports via MAX A-11
The option to fax a MAX A-11 ordered report to your desktop is no
longer available as of this date. You can still email the report to yourself or
others and print it to a printer.