The Environment Division of OSTP addresses a wide range of issues that we have grouped into two major categories or clusters, climate change and environmental quality. Major topics in each area are as follows:
Climate Change
Environmental Quality
The authorizing legislation of the U. S. Global Change Research
Program (GCRP) directs the Program to undertake periodic assessments of the
consequences of global change for the U.S. In response to a 1997 request from
former Science Advisor Jack Gibbons the USGCRP initiated the first national
assessment of climate change to analyze and evaluate what is known about
the potential consequences of climate variability and change for the Nation in
the context of other pressures on the public, the environment, and the
Nations resources. The process has been designed to be
broadly inclusive, drawing on inputs from academia, government, the public and
private sectors, and interested citizens. Starting with broad public concerns
about the environment, the Assessment is exploring the degree to which existing
and future variations and changes in climate might affect issues that people
care about.
A National Assessment Synthesis Team (NAST) is responsible for the report, with sectoral and regional teams responsible for additional analyses. A Blue Ribbon Panel under the auspices of the PCAST Environment Panel (co-chaired by Peter Raven and Mario Molina) is providing oversight and guidance for the assessment process.
The Report has gone through one stage of technical review. The
report will undergo rigorous government review and will then be made available
for a 60-day public comment period on the Web as requested by Congress
(probably in April). The final step will be approval by the NSTC,
followed by publication in summer of 2000.
The USGCRP began as a Presidential Initiative, and was codified
by the Global Change Research Act of 1990. Twelve agencies participate.
The overall budget request for FY2001 is $1.74 billion, making the USGCRP the
largest civilian interagency research program under the auspices of the NSTC.
The programs fundamental purpose is to increase understanding of the Earth system, and of human and naturally induced changes in the Earths environment, and thus provide a sound scientific basis for national and international decision making on global change issues. During its first decade, the USGCRP has played a major role in demonstrating that climate change, ozone depletion, and other global-scale environmental changes were, in fact occurring, and that human activities were at least partially responsible for such changes. The focus of global change science is now shifting somewhat to include examination of the potential consequences of such change for managed and unmanaged ecosystems and human society.
One of the requirements of the Global Change Act is that the program creates and submits to Congress a long-term research plan. Such a plan was produced in 1990, but never updated. To assist with this task the USGCRP request commissioned a major National Research Council study of future research challenges. The NRC identified over 500 important questions across atmospheric chemistry, ecosystems science, social science, and other areas, and recommended that carbon cycle, water cycle, and climate change research receive special attention.
Over the next year, this very broad statement of scientific needs
must be transformed into a long-term research strategy.
This is an area of emphasis for the FY 2000 and FY 2001
budgets. US emissions of greenhouse gases could be partially offset by
increasing the amount of carbon dioxide removed from the atmosphere by
vegetation (crops and trees absorb carbon dioxide as they grow). Under the
terms of the Kyoto Protocol, parties would be allowed to count removals by some
classes of carbon sinks against their total emission reduction
targets. Enhancement of carbon sinks could thus provide environmental and
economic benefits to the U.S., but we need better information to guide decision
making and public and private investment.
The Administration initiated a carbon cycle science initiative
within the USGCRP in the FY2000 budget to help answer important questions about
the amount of carbon terrestrial sinks take up, how long such sinks will last,
and how sinks are best managed. Research advances on these questions will
provide information needed as a basis for sound policymaking, as well as
valuable information about potential management strategies to land and forest
managers in both the public and private sectors.
The Environment Division has worked with PCAST and the other
divisions of OSTP to write two major reports on energy in the last several
years, "Federal Energy Research and Development for the Challenges of the
Twenty-First Century", November 1997, and "Powerful Partnerships: The Federal
Role in International Cooperation on Energy Innovation", June 1999. The
November 1997 report laid the foundation for the President's $6 Billion
five-year Climate Change Technology Initiative; the June 1999 report is the
foundation for the President's $100M International Clean Energy Initiative
request for FY2001. In addition, the Environment division has worked with
the Technology division to develop the President's Biofuels and Bioproducts
Initiative, which is requesting an additional $93M for these activities in
Land and water use changes, resource exploitation, invasive
species, pollution and nutrient enrichment, and climate variability are all
stresses that, singly or in combination, produce adverse effects on the
Nations environmental resources. Science is increasingly called
upon to determine whether and how these stresses have impaired ecosystem
structure and function and to identify approaches to prevent further impact,
preserve and improve productivity and resiliency, and enhance recovery of
damaged ecosystems. The Integrated Science for Ecosystem Challenges
(ISEC) initiative is designed to help provide an improved science base to guide
decision-makers in these efforts by increasing funding for ecological
research. This initiative will:
· improve our understanding of the causes and consequences of
environmental stressors;
· intensify activities to understand the
importance and ecological role of biodiversity;
· increase the study
of ecosystem processes to improve our ability to predict responses to stresses,
detect loss of critical function, and evaluate options for restoration;
· make it possible to begin to apply 21st century information
technology to ecological data:
For FY 2001, increases of $91 million were requested for the ISEC
initiative, to be shared among 6 agencies (USDA, USGS, NOAA, NSF, EPA, and the
Smithsonian Institution). Each of these agencies has already made
substantial investments to establish base programs on the aspects of these
topics required by their missions.
In 1996, the Vice President requested OSTP to develop a
report card on the health of the Nations ecosystems by
2001. The OSTP Environment Division has been working with and supporting
the H. John Heinz III Center for Science, Economics and the Environment to
develop a recently released interim report, Designing a Report on the
State of the Nations Ecosystems as the first fruit of this effort.
The central idea behind the development of an ecosystem report card is to
develop a set of environmental indicators for characterizing the state of our
environment that parallel familiar economic indicators. These indicators, such
as the rates of unemployment and inflation, are accepted standards and are
relied upon by decision-makers in making economic choices. Similarly,
information on human health, such as longevity, infant mortality, and estimates
of death rates by category of disease, is used universally to gauge the status
of human welfare. However, no such measures exist for understanding the
status of ecosystems on which both economic and human health depends.
The Heinz Center is a non-profit institution dedicated to improving
environmental policy by fostering collaboration among industry, environmental
organizations, government and academia. The Center is undertaking this effort
with the support and collaboration of scientists and policy makers across the
full spectrum of public and private organizations and agencies. The
interim report produced thus far provides a basic framework for reporting
ecological condition and applies this framework to three broadly defined
ecosystems: croplands, coasts and oceans, and forests. In 2001, the
Center will complete the first full report on the status of the Nations
ecosystems, which will be expanded to address six major ecosystems. The
existing report on croplands, forests, and coasts and oceans will be revised
and updated, and new material on arid lands and rangelands, urban/suburban
areas, and freshwater systems will be added. It is hoped that the
complete report card will provide a scientifically credible,
nonpartisan tool for decision-makers and the public that effectively utilizes
the information already being gathered by government and non-government
To support the President's initiative to recover salmon in the
Pacific Northwest, we are preparing a report that compiles the findings of a
number of recent "state-of-science" reports on salmon. These findings are
being evaluated to determine gaps in the state of our knowledge gaps regarding
salmon and the ecosystems on which they depend. The Federal portfolio of salmon
research is also being assessed to determine its current composition.
Using the information on knowledge gaps and the portfolio determinations, we
hope to be able to identify new areas of research to improve our understanding
of recovery options and their potential effectiveness. We then hope to
convene stakeholder agencies at a spring meeting this year to secure an agency
consensus and craft changes in the science portfolio.
Hypoxia occurs when dissolved oxygen concentrations are below
those necessary to sustain most animal life. Since 1993, mid-summer
bottom-water hypoxia in the northern Gulf of Mexico has encompassed an area
greater than 4,000 square miles. In 1999, it was 8,000 square miles, about the
size of the state of New Jersey. The Harmful Algal Bloom and Hypoxia
Research and Control Act (HABHRCA) of 1998 calls for an integrated assessment
of causes and consequences of hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico. HABHRCA also
calls for a plan of action to reduce, mitigate, and control hypoxia. The
National Science and Technology Councils Committee on Environment and
Natural Resources developed .a draft integrated assessment which is about to
undergo final review by the NSTC Committee on Environment and Natural
Resources. The EPA Mississippi River/ Gulf of Mexico Watershed Nutrient
Task Force (MR/GM Task Force) will then use this assessment over the next year
to develop options for managing the problem. The Integrated Assessment
has already been somewhat controversial because its key finding that hypoxia in
the northern Gulf of Mexico is caused primarily by excess nitrogen delivered
from the Mississippi-Atchafalaya River Basin in combination with stratification
of Gulf waters. The major source of this excess nitrogen is runoff from
agricultural land in the Mississippi Basin. Agricultural groups are
concerned about what actions may be taken in the future to reduce runoff and
have expressed opposition to the Assessments initial conclusions.
The Environment Division, together with the Technology Division,
has been evaluating a possible Oceans research initiative for the FY 2002
budget that would focus on coastal biological resources, an area of research
that found new resonance following the International Year of the Ocean in
1998. Such an initiative would develop and execute a research agenda to
ensure that by 2010 we are using our ocean's biological resources sustainably
-- both ecologically and economically. Maggie Smith, our Stanford intern,
has synthesized an initial picture of priorities from reports by NSF, NRC,
NOAA, Office of Naval Research and CORE. Thus far, there is broad
agreement among the groups for increasing ecosystem level research, but a lack
of suggested mechanisms to accomplish these goals. Preliminary
conversations with NOAA and ONR suggest that NOPP, (the National Ocean
Partnership Program), would be willing to develop an R&D agenda for the
sustainable use of the oceans biological resources in the next six
months. Such an agenda could right the historical imbalance that now
tilts in favor of deep-water ocean research and physical oceanography at the
expense of coastal and biological research.
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