PCAST Members: John A.Young (Co-Chair); Neal Lane (Co-Chair);John Deutch; Murray Gell-Mann; David Hamburg; John P. Holdren; Diana MacArthur;Shirley M. Malcom; Mario J. Molina; Judith Rodin; Charles M.Vest; VirginiaV. Weldon; Lillian Shiao-Yen Wu.
Staff: Arthur Bienenstock; Rosina Bierbaum; Kerri-Ann Jones; DuncanMoore;
Joan P. Porter
Public Attendance: Approximately 70 members of the public, includingthe press, were present.
Welcome and Introductions
John Young and Neal Lane, PCAST Co-Chairs, opened the meeting at 1:40PM November 19.
Reports of the PCAST Panels and Office of Science and Technology PolicyDivisions
Reports were given by David Hamburg, Panel Chair, Education Panel; PeterRaven, Panel Chair, Environment and Natural Resources Panel, Norman Augustine,Panel Chair, National Security Panel. Members commented and askedquestions about the ongoing panel work.
Neal Lane made several remarks about the activities of the Office ofScience and Technology Policy (OSTP) and information technology coordinationstrategy.
Rosina Bierbaum, OSTP Associate Director for Environment, and DuncanMoore, OSTP Associate Director for Technology gave brief reports on activitiesin their divisions.
Going Global: Implications for S&T in the 21st Century
John Yochelson, President, Council on Competitiveness, reported on mainthemes and recommendations in the report Going Global. Debra vanOpstal, Vice President, Council Staff, accompanied him. Members engagedin discussion with Mr. Yochelson and Dr. van Opstal. Mr. Yochelson'stalking points are part of the written record of the meeting.
Preparing for the S&T Budget in the 21st Century
Jack Lew, Director of Management and Budget (OMB), discussed with PCASTthe budget picture for the next year and the FY2000 budget. ElgieHolstein, Associate Director for Natural Resources, Energy, and Science,OMB, accompanied
Mr. Lew. Members and Mr. Lew engaged in dialogue about the budget.
Additional Reports from OSTP
Kerri-Ann Jones, OSTP Associate Director for National Security and InternationalAffairs, and Arthur Bienenstock, OSTP Associate Director for Science, nextgave reports on activities in their divisions.
Public Comment
Robert L. Stern, S & E Associates, Washington, DC, provided publiccomments.
Neal Lane adjourned the meeting at 3:50 PM
Minutes submitted by:
Joan P. Porter
Executive Secretary
Presidential Committee of Advisors on Science and Technology
Neal Lane
Co-Chair, President’s Committee of Advisors on Science and Technology
John A. Young
Co-Chair, President’s Committee of Advisors on Science and Technology
Twelvth Plenary Session March 1998
Fourteenth Plenary Session September 1998
Fifteenth Plenary Session November 1998
Plenary Session Monday, February 22, 1999
Sixteenth Session February 22, 1999
Plenary Session on Monday, May 24th, 1999
Seventeenth Session May 24/25 1999 Minutes
Plenary Session on December 10th, 1999
Eighteenth Session December 10, 1999 Minutes
PCAST Plenary Session on February 17th, 2000
PCAST plenary session on, Sept. 16th, 1999
Nineteenth Session February 17, 2000 Minutes
PCAST plenary session on May 18th, 2000
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