American scientists and engineers are playing a vital role in addressing some of the most pressing global problems that, in the long run, can represent a threat to the United States: environmental degradation, new and re-emerging diseases, rapid population growth, and food scarcity. International engagement also allows American scientists and engineers to become familiar with foreign technology, and to help establish the basis for the export of American technology-based products and services.
Participation in international collaborative projects, particularly in technologies with defense and economic applications, requires careful analysis, planning and interagency coordination. On one hand, higher levels of international cooperation support continuing U.S. leadership in S&T. On the other hand, this cooperation must serve the national interest: the advancement of U.S. economic competitiveness, global stability, sustainable development and other elements of national security.
The Committee on International Science, Engineering and Technology (CISET) addresses international scientific cooperation as it relates to foreign policy and the nation’s research and development agenda. The main function of CISET is to develop, on an interagency basis, policies for furthering international S&T cooperation in the national interest. CISET activities are directed towards three broad, complementary goals:
These goals reflect CISET’s commitment to the Principles and Priorities defined by the Memorandum on FY96 Research and Development Priorities, issued by John Gibbons and Leon Panetta on May 6, 1994. The Gibbons/Panetta Memorandum lists the following Principles that are particularly relevant to CISET:
CISET’s work incorporates the six Priorities defined in the Memorandum:
CISET members represent twenty two federal agencies and departments that conduct, or are affected by, federally-funded R&D programs. Three subcommittees have been formed to address budget priorities, obstacles and opportunities in international collaborations, and global issues. Most of the work of the Committee is done in working group meetings that are open to all member agencies, and aim to produce consensus results. Any CISET member organization can raise issues for Committee consideration, subject to the agreement of the Co-chairs. If a high-level policy decision is required, or if interagency consensus cannot be reached within CISET, any issue can be elevated for consideration by the NSTC. In accord with the principles of the NSTC, working groups can call upon the expertise of individuals and organizations from outside the government. To maximize its outreach to the non-government community, CISET will, under the leadership of OSTP, sponsor a public Forum on International S&T in early 1995.
In pursuing the three goals defined in the previous section, CISET’s concrete task is to identify or design the most effective forms of cooperation in the increasingly global context of U.S. science and technology efforts. International cooperation is of increasing importance due to:
It is important to pursue international collaborative efforts in such a way that American scientists,
scientific institutions and, in the long run, the American people, are the beneficiaries of bilateral
and multilateral cooperation in science. For example, sharing the costs of building and operating
new research facilities may increase the scientific “purchasing power” of federal R&D dollars.
New and existing cooperative arrangements with developing countries can be of particular value
in selected areas of S&T. Projects that are specifically devoted to building scientific capacity in
these countries can benefit the U.S. if they result in overall progress in vital areas such as tracking
new infectious diseases, reducing the risk of nuclear proliferation, preserving biodiversity,
developing new food crops, or promoting economic growth and international trade.
International Science, Engineering & Technology - Table of Contents
II. Strategic Plan
III. Implementation Plan - continued
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