Critical Infrastructure Protection
Working with the National Science and Technology Council, we are striving to ensure that Federal research and development for critical infrastructure protection is fully coordinated and focused on identified technological needs. We are working with other agencies to ensure that policies considered to strengthen the operational continuity of U.S. critical infrastructures are fully consistent with S&T realities, in terms of threats and opportunities. Recognizing the essential roles that the private sector and academia will play in critical infrastructure protection R&D, we fully support and encourage the development of an R&D partnership among the government, private sector, and academia.
Nuclear Arms Control:
CTBT,START III, and Beyond
long-term objective is to continue the nuclear reduction process by negotiating
and implementing continuing reductions in nuclear materials, weapons, testing,
and delivery systems. This would fulfill the commitments the U.S. made in
the Non-proliferation Treaty (NPT) and the NPT Review and Extension
Conference. We are working with other agencies to ensure that U.S.
preparations for STARTIII are aware of the scientific and technical
implications of specific arms reduction proposals. One particular focus
is the March 1997 U.S.-Russia pledge in Helsinki to seek agreements to
dismantle actual warheads as well as delivery vehicles. We are also
working to help establish the groundwork for the eventual ratification of the
Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty by the United States.
Ballistic Missile Defense
Our long term objectives are to
work with other agencies and provide the requisite scientific and technical
input to ensure that the President's plans for national and theater missile
defense are funded by Congress and implemented, and his efforts to clarify and
preserve the ABM Treaty are successfully completed.
Counterterrorism R&D
Our long-term objective is to ensure
that U.S. government scientific and technical activities to support
counterterrorism are conducted efficiently (no unnecessary duplication) and
effectively(no important gaps), that they address the most important terrorist
threats, and that appropriate solutions (technical and otherwise) are deployed
to prevent, detect, mitigate against, respond to, and/or recover from terrorist
attack. We are paying particular attention to possible terrorist use of weapons
of mass destruction, such as chemical and biological weapons.
Humanitarian Demining
Our long-term objective is to ensure
thatU.S. Government conducts a coordinated program of technology developmentfor
humanitarian demining in support of the President's anti-personnellandmine
policy, which directs that improved technologies for detectingand clearing
antipersonnel landmines be developed and shared internationally.We are also
working to support the Global Humanitarian Demining 2010 Initiative,under which
the threat posed by landmines in the ground to civil populationsis to be
eliminated by the year 2010. Improvements in demining technologyand better
international coordination among national demining R&D programswill be
required to reach this ambitious goal.
International Technology Transfer
The goal of this activity
is to strengthen effectiveness and consistency of U.S. Government policies that
deal with the international transfer of technologies developed with the
assistance of public funds, particularly with respect to concerns over national
and economic security
Emerging Infectious Diseases(EID)
In response to the increasing
threatsto the health of the U.S. and the global community from emerging
infectious diseases, the Administration released a Presidential Decision
Directive in June 1996, to developed a global surveillance and response
network; enhance research; strengthen international collaboration; and raise
public awareness. The PDD created a Task Force, co-chaired by OSTP and CDC,
which is charged with implementing the President's policy and ensuring that
EIDs continue to receive priority in the Federal agencies, and that non-Federal
entities are widely brought into the process.
Improving International Partnerships in Science and
A fundamental goal of NSIA is to strengthen international
science cooperation in support of our science and technology and foreign policy
goals. The Division is taking specific steps to improve science cooperation in
both multilateral organizations and bilateral relationships in order to promote
leading edge scientific research that serves common interests and goals.
Multilateral arenas through which Administration goals are pursued include the
OECD (particularly the Megascience Forum), theG8, Asia Pacific Economic
Cooperation (APEC) forum, and the Summit of Americas. Priority bilateral areas
of activity include work with Russia, China, Japan,the European Union, South
Africa, Ukraine, and Egypt. In addition, priority is placed on reducing
barriers to effective cooperation, including:
* reducing administrative barriers to cooperation (e.g. taxes, visas,
immigration, customs, and other restrictionson the importation of science
* maintaining open access to international scientific research
facilities (supporting the U.S. policy of providing open access to
international facilities, based on merit)
* strengthening international
coordination in planning large science projects and programs (e.g., OECD
Megascience Forum technical working groups, emerging infectious diseases,
endocrine disruptors, etc.)
Fissile Materials Disposition
Our objectives are to help
orchestrate an international effort to achieve the disposition of Russian
excess weapons-grade plutonium; provide overall technical and management
oversight of bilateral U.S.-Russia scientific and technical cooperation in this
area; facilitate reaching a domestic consensus on and implementation of a
strategy for thedisposition of U.S. excess weapons-grade plutonium; and monitor
implementation of the HEU purchase agreement and the blend-down of U.S. HEU to
assure continued success. To achieve these goals, NSIA co-chairs, with the NSC,
the Interagency Working Group on Plutonium Disposition and co-chairs the Joint
U.S.-Russian Steering Committee on Plutonium Disposition. We are also working
with the independent Holdren-Velikhov Commission.
Proliferation and Threat Reduction Programs
In response to
the threat posed by thecollapse of the former Soviet Unions weapons of
mass destruction (WMD)infrastructure, the United States initiated a series of
threat reductionprograms. The goal of these programs is to help Russia
limit thepotential proliferation of scientists and information to would-be
proliferantstatesthe so-called brain drainand to secure
and destroy Russias weaponsof mass destruction and weapons
materials. The International Scienceand Technology Center (ISTC), Science
and Technology Center in Ukraine(STCU), Initiatives for Proliferation
Prevention (IPP), and Nuclear CitiesInitiative (NCI) seek to provide
opportunities for former WMD researchersto redirect their talents to peaceful
projects, while remaining gainfullyemployed at their original institutes.
The Cooperative Threat ReductionPrograms mission is to provide assistance
to Russia in order to dismantleor secure its weapons of mass destruction and
weapons materials, therebyreducing the threat of proliferation.
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