The SciTech Education Program at the University of Maryland Biotechnology Institute, (UMBI) Center of Marine Biotechnology (COMB) offers each year more than 9,000 students and teachers from local school systems unique "hands-on" experiences in marine science and biotechnology.
The Virtual University Education (VIRTUE) Program has established an international network for scientific collaboration among Maryland, Göteborg, and Bergen local schools. In the ongoing international Aquatic Ecosystem Biodiversity Project (AEBP), and in conjunction with SciTech, students are taking biofouling samples from plates placed in the Chesapeake Bay, Baltic Sea, and Norwegian fjords respectively and jointly analyzing the results via video conferencing and interactive web sites.
Global Science and Technology Week - May 7-13, 2000
Examples of International Scientific Collaboration
Teachers and students working in COMB's SciTech Center
Letter from Dr. Neal Lane, Issues in Global Education
A Message to the American Forum for Global Education
A Message to the National Science Teachers Association
Proclamation: Global Science and Technology Week, 2000
Building International Science & Technology Workforce Partnerships
Examples of International Scientific Collaboration
Global Science & Technology Week
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