Prd - 4 Task Force Members
Department of Agriculture

Eileen Kennedy
Deputy Under Secretary for Research, Education and Economics

Department of Energy

Martha Krebs
Director, Office of Science

Department of Defense

Delores Etter
Deputy Under Secretary for Science and Technology

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Dan GoldinAdministrator

National Institutes of Health

Harold Varmus

National Science Foundation

Rita ColwellDirector

Office of Science and Technology Policy

Arthur Bienenstock, Task Force Chair
Associate Director for Science

Office of Management and Budget

Elgie Holstein
Associate Director for Natural Resources, Energy, and Science

Norwood (Woody) J. Jackson, Jr.
Deputy Controller, Office of Federal Financial Management


Prd - 4 Task Force Members

Prd - 4 Working Group Members

Appendix 1

Appendix 2

Appendix 3

Appendix 4

Appendix B

Appendix C

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