Highlighting the Imprtance of School Accountability and Investment


Wednesday, May 3, 2000


"The answer to excellence for all our children is not to take money away from our schools through vouchers, but to combine money with high standards, accountability, and the tools teachers, children and parents need to succeed. I think turning around low-performance schools is one of the great challenges this country faces in the 21st century."

President Bill Clinton
Wednesday, May 3, 2000

Today, President Clinton kicked off his four-state School Reform Tour to highlight the importance of accountability and investment in our nation's schools. The President visited Audubon Elementary School in Owensboro, Kentucky, a high-poverty, low-performing school which turned itself around to become one of the top-performing schools in the state. The President praised the State of Kentucky for its leadership on reform and accountability, announced a new Executive Order directing the Department of Education to help states turn around failing schools, and urged Congress to pass legislation that will hold all states accountable for turning around failing schools. The President also visited Central High School in Davenport, Iowa, an outdated school currently undergoing renovation, to draw attention to the urgent national need for school construction and modernization.

Turning Around Failing Schools. President Clinton visited Audubon Elementary School to illustrate how high standards, real accountability, and investment can raise student achievement and turn around failing schools. At Audubon, the President:

Modernizing America's Schools. President Clinton visited Central High School to draw national attention to the urgent need to modernize America's aging and overcrowded schools. Built in 1907, Central High School is finally undergoing renovation to upgrade and enlarge its facilities. The President emphasized that the average public school in America is 42 years old – an age when rapid deterioration begins – and rising student enrollment will require an additional 2,400 schools by 2003. At Central High, the President:

An Unprecedented Commitment to Education. President Clinton and Vice President Gore have made accountability and investment in proven strategies the core of their education reform agenda. Since taking office, the President and Vice President have nearly doubled the federal investment in elementary and secondary education while dramatically increasing accountability. Throughout the School Reform Tour, the President will call on Congress to pass an education budget and an education accountability bill that invest more in our nation's schools and demand more from them.

May 2000

May 31, 2000

May 25, 2000

May 23, 2000

May 23, 2000

May 18, 2000

May 16, 2000

May 15, 2000

May 12, 2000

May 11, 2000

May 4, 2000

May 3, 2000

May 2, 2000

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