May 20, 1999


“We need to stay focused and patient in pursuit of our simple objective, to defend the right of a people to exist on their land without being subject to mass expulsion and mass murder.”

President Bill Clinton
May 20, 1999

Today, at the White House, President Clinton urged the Senate to approve supplemental funding to continue the air campaign, maintain military readiness and support humanitarian efforts in Kosovo. The President cited new evidence of Serb atrocities and pledged to continue the air campaign until NATO’s conditions are met.

Urging Approval for Supplemental Funding. The President said that our efforts in Kosovo were strengthened by the vote in the House of Representatives to approve his request for supplemental funding. He urged the Senate to approve the measure without delay, in order to:

New Evidence of Atrocities. President Clinton spoke of new evidence of atrocities committed against Kosovars, including some of the first photographic proof of massacres of unarmed people. According to refugee reports, Serbs continue to use ethnic Albanians as human shields to protect military convoys from airstrikes. Other reports of Serb activity in Kosovo include:

Restating the Conditions for Peace. The President restated NATO’s demands for an end to the air campaign:

The President is committed to achieving a durable peace in the Balkans that meets these conditions, and NATO is determined to persist in the military campaign until it achieves these goals. He referred to reports of desertions in the Serbian Army, dissension in Belgrade, and unrest in Serbian communities as evidence that the campaign is working.

May 1999

May 31, 1999

May 21, 1999

May 24, 1999

May 18, 1999

May 25, 1999

May 26, 1999

May 5, 1999

May 27, 1999

May 6, 1999

May 8, 1999

May 12, 1999

May 10, 1999

May 13, 1999

May 28, 1999

May 19, 1999

May 11, 1999

May 14, 1999

May 20, 1999

May 15, 1999

May 17, 1999

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