October 12, 1999: Working to Increase Enrollment of Uninsured Children


"We know when a child can't see a blackboard clearly or hear the teacher precisely or pay attention to anything other than his or her own pained breathing, they aren't going to be able to learn. CHIP and Medicaid can change all that for millions of people."

President Bill Clinton
Tuesday, October 12, 1999

Today, in an address to the American Academy of Pediatrics in Washington, DC., President Clinton unveiled a series of new actions to enroll millions of uninsured children who are eligible for Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP). The President also challenged Congress to pass critical health care initiatives, including a strong, enforceable patients' bill of rights and the Work Incentives Improvement Act. He criticized the Republican leadership for rejecting proposals which would help prevent youth smoking and increase funding for childhood immunization, children's health insurance outreach, medical education at children's hospitals, and the health care safety net of public hospitals and clinics.

Taking Action to Insure Children. President Clinton announced new federal efforts to identify and enroll the millions of uninsured children who are eligible for Medicaid and CHIP. These efforts include:

Urging Congress to Protect Children's Health. President Clinton called on Congress to pass a strong, enforceable patients' bill of rights and the Jeffords-Kennedy-Roth-Moynihan Work Incentives Improvement Act. The President criticized the Republican leadership for falling short on critical children's health issues, including:

October 1999

October 20, 1999

October 15, 1999

October 21, 1999

October 28, 1999

October 22, 1999

October 29, 1999

October 25, 1999

October 27, 1999

October 1, 1999

October 12, 1999

October 13, 1999

October 19, 1999

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