Officer Hemsley began as a White House Messenger, delivering important documents during the Nixon Administration, a job he held until President Reagan's Administration. Although he was not a part of the Secret Service at the time, Officer Hemsley was able to meet many Secret Service agents, which sparked an interest that turned into a career change in 1985, when he joined the Secret Service as a Patrol Duty Officer. His duties included making sure the Executive buildings were secure, monitoring visitors who came to the White House, and conducting tours of the White House for special visitors -- a job he particularly enjoyed.
Today, Officer Hemsley is the Physical Fitness Coordinator for the White House Branch of the Uniformed Division. His duties include overseeing the Secret Service gym, making sure that the equipment is working properly, designing physical fitness programs for officers, and administering fitness tests. Twice each year, uniformed officers must undergo physical fitness tests. They are tested in five areas: push-ups, sit-ups, pull-ups, 1-1/2 mile run, and the sit-and-reach flexibility test. If an officer does not pass these strenuous tests, Officer Hemsley will design a training program to help the officer meet his or her goals.
Officer Hemsley is also part of the Presidential Advance Team. The Advance Team begins preparations for a Presidential visit prior to the President's arrival. Along with other representatives from the White House, the Advance Team secures all areas the President plans to visit, sets up metal detectors to screen visitors who will attend an event, plans travel routes for the Presidential motorcade, and transports necessary equipment and vehicles. The Advance Team then stays until the President completes his trip.
Officer Hemsley enjoys his job tremendously. Throughout his career in the Secret Service, he has traveled around the world and met many famous individuals, but he especially enjoys meeting and visiting with young people who come to see the White House. Maybe one day you will have a chance to meet Officer Hemsley at the White House!
The U.S Secret Service in History
Meet Uniformed Officer Hemsley
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