Office of the Press Secretary
Statement by the Press Secretary The President wishes to express his special gratitude to Professor Chang Lin Tien, who begins his service today on the National Science Board. Professor Tien and other Board members help sustain American leadership across the frontiers of scientific knowledge. Professor Tiens rich background, as a world-class engineer and as the former Chancellor of the University of California at Berkeley, provides him with a unique understanding of the important links between science and technology, and education and society. "Asian Pacific American scientists and engineers have long made major contributions to our country, to our national security, and to our unmatched scientific enterprise," the President said. "That is why it is intolerable that the patriotism of Asian Pacific American scientists be questioned in the wake of recent allegations of espionage at one of our national laboratories. Security matters are of the highest priority in my Administration, but history has shown the damage to the lives of our citizens and to our society that results from the destructive grip of prejudice, suspicion and discrimination. Racism and stereotyping have no place in our One America in the 21st century." In answering the call to public service, Professor Tien carries on the principles and cherished traditions of Asian Pacific Americans who have helped build and strengthen our nation with diligence and determination. |
Asian Pacific American Heritage - Issues
Hate Crimes and Naming of the Joseph Ileto Federal Post Office
Science Board Member Chang-Lin Tien and Contributions of Chinse American Scientists
Vice President Proposes Internment Camp Preservation Initiative
Vice President’s Statement on Confirmation of Bill Lann Lee
President Signs Foster Care Bill, Includes Benefits for Filipino Veterans
White House Initiative on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders
Statement by the President - October 25, 1999
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