Statement by the President: Payments to Victims of Nazi Slave and Forced Labor (7/17/00)
                              THE WHITE HOUSE

                       Office of the Press Secretary
                          (Camp David, Maryland)

For Immediate Release                                     July 17, 2000

                        STATEMENT BY THE PRESIDENT

     In Berlin today, the German government and German companies signed an
agreement that will lead to payments to victims of Nazi slave and forced
labor. This important and generous act will bring comfort and some measure
of justice to surviving victims of the Nazi era. It is a fitting capstone
to the 20th century, and a cornerstone for a 21st century of peace and
tolerance.  I welcome the signing of this historic agreement, and commend
the German government and companies for their responsibility and courage. I
also applaud Chancellor Schroeder, Deputy Treasury Secretary Eizenstat and
German negotiator Lambsdorff for their leadership and perseverance in
bringing us to this point.


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