STATEMENT BY THE PRESIDENT: Appointment of Zell Miller Bcc:
                              THE WHITE HOUSE

                       Office of the Press Secretary
                          (Camp David, Maryland)

For Immediate Release                                     July 24, 2000

                         STAMENT BY THE PRESIDENT

     Georgia Governor Roy Barnes has exercised great wisdom in selecting
former Governor Zell Miller to fill the Senate seat of the late Paul
Coverdell.  Zell Miller will continue to demonstrate the same devotion to
the citizens of Georgia and our nation that was the hallmark of Senator
Coverdell?s Senate career.  Having established himself as one of the
greatest governors in Georgia history, Zell returned to his first love,
teaching college.  He now comes to Washington out of a profound sense of
duty to his nation and the people of his state.

     His commitment and accomplishments in education have rightly earned
him the title,  "the education governor."  I was so impressed with the HOPE
Scholarships he began in Georgia that I took the program national, giving
millions of young people the opportunity to pursue their dream of a college
education.  Zell Miller has also been a leader in the areas of economic
development, crime prevention, and social justice.  In every job he has
ever held - as a U.S. Marine, college professor, lieutenant governor and
governor - Zell Miller has put the interest of hard working families first.
I believe he will be a great United States Senator, and I look forward to
working with him.


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