Message from the President to Congress (7/27/2000)
                              THE WHITE HOUSE

                       Office of the Press Secretary

For Immediate Release                            July 27, 2000


     As required by the Levin Amendment to the 1998 Supplemental
Appropriations and Rescissions Act (section 7 of Public Law 105-174) and
section 1203 of the Strom Thurmond National Defense Authorization Act for
Fiscal Year 1999 (Public Law 105-261), I transmit herewith a report on
progress made toward achieving benchmarks for a sustainable peace process.

     In April 2000, I sent the third semiannual report to the Congress
under Public Law 105-174, detailing progress towards achieving the ten
benchmarks adopted by the Peace Implementation Council and the North
Atlantic Council for evaluating implementation of the Dayton Accords.  This
report provides an updated assessment of progress on the benchmarks,
covering the period January 1 though June 30, 2000.

     In addition to the semiannual reporting requirements of Public Law
105-174, this report fulfills the requirements of section 1203 in
connection with my Administration's request for funds for FY 2001.

                                   WILLIAM J. CLINTON

    July 27, 2000.

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