THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary _______________________________________________________________ For Immediate Release July 27, 2000 REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENT IN RADIO ACTUALITY Today, my Administration is proposing a comprehensive strategy to bring back the wild salmon of the Pacific Northwest. We'll pursue a practical course that will help both the economy and the environment. Congress must also do its part by fully funding my salmon restoration budget. And the people of the Pacific Northwest must be prepared to take the necessary steps. Only in partnership with state and tribal governments and other stakeholders can we restore the salmon without resorting to costlier measures. I welcome the recommendations of the region's governors, and look forward to working together to ensure our success. For more information on this topic, please refer to the National Marine Fisheries Service's Website at Sound of the President is available on the White House Radio Actuality Line at (202) 456-5671. # # #
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