THE WHITE HOUSE Office of The Press Secretary (Louisville, Kentucky) ________________________________________________________________________ For Immediate Release October 31, 2000 PRESIDENT CLINTON NAMES DARREL BIGHAM TO THE ABRAHAM LINCOLN BICENTENNIAL COMMISSION The President announced today his intention to appoint Darrel E. Bigham to the Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial Commission. Dr. Darrel E. Bigham, of Evansville, Indiana, is Professor of History at the University of Southern Indiana. Additionally, he is Director of Historic Southern Indiana, a heritage-based regional outreach program supported by the University. Dr. Bigham is active in a number of historical associations and is Immediate Past President of the Indiana Association of Historians, is the Indiana Coordinator of the National Council for History Education, and is a member of the Organization of American Historians and the National Trust for Historic Preservation. He is also a widely published author, and his books include Images of America: Southern Indiana, We Ask Only a Fair Trial: A History of the Black Community of Evansville, Indiana, Towns and Villages of the Lower Ohio and Reflections on a Heritage: The German Americans in Southwestern Indiana. The Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial Commission was enacted by Congress and signed into law by the President for the purpose of studying activities that may be carried out by the Federal Government to honor Abraham Lincoln on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of his birth in 2009. 30-30-30
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