THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary _______________________________________________________________________ For Immediate Release October 12, 2000 PRESIDENT CLINTON NAMES JAMES LYNWOOD YOUNGER, JR. AS UNITED STATES MARSHAL FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF VIRGINIA The President today announced his intent to nominate James Lynwood Younger, Jr. to serve as the United States Marshal for the Eastern District of Virginia. Mr. James Lynwood Younger, Jr., of Arlington,Virginia, has served with the Arlington County Police Department since 1969 and is currently the Deputy Chief of Police. He also has been a part-time Attorney-at-Law in Washington, D.C. Previously, Mr. Younger served as Distribution Clerk of the U.S. Postal Service. Mr. Younger received B.S. and M. Ed. degrees from American University, a M.A. degree in Forensic Science from Antioch School of Law and a J.D. degree from George Mason University. The United States Marshals Service is responsible for providing support and protection for the federal courts, apprehending federal fugitives, operating the Federal Witness Security program, maintaining custody of and transporting Federal prisoners, and responding to emergency crisis situations. 30-30-30
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