Statement by the President: Combating domestic violoence and trafficking in humans (10/6/00)
                              THE WHITE HOUSE

                       Office of the Press Secretary

For Immediate Release                                            October 6,

                        STATEMENT BY THE PRESIDENT

     I applaud the House of Representatives for passing vital legislation
today to combat trafficking in humans and strengthen and reauthorize the
Violence Against Women Act (VAWA).  The Trafficking Victims Protection Act
will provide important new tools in the campaign to combat trafficking, a
modern form of slavery and an insidious human rights abuse.  VAWA, which
expired on September 30, has significantly improved the lives of thousands
of women who are victims of domestic violence, and has assisted state,
local, and tribal law enforcement to combat domestic violence and sexual
assault.  It is imperative that this law be reauthorized this year, and I
urge the Senate to pass this legislation without delay.


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