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OMB Bulletin No. 98-01

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October 29, 1997

BULLETIN NO. 98-01, Supplement No. 1


SUBJECT: Apportionment Under Continuing Resolutions for Fiscal Year 1998

1. Purpose. This Supplement provides instructions on apportionment of amounts provided by continuing resolutions (CR) for FY 1998.

2. Background. The second CR (H.J.RES. 97) extended the first CR (P-L. 105-46) through November 7, 1998.

3. Automatic Apportionment. This Supplement supersedes previous apportionments (made automatically or in writing) of amounts provided by the first CR.

The amounts automatically apportioned by this Supplement are available through the period ending November 7, 1997, and are calculated by multiplying the rate provided by the CR by 10.4 %. For the rate provided, use the rate for operations not exceeding tire current rate for the project or activity, except if:

(a) The President's Budget request, the amount as passed by the House (if any), and the Senate (if any) are less than the amount for current operations. Use the rate for operations not exceeding the greater of the rates that would be provided by the budget request the amount as passed the House, or the amount as passed the Senate for the account.

(b) Zero-funded by the House and/or Senate but the project or activity was conducted in FY 1997 and there is an FY 1998 budget request. Use the rate for operations not exceeding the lesser of the rates that would be provided by the budget request or the rate for current operations for the account.

4. Written Apportionment. A written apportionment is required if an amount different from the total amount automatically apportioned by this Supplement is needed.

Franklin D. Raines

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