April 27, 2000
Sylvia M. Mathews Deputy Director |
Year 2000 Inventory of Commercial Activities |
- The "Federal Activities Inventory Reform Act of 1998," P.L.105-270
(the FAIR Act), requires Federal agencies to prepare and submit to OMB, by June
30 th of each year, inventories of their commercial activities
performed by Federal employees. OMB is required to review each agency's
inventory and consult with the agency regarding its content. Upon completion of
this review and consultation, the Agency Head must transmit a copy of the
inventory to the Congress and make it available to the public. The FAIR Act
then establishes a two-step administrative challenge and appeals process under
which an interested party may challenge the omission or the inclusion of a
particular activity on the inventory as a commercial activity. While the FAIR
Act does not require agencies to privatize, outsource or compete its commercial
activities, it does require the Agency Head to review the final inventory. Each
time that the Agency Head considers outsourcing to the private sector a
competitive process is required.
- As in the case of any new process, the first round of implementation
reveals areas where improvements can be made. As OMB completed its review of
the 1999 inventories and began looking towards the 2000 inventory process, OMB
asked interested parties from Congress, the private sector, the Federal
employee unions and the agencies to provide their views and recommendations on
how the process could be improved. As a result, OMB is making several
supplemental changes for the upcoming Year 2000 inventory process.
- Agencies are requested to prepare their Year 2000 Inventory of
Commercial Activities in accordance with the FAIR Act, OMB Circular A-76
Transmittal Memorandum No. 20 and the attached supplemental guidance.
Attachment 1
a. Standard Format .
1. OMB believes that a standard format would provide a significant
benefit to agency managers and to the public, while imposing a relatively minor
burden on the agencies. Thus, agencies are requested to identify all workload
performed by Federal employees, as expressed by Full-Time Equivalents (FTE),
that is potentially commercial in nature, in accordance with the format and in
the order provided by Attachment 2.
- 2. If an agency determines that it has no potential commercial
activities, it shall submit an inventory stating this determination.
b. Reason Codes
- OMB believes that the agencies, interested parties and other members
of the public, would benefit from additional explanation on the use of the
"Reason Codes." Accordingly, OMB has developed additional explanatory material
concerning the "Reason Codes." This material is found in Attachment 3.
c. Function Codes
- OMB has provided additional Function Codes to facilitate agency
development of their inventories. Attachment 4 is an expanded list of approved
commercial-activity function codes.
d. Public Access
- OMB believes that posting the inventories on agency Web sites would
provide a significant benefit to the public, while imposing a relatively minor
burden on the agencies. Many agencies, in fact, posted their 1999 inventories
on their Web sites. Accordingly, each agency is requested to construct an
electronic template of the required format and make the inventory available
through their worldwide web site, upon OMB's notification of the release of the
inventory to the public in the Federal Register . The template should
be in Microsoft Access, Microsoft Excel or similar formats. OMB will include
the agency's Web site address (URL), along with the name and telephone number
of the central point-of-contact in OMB's Federal Register notice
announcing that the inventory is publicly available.
e. Annual Management Report
- As provided at Appendix 2, paragraph I of the A-76 Revised
Supplemental Handbook (Transmittal Memorandum No. 20), the Year 2000
Inventory's Annual Report on Agency Management of Commercial Activities should:
include a brief description of the Year 1999 Inventory Process; the number of
FAIR Act administrative challenges and appeals; a brief description of the
agency's Year 2000 Inventory Process; and a description of the agency's review
- As a part of Transmittal Memorandum No. 20 to implement the FAIR Act,
OMB stated that the statutory 30-day challenge and 28-day agency challenge
response periods would be calendar days, while the 10-day appeal
period would be working days. OMB is aware that the 30-day and 28-day
deadlines were difficult to meet and is proposing to change the two periods to
working days. As a proposed permanent change to the A-76 Revised
Supplemental Handbook, this change is being implemented separately, as a
proposed rule for agency and public comment, through the Federal Register
- Agencies are reminded to recognize the sensitivity of these
inventories to Federal employees and to keep them informed. Agencies are
requested to notify their Partnership Councils and agency labor relations
specialists as to the availability of the inventories upon publication of the
Federal Register notification, and the challenge and appeal process.
- a. OMB received a number of suggestions that the public's ability to
understand the inventories would be improved if the public had access to a
"user friendly" summary of the FAIR Act and its implementation. OMB agrees with
this recommendation and will include an "Inventory Users Guide" at the OMB
- b. To further facilitate the use of the Year 2000 inventories, each
agency's inventory should be accompanied by a cover letter that summarizes the
inventory in terms of total agency FTE (Full-Time Equivalents), commercial FTE,
and other information as the agency believes will assist the public in
understanding the agency's inventory. This could include, for example, the
percent of budgetary resources already committed to service contract support,
the name and phone number of the agency's central point-of-contact for the
inventory, agency challenge and appeal filing instructions, etc.
Attachment 2
Year 2000 Commercial Activities Inventory Reporting
Instructions & Definitions
- For the 1999 FAIR Act inventory, OMB identified the minimum data
elements that needed to be included in FAIR Act submissions, but did not impose
a specific report format (sequence and sorting order). The idea was to seek out
alternative approaches and to permit the agencies to incorporate their
inventory reporting requirement into existing management systems. A specific
common format and data order is required for the Year 2000 Inventory
submission. Accordingly, each agency is requested to construct an electronic
template in Microsoft Access, Microsoft Excel or similar formats. The required
information should be in the exact sequence, as well as the level of detail
specified below.
- Upon OMB's notification of the release of the inventory to the public
in the Federal Register , agencies are requested to make their
inventory available through their worldwide web site.
Instructions and Definition of Terms
Organization Unit.
- Enter an alpha designation for the agency,
sub-agency and/or bureau (alphanumeric codes will be accepted, if warranted)
and provide a full list of all codes attached to the agency's inventory.
- Enter States within the United States by their common
two letter mail code.
- Enter the place where the activity is performed.
- Enter the number of full-time equivalents (FTE) for
Federal employees performing the commercial activity.
Activity/Function Code
- Enter the Function Code that best describes the type of
activity performed.
Reason Code
- Enter the Reason (Status) Code that best describes the
status of the commercial FTE. Attachment 3 provides expanded definitions and
Year the Activity First Appeared on the Commercial Activities
- Enter all four digits of the fiscal year the activity
first appeared on the FAIR Act inventory. All entries that appeared in the 1999
Inventory should be entered as 1999. Activities that first appear in the 2000
Inventory should be entered as 2000.
Responsible Official
- Enter the name, position title and phone number of the
Federal employee responsible for the activity or the agency contact person from
whom additional information about the activity may be obtained.
Year of Cost Comparison or Conversion (if
applicable) - Enter all four digits of the most recent fiscal year that an
A-76 cost comparison or direct conversion was completed.
FTE Savings ( if applicable ) - Enter
the FTE savings generated by a cost comparison (including MEO savings), a
direct conversion to contract, a termination or a privatization decision.
Estimated Annualized Cost Comparison Dollar Savings
( if applicable ) - Enter the estimated annual
savings that reflect the difference between the in-house bid MEO and the low
contract offer.
Date of Completed Post MEO Performance Review
( if applicable ) - enter the date that the most
recent Post MEO performance review was completed.
Attachment 3
- Reason Codes applicable to commercial activities included on the 2000
Inventory of Commercial Activities are the same as those used in the 1999
Inventory. Additional clarification is provided to avoid confusion and
facilitate consistency among agencies. The Reason Codes provided by OMB
Circular A-76 Transmittal Memorandum No. 20 are provided, followed by a
clarification narrative in italics.
Indicates that the function is performed by
Federal employees and is specifically exempt by the agency from the
cost comparison requirements of the Circular and this Supplement.
This Reason Code is designed to permit the Agency Head
to identify specific commercial activities as those that he/she does not
believe should be subjected to privatization, outsourcing or competition.
Certainly, these are core mission activities that are commercial in nature.
Many core activities may however, be achieved through contract support and may
also be found in Reason Code "B" or "C." Functions assigned Reason Code "A" are
commercial functions that the Agency Head has determined must remain in-house.
Indicates that the activity is performed by Federal employees
and is subject to the cost comparison or direct conversion requirements
of the Circular and this Supplement.
This Reason Code should be applied to any Function or
Activity where the decision as to who should perform the work is a quality and
cost based decision and the agency would expect that this decision would be
based upon the results of a direct conversion competition (when authorized), or
a cost comparison, conducted in accordance with OMB Circular A-76 and its
Supplemental Handbook.
Indicates that the activity is performed by
Federal employees, but is has been specifically made exempt from the provisions
of the Circular and this Supplement by Congress, Executive Order or OMB.
This Reason Code should be applied to any
Function/Activity where the decision as to who should perform the work is not
primarily a cost-based decision and a cost comparison would be inappropriate.
This code applies to the Supplemental Handbook's exemption from the cost
comparison requirements of the Circular, including, for example, national
defense related activities, direct patient care, core and research and
development activities. Here the decision to convert to or from in-house or
contract performance is not primarily a cost-based decision. The problem is to
get the right people, the right skills, the right knowledge at the right place
and at the right time. Small functions that involve 10 or fewer FTE are also
exempt from the cost comparison requirements of the Circular. These commercial
activities are currently performed by Federal employees and may be outsourced,
but, they do not enjoy the cost comparison protections afforded by the
Circular; cost is a secondary consideration.
Indicates that the function is currently performed by in-house
Federal employees and is in the process of being cost compared or converted
directly to contract or inter-service support agreement performance.
Employees in Functions/Activities listed under this code
have been advised that the work performed is undergoing formal A-76 cost
comparison or the agency is preparing for the direct conversion of work to
contract or ISSA performance, in accordance with the Supplement.
Indicates that the function is retained in-house as a result of
a cost comparison. |
Indicates the function is currently being performed by Federal
employees, but a review is pending force restructuring decisions (i.e., base
closure, realignment, consolidation, etc.).
Indicates that the function is prohibited from conversion to
contract because of legislation.
Waiver issued. |
Indicates the function is being performed in-house as a result
of a cost comparison resulting from a decision to convert from contract to
in-house performance |
Attachment 4
- The following list of Function/Activity Codes will be used to
complete the Year 2000 Commercial Activities Inventory. The Function Codes
provide a standardized way for an agency to describe those activities which the
agency has determined are commercial in nature, based on the agency's
application of the criteria in OFPP Policy Letter 92-01. Given the wide range
of activities described in the following list, the inclusion of a particular
Function Code in the list does not mean that work which might be described by
that Code should necessarily be viewed as "commercial" -- again, to determine
whether an activity is "commercial," the agency must evaluate the work under
Policy Letter 92-01, and in so doing take into consideration the context in
which the work is performed. While agencies may augment these Function Codes
for internal use , by adding to the existing alphanumeric codes
provided, agencies my not create new codes or add additional codes in the
submission to OMB. Agencies are to use only the following approved Function
Codes in their June 2000 submission, unless otherwise approved in advance by
A - Recurring Testing and Inspection Services
A100 Electronic A200 Health Care A300
Safety A400 Transportation A500 Food and Drug
A600 Other Technical Testing or Inspection A700 Systems
Certification Services A000 Administrative Support
B - Personnel Management
B100 Classification B102 Classification Reviews
B200 Employee Development B300 Staffing Reviews B301
Processing B302 Manpower Research and Analysis B303
Manpower Development B400 Employee Relations B400
Employee Relations support B401 Benefits Reviews and Analysis
B500 Labor Relations and Support B501 Agency Equal
Employment Opportunity Reviews B502 Negotiated Dispute Resolution
B600 Examining B700 Personnel Management Specialist
B701 Personnel Operations Management B702 Personnel IT Support
B000 Personnel Administrative Support
C - Finance and Accounting
C100 Voucher Examining C200 Cash Receipt C300
Accounting Technicians C301 Accounts Payable C302
Travel Processing C303 Fixed Assets C304 Accounts
Receivable C305 Collections C306 Customer Billings
C307 General Accounting C308 Financial Report Generation
C309 Cost Accounting C310 Payroll Processing C311
Claims Analysis C312 Payments Issuance Support/Processing
C313 Financial Systems Support C314 Financial Management and
Program Planning C315 Financial Management Operations
C316 Financial Systems Development and Planning C317 Financial
Systems Operations C400 Budget Support C401 Financial
Analysis C402 Cash and Debt Management C403 Financial
Program Management C404 Business Performance Reporting
C405 Business Performance Analysis C406 Cost Analysis
C407 Mortgage Analysis C408 Asset Management and Disposal
C405 Property Oversight C500 External Auditing C501
Internal Auditing C000 Administrative Support
D - Regulatory and Program Management Support Services
D100 Regulatory Activities Support D101 Regulatory
Economists/Statisticians D102 Regulatory Audits D103
Salary/wages Reviews D104 Labor Wage and Hour Compliance Reviews
D105 Education Benefits and Entitlements Analysis D106
Loan Guaranty Benefits and Entitlements Analysis D107 Vocational
Entitlements Analysis D200 Data Collection and Analysis
D201 Customer Surveys and Evaluations D300 Statistical
Analysis D400 Compliance Surveys and Inspections D410
Compliance Operations D411 Compliance Assessments D500
Benefits and Entitlements Services D501 Customer Services D502
Administrative Reviews D503 Compensation Claims Reviews
D504 Insurance Analysis D505 Compensation Claims Examining
D604 Customer Service Contacts D606 Asset Appraisal and
Valuation D700 Systems Design, Testing and Certification
D701 Program Marketing and Outreach D702 Program Planning and
Support D703 Application Receipt and Processing D704
Program Monitoring and Evaluation D705 Program Marketing and
Outreach D706 Program Monitoring D707 Program Evaluation
D708 Application Receipt/Processing D709 Mortgage
Underwriting D710 Field Inspection Services D711 External
Equal Employment Opportunity Reviews D712 Safety and Occupational
Health Management D713 Safety and Occupational Health Inspections
D720 Independent Appeals Reviews D800 Air Traffic
Control D801 Air Traffic Systems Inspections D900
Maritime Traffic Control D910 Operation of Locks and Dams
D920 Buoy Maintenance D930 Mine Safety and Health D000
Administrative Support
E - Environment
E100 Hazardous Waste Management E101 Environmental
Restoration Analysis E102 FIFRA/FDCA Risk Analysis E103
FSCA Risk Analysis E104 Environmental Clean-up Services
E200 Solid Waste Data Collection/Analysis E300 Pollution
Prevention E400 Air Pollution Data Collection/Analysis
E401 Clean Air Act Pollution Prevention E500 Water Data
Collection/Analysis E501 Clean Water Act Compliance/Pollution
Prevention E502 Safe Drinking Water Act Compliance/Pollution
Prevention E503 Occupational Safety, Health and Environmental
Compliance E600 Environmental Planning/NEPA E601
Environmental Impact Statements E602 Environmental Impact Statement
Reviews E700 Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
Compliance/Pollution Prevention E800 Multimedia Compliance/Pollution
Prevention E801 Trusteeship E000 Administrative Support
F - Procurement
F100 Quality Assurance F200 Contracting
(Operational) F300 Contracting (Analysis) F400 Recurring
Purchasing F000 Administrative Support
G - Social Services
G001 Care of Remains of Deceased Personnel & Funeral
Services G008 Commissary Store Operation G009 Clothing
Sales Store Operations G010 Recreational Library Services
G011 Morale, Welfare, and Recreation Services G012 Community
Services G100 Disaster Relief Applications Services G101
Disaster Relief Services G102 Librarian Services G103
Library Operations and Management G104 Technical/Professional/Legal
Library Information Services G900 Chaplain Activities and Support
Services G901 Housing Administrative Services G904 Family
Services G905 Community Relations G999 Other Social
Services G000 Administrative Support
H - Health Services
H101 Hospital Care H102 Surgical Care
H103 Surgical Services H105 Nutritional Care H106
Pathology Services H107 Radiology Services H108 Pharmacy
Services H109 Physical Therapy H110 Materiel Services
H111 Orthopedic Services H112 Ambulance Services
H113 Dental Care H114 Dental Laboratories H115
Clinics and Dispensaries H116 Veterinary Services H117
Medical Records H118 Nursing Services H119 Preventive
Medicine H120 Occupational Health H121 Drug
Rehabilitation H201 Medical Services H202 Psychiatric and
Psychology Services H203 Ambulatory Care Services H204
Domiciliary Care H205 Extended Care Services H206
Social Work H207 Field Pathology & Laboratory Medicine H208
Audiology & Speech Pathology Services H209 Nuclear
Medicine Services H210 Pediatric Services H211 Optometric
Services H212 Spinal Cord Injury Services H213 GRECC
Services H214 Neurology Services H215 Dermatology
Services H216 Radiation Therapy Services H217 Mental
Illness Research, Education & Clinic H218 Rehabilitation
Medicine Services H219 Nutrition &Food Production Services
H220 Blind Rehabilitation Services H221 Recreation Services
H222 Prosthetics & Sensory Aides Services H223
Ambulatory Care Administration H224 Learning Resource Centers
H225 Federal Employee Health Services H226 VISN Services
& VISN Support Service Center H227 Veterans Canteen Service
H300 Emergency Medical Services Management Planning H301
Emergency Medical Services H400 Medical Evaluation Services
H401 Medical Officers H402 Industrial Hygiene Reviews and
Analysis H403 Health Inspections H404 Health Services
Administration and Management H500 Dialysis Services H501
Anesthesiology H502 Diagnostic Radiology H503 Geriatrics
H504 Geriatric Research H505 Geriatric Clinical Centers
H506 Orthopedic Shoe Services H507 Orthotics Laboratory
H600 Hospital Administration H601 Ward Administration
H602 Income Verification H603 Claims Analysis H604
Hospital Supply and Distribution H605 Ambulatory Care Administration
H606 Information Resource Management Services H607
Voluntary Services Administration H608 Records Administration
H609 Bed Services and Patient Assistance H610 Waste
Management H999 Other Health Services H000 Administrative
I - Investigations
I100 Inspector General Services I200 Safety
I415 Non-field Technical Support to Criminal Investigations I416
Non-Field Administrative Support Criminal Investigations I420
Financial Audits I430 Performance Audits I440
Management Evaluations/Audits I441 Logistics Audits I500
Background investigations I501 IG Data Collection and Analysis
I502 Case Assessment/Management/Disposition I000
Administrative Support
J - Intermediate, Direct or General Repair and
- Maintenance of Equipment
J501 Aircraft Maintenance J502 Aircraft Engine
Maintenance J503 Missiles J504 Vessels J505
Combat Vehicles J506 Noncombat Vehicles J507 Electronic
and Communication Equipment Maintenance J510 Railway Equipment
J511 Special Equipment J512 Armament J513 Dining
Facility Equipment J514 Medical and Dental Equipment J515
Containers, Textile, Tents, and Tarpaulins J516 Metal
Containers J517 Training Devices and Audiovisual Equipment
J519 Industrial Plant Equipment J520 Test, Measurement and
Diagnostic Equipment J521 Other Test, Measurement and Diagnostic
Equipment J522 Aeronautical Support Equipment J999
Maintenance of Other Equipment J000 Administrative Support
K - Depot Repair, Maintenance, Modification, Conversion
- or Overhaul of Equipment
K531 Aircraft K532 Aircraft Engines K533
Missiles K534 Vessels K535 Combat Vehicles
K536 Noncombat Vehicles K537 Electronic and Communication
Equipment K538 Railway Equipment K539 Special Equipment
K540 Armament K541 Industrial Plant Equipment K542
Dining and Facility Equipment K543 Medical and Dental
Equipment K544 Containers, Textile, Tents, and Tarpaulins K545
Metal Containers K546 Test, Measurement and Diagnostic
Equipment K547 Other Test, Measurement and Diagnostic Equipment
K548 Aeronautical Support Equipment K999 Other Depot Repair,
Maintenance, Modification, Conversion or
- Overhaul of Equipment
K000 Administrative Support
L - Grants Management
L100 Application Services L101 Application Reviews
and Evaluations L102 Independent Grant Review Appeals L200
Grants Monitoring and Evaluation L000 Administrative Support
P - Base Maintenance/Multifunction Contracts
P100 Installation Operation Contracts (Multi-function)
P000 Administrative Support
R - Research, Development, Test, and
- Evaluation (RDT&E)
R100 Theoretical Research R103 Biomedical Research
R104 Animal Research R200 Basic R&D R300
Developmental R400 Testing R500 Acceptance
R600 Applied Research R660 RDT&E R900 Operation
and Maintenance of Physical Plant R901 Building & Grounds
Maintenance R902 Models Design and Construction R000
Administrative Support
S - Installation Services
S700 Natural Resource Services S701 Public
Affairs/Relations S702 Financial and Payroll Services
S703 Debt Collection S706 Bus Services S708 Laundry
and Dry Cleaning S709 Custodial Services S710 Pest
Management S712 Refuse Collection and Disposal Services
S713 Food Services S714 Furniture Repair S715
Office Equipment Maintenance and Repair S716 Motor Vehicle
Operation S717 Motor Vehicle Maintenance S718 Fire
Prevention and Protection S719 Military Clothing S720
Prison Plant Operations and Maintenance S721 Prison Security
Operations (Guards) S723 Other Prison Operations (Food,
Administrative) S724 Other Guard Services S725 Electrical
Plants and Systems Operation and Maintenance S726 Heating Plants and
Systems Operation and Maintenance S727 Water Plants and Systems
Operation and Maintenance S728 Sewage and Waste Plants Operation and
Maintenance S729 Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Plants S730
Other Utilities Operation and Maintenance S731 Supply
Operations S732 Warehousing and Distribution S733
Building Services S734 Leasing Services S735
Engineering Services S736 Plumbing Craft Support Services
S737 Electrical Craft Support Services S739 Locksmithing
S740 Transportation Management Services S741 Supply,
Warehousing and Distribution Services Management S742 Inventory
Analysis and Management S743 Vehicle Acquisition Support Services
S744 Fleet Management Services S745 Security and
Protection Services S750 Museum Operations S751 Curator
Services S752 Exhibits Management and Planning S753
Facility Security Management S760 Contractor-Operated Parts Stores
& Civil Engineering Supply Stores S999 Other Installation
Services S000 Administrative Support
T - Other Non-Manufacturing Operations
T600 Real Property Management T601 Real Property
Disposal T602 Property Development T603 Real Property
Acquisition Support Services T700 Miscellaneous Program Management
T800 Ocean Terminal Operations T801 Storage and
Warehousing T802 Cataloging T803 Acceptance Testing
T804 Architect-Engineering T805 Operation of Bulk Liquid
Storage T806 Printing and Reproduction T807 Visual
Information T808 Mapping and Charting T809 Administrative
Telephone Services T810 Air Transportation Services T811
Water Transportation Services T812 Rail Transportation
Services T813 Engineering and Technical Services T814
Aircraft Fueling Services T815 Scrap Metal Operation T816
Telecommunication Centers T817 Other Communications and Electronics
Systems T818 Systems Engineering and Installation of Communications
Systems T819 Preparation and Disposal of Excess and Surplus Property
T820 Administrative Support Services T821 Special Studies
and Analysis T822 Operations Research T823 Actuarial
Services T830 Interior/Facility Design T831 Drafting
Services T832 Construction Management T833 Civil
Engineering & Analysis Services T834 General Engineering &
Analysis Services T835 Chemical Engineering & Analysis Services
T836 Electrical Engineering & Analysis Services T837
Fire Protection Engineering & Inspection T838 Safety Engineering
& Analysis Services T839 Mining Engineering & Analysis
Services T840 Geodetic Engineering and Analysis Services
T841 Geological Analysis T850 Forestry Management Support
T851 Forestry Operations T852 Soil Conservation Evaluation
& Analysis T853 Soil Conservation Operations T854
Royalty Management Operations. T855 Industrial Engineering
T900 Training Aids, Devices, and Simulator Support T999
Other Non-Manufacturing Operations T000 Administrative Support
U - Education and Training
U100 Recruit Training U200 Officer Acquisition
Training U300 Specialized Skill Training U301 Training
Management U302 Training Administration U303 Training
Technical Support U304 Vocational Training U305
Vocational Rehabilitation U400 Flight Training U500
Professional Development Training U501 Management Training U502
Medical & Health Training U503 Engineering &
Architectural Training U504 Legal Training U505
Business/Financial/Budget Training U506 Inspection (IG)
Training U510 Professional Military Education U520
Graduate Education, Fully Funded, Full-time U530 Other Full-time
Education Programs U540 Off-Duty (Voluntary) and On-Duty Education
Programs U600 Civilian Education and Training U610 Law
Enforcement Training U700 Dependent Education U800
Training Development and Support U999 Other Training Functions
U000 Administrative Support
W - Automatic Data Processing
W500 Data Maintenance W501 Report
Processing/Production W600 Data Center Operations W601
Information Technology Management W824 Data Processing Services
W825 Maintenance of ADP Equipment W826 Systems Design,
Development and Programming Services W827 Software Services
W828 Seat Management Services W829 Client Services
W999 Other ADP Functions W000 Administrative Support
X - Products Manufactured and Fabricated In-House
X931 Ordnance Equipment X932 Products Made From
Fabric or Similar Materials X933 Container Products and Related
Items X934 Preparation of Food and Bakery Products X935
Liquid, Gaseous and Chemical Products X936 Rope, Cordage, and
Twine Products; Chains and Metal Cable Products X937 Logging and
Lumber Products X938 Communications and Electronic Products
X939 Construction Products X940 Rubber and Plastic Products
X941 Optical and Related Products X942 Sheet Metal
Products X943 Foundry Products X944 Machined Parts
X999 Other Products Manufactured and Fabricated In-House X000
Administrative Support
Y - Other Selected Functions
Y130 Intelligence Y150 Classified Activities
Y160 Corporate Planning Y400 Legal Services Y401
General Attorney's Services Y403 Paralegal Y410
Criminal Investigation Y440 Federal Licensing and Permitting Y450
Maritime Activities Y451 Search and Rescue Y452
Aids to Navigation Y453 Marine Safety/Inspection Y510
Budget and Financial Program Management Y511 Budget Execution
Support Services Y520 Public Works and Real Property Maintenance
Program Management Y530 Personnel, Community Activities and Manpower
Program Management Y540 Maintenance and Logistics Program Management
Y550 Information and Telecommunications Program Management Y651
Identifying and Developing Consumer/Customer Information Services
Y650 Acquisition (Equipment and Weapons Systems) Y999 Other
Functions Y000 Administrative Support
Z - Maintenance, Repair, Alteration, and Minor Construction
of Real Property
Z991 Maintenance and Repair of Family Housing Buildings and
Structures Z992 Maintenance and Repair of Buildings and Structures
Other Than Family Housing Z993 Maintenance and Repair of Grounds and
Surfaced Areas Z997 Maintenance and Repair of Railroad Facilities
Z998 Maintenance and Repair of Waterways Z999 Other
Maintenance, Repair, Alteration, and Minor Construction of Real Property
Z000 Administrative Support
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