OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET Office of Federal Procurement Policy
AGENCY: Office of Management and Budget, Office of Federal Procurement Policy ACTION: Proposed rescission of Office of Federal Procurement Policy (OFPP) Policy Letter 79-4, Contracting for Motion Picture Productions and Videotape Productions SUMMARY: Notice is hereby given that the Office of Federal Procurement Policy intends to rescind Policy Letter 79-4, Contracting for Motion Picture Productions and Videotape Productions on (fill in date--to be 90 days after publication of this notice). The purpose of the Policy Letter was to designate a uniform government-wide system to be used in contracting for motion picture and videotape production, including the establishment of a Qualified Producers List to enhance competition. Management studies in the 1970s indicated dissatisfaction with the policies and procedures the government followed when contracting for production of motion pictures and videotapes. In response, OFPP Policy Letter 79-4 was developed to: reduce perceived waste and inefficiency in contracting for such services; ensure that the government obtains such services at fair, competitive prices; provide a central point within the government where interested persons can obtain information on relevant contracting procedures and opportunities; and increase competition for these contracts. However, changes over the last 19 years in both the marketplace for these services and procurement laws and regulations make the Policy Letter obsolete. Today there are thousands of commercial producers of motion picture and videotape productions, competition is the norm, contracting officers routinely obtain past performance information, and Internet access (see Supplementary Information below) as well as other marketplace tools provide sources of supply. It is no longer cost-effective or efficient for the government to maintain an office dedicated to evaluating contractors and maintaining a Qualified Producers List in this commercial environment. DATES: Persons who wish to comment on the proposed rescission of OFPP Policy Letter 79-4 should submit their comments no later than (fill in date 75 days after publication of this notice). ADDRESSES: Comments should be addressed to Michael Gerich, Office of Federal Procurement Policy, Room 9001 New Executive Office Building, Washington, DC 20503. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Michael Gerich, Office of Federal Procurement Policy, 202-395-3501. Copies of Policy Letter 79-4 are available at the address above. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The executive agent for Policy Letter 79-4, Defense Visual Information, is developing a world wide website that will contain an Interested Producers List (IPL) as well as links to other sites for current, up to date and valuable solicitation information. Thus, while a Qualified Producers List will no longer be a requirement, all persons or firms interested in doing business with the government will have access to, as a convenience, databases designed to promote the exchange of information for procurement of motion picture, video and multimedia productions. This virtual clearing house of information will provide federal agencies with a valuable information resource and will provide audiovisual and multimedia producers a forum, the IPL, to present their production capabilities, technical skills, experience, and subject matter expertise in a searchable on-line database. Access the website, http://dodimagery.afis.osd.mil and select "Order/Initiate VI Production" for more information on the IPL website currently under development. This new website will be activated upon rescission of Policy Letter 79-4.
Dated: September 18, 1998
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