The Administration strongly supports H.R. 4558. The bill would allow
certain vulnerable legal immigrants to continue to receive Supplemental
Security Income and Medicaid benefits for which they otherwise would be
ineligible after September 30, 1998. H.R. 4558 would further the
President's efforts to reverse unduly harsh benefit restrictions on legal
immigrants that have nothing to do with moving people from welfare to work.
The Administration applauds this bipartisan effort.
Pay-As-You-Go Scoring
H.R. 4558 would affect direct spending; therefore, it is subject to the
pay-as-you-go requirements of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of
1990. The Office of Management and Budget's preliminary scoring estimate
is that the bill would result in a net decrease in direct spending of $5
million in FY 1999 and a total of $58 million during FYs 1999 through 2003.