The Administration strongly opposes H.R. 350. The Administration
recognizes the value of the additional analytical information called for by
the bill. However, the Administration is concerned that, by considering
only the costs and none of the benefits of legislation that protects human
health, safety, the environment, or the Nation's economic well-being, the
bill creates an unbalanced procedural obstacle to the enactment of
legislation in the public interest.
An amendment may be offered on the House floor to address the imbalance and
to ensure consideration of the benefits of such legislation. The
Administration would support such an amendment.
The Administration is especially concerned about the provision in the bill
that would establish a point of order on the use of user fees and revenues.
This provision could delay or undermine funding for a number of
well-established and important programs and laws that have traditionally
received bipartisan support, including airline air traffic and ground
safety, the Superfund program, and public health and health research
legislation that would provide additional resources for public health