This Statement of Administration Policy provides the Administration's views on
S. 1022, the Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judiciary, and Related Agencies
Appropriations Bill, FY 1998, as reported by the Senate Appropriations
Committee. Your consideration of the Administration's views would be
The Committee has developed a bill that provides requested funding for many of
the Administration's priorities. For example, we appreciate the Senate's
funding of law enforcement programs in general and the COPS program in
particular. Funding COPS at the requested level of $1.4 billion is consistent
with the Bipartisan Budget Agreement and will enable us to achieve the goal of
hiring 100,000 additional police officers by the year 2000. While below the
request, the Administration also appreciates the funding level provided for the
Legal Services Corporation. We strongly urge full funding of the President's
As discussed below, the Administration will seek restoration of certain of the
Committee's reductions. We recognize that it will not be possible in all cases
to attain the Administration's full request and will work with the Senate
toward achieving acceptable funding levels. The Administration is committed to
working with the Senate to identify reductions in the bill in order to find
offsets for the restoration of funds that the Administration seeks. For
example, funding could be reduced for the Local Law Enforcement Block Grant and
the new Juvenile Justice Block Grant. We urge the Senate to reduce funding for
lower priority programs, or for programs that would be adequately funded at the
requested level, and to redirect funding to programs of higher priority.
Department of Commerce
- National Institute of Standards and Technology. The Administration
urges the Senate to restore funding for the National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST) to the level agreed upon in the Bipartisan Budget Agreement.
The Committee mark of $604 million falls short of the agreed upon level by $89
million. The reduction is targeted to the Advanced Technology Program (ATP)
and Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP), which work in partnership with
industry to advance U.S. competitiveness. ATP is funded at $200 million, $76
million below the President's request. This funding level would reduce the
number of innovative technology development grants that NIST could award. MEP
is funded at $111 million, $12 million below the request. The Committee's
reduction would prevent funding for new initiatives designed to increase the
synergy of our national network of centers. We strongly urge full funding of
the President's Budget.
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The Administration
is disappointed that no funds have been provided for the President's Clean
Water Initiative, which would help protect coastal communities from
pollutants. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is the
primary trustee of our Nation's coastal resources and, as such, plays an
important role in this initiative. The $22 million initiative builds from
NOAA's unique coastal responsibilities and partnerships with States and other
Federal Trustee agencies. In addition, we are disappointed that the Committee
has not included any funding for the Global Learning and Observations to
Benefit the Environment Program (GLOBE). This program was developed to
increase understanding of the Earth and has already formed partnerships with
over 2,500 U.S. schools and 35 other countries, involving thousands of students
across the U.S. and worldwide. The Committee is recommending over $100 million
in funding for NOAA activities not requested by the Administration. We
strongly urge that a portion of these funds should be redirected to continue
the Clean Water Initiative, GLOBE, and other priorities.
- Census Sampling. While the compromise language that passed the
Senate in the FY 1997 Emergency Supplemental Appropriations and Rescissions
Bill would be workable, the Administration would strongly object to any
prohibition on the use of sampling as part of the 2000 Decennial Census.
Without the limited use of sampling, the accuracy of the census would decrease
significantly, especially with regard to children and minority groups that have
been traditionally undercounted. The National Academy of Sciences, the General
Accounting Office, the Commerce Department Inspector General, and the vast
majority of the professional statistical community support the use of sampling
in the decennial census.
- National Information Infrastructure Grants Program. The
Administration urges the Senate to reallocate resources between the National
Information Infrastructure (NII) grants program and the Public Broadcasting
Facilities program. The Committee mark substantially reduces funding for the
former and provides a large, unrequested increase for the latter. The NII
program is meritorious, providing seed money for innovative projects that
deploy, use, and evaluate advanced telecommunications and information
Department of Justice
- Drug Courts and Drug Testing. The Administration opposes the
Committee's $40 million funding level for the drug courts program. The drug
courts program is a proven, cost-effective means of using the coercive power of
the courts to move non-violent offenders into drug treatment. Also, the
President's budget provides a total of $30 million to offset the costs
associated with drug testing State and local arrestees. The Administration is
concerned that the Committee does not identify $30 million from the Byrne Grant
program for the State and local portion of the drug testing program. The drug
courts and drug testing programs could be restored to the requested levels by
reducing the Committee's funding level for the Local Law Enforcement Block
Grant program.
- Juvenile Justice Block Grant. The Administration appreciates the
Committee's desire to provide additional support for juvenile justice
programs. However, we are concerned that the block grant program may authorize
a broad and unfocused range of activities. We urge the Senate to target $100
million for the prosecutorial grant program, which is designed to facilitate
the cooperation and coordination of prosecutors and police with school
officials, probation officers, youth social service professionals, and
community members in an effort to reduce the incidence of gang activity and
violent juvenile crime. The Administration also urges the Senate to target $50
million for the violent youth court program, which is designed to develop
initiatives that courts and court-related entities, such as probation and
parole offices and victim/witness centers, may use to enhance and expedite the
handling of youth violence cases.
- FBI Recruitment. The Committee bill exempts the FBI from Title 5
personnel laws and regulations on the basis that the FBI is restricted in its
ability to recruit and retain individuals with scientific and technical skills,
and that pay flexibility under Title 5 is inefficient. We believe the
Committee's action, while well intended, is flawed. There is insufficient
evidence of a recruitment problem at the FBI that would be solved by exemptions
from Title 5 provisions for employee classification, pay, and performance. S
uch exemptions would not address significant non-pay recruitment problems, such
as the large number of applicants that fail drug and/or polygraph tests. The
Federal agencies that have documented pay-related recruitment problems have
successfully used the pay flexibility provided in Title 5. In addition, the
provision would establish a personnel system not subject to Office of Personnel
Management oversight; exempt all FBI employees, including support staff, from
Title 5 in response to undocumented recruitment problems related to scientific
and technical personnel; and, would address the Government-wide needs for
scientific and technical employees, including the those of other law
enforcement agencies, in an inconsistent manner. We recommend that this prov
ision be deleted from the bill.
- Telecommunications Carrier Compliance. The Committee bill does not
provide any FY 1998 funding for the Telecommunications Carrier Compliance
program. The Administration has requested $100 million to reimburse
communications equipment manufacturers for the cost of modifying equipment to
ensure that law enforcement agencies would be able to conduct court-authorized
wiretaps. As requested, the FBI has provided the Committee with a detailed
implementation plan for the program. Implementation should not be delayed
further for the creation of an FBI/industry working group and refinement of the
implementation plan as the Committee's Report directs. The Administration
strongly requests that funding for this program be provided.
- Bureau of Prisons. The Administration objects to language of the
Committee Report concerning the Bureau of Prisons, Buildings and Facilities,
appropriation. The Report mandates that unless a certain minimum funding level
is included in the President's FY 1999 Budget for prison facilities, funding
for INS political appointees will be restricted in FY 1998. This provision
inappropriately attempts to encroach on the President's authority to determine
the Administration's FY 1999 funding priorities and precludes an assessment of
the Bureau's needs in favor of a pre-determined level set by Congress. Finally,
this action would tie funding for prisons to a sanction in another, unrelated
appropriation (INS).
The Administration urges the Senate to strike section 103 of the Committee
bill, which would prohibit the Bureau of Prisons from funding abortions except
in cases of rape or where the life of the mother is endangered. The Department
of Justice believes that there is a great likelihood that this provision would
be held unconstitutional.
Ounce of Prevention Council
The Administration opposes the Committee's termination of the Ounce of
Prevention Council. Elimination of this program would hinder the Federal
Government's ability to help neighborhoods implement balanced strategies to
reduce crime through enforcement, prevention, and intervention. The Council
awards discretionary grants for promising community collaborative crime
prevention programs, publishes a catalog of crime prevention grants and
programs, and provides information and technical assistance. It plays a
critical role in helping communities gain access to information on crime
prevention best practices. The Administration strongly urges the Senate to
provide funding for the Council and has identified an appropriate offset.
The Judiciary: Ninth Circuit
The Administration opposes the provision in the Committee bill that would
reorganize the Ninth Circuit by splitting it into two separate circuits. We
understand that other substantive amendments to divide the Ninth Circuit may be
offered on the Senate Floor. The Administration strongly objects to using the
appropriations process to legislate on this important matter. The division of
the Ninth Circuit is an important issue not just for the bench and the bar of
the affected region, but also for the citizens of the Ninth Circuit. The
Administration believes that a much better approach would be passage of
legislation, H.R. 908 -- already passed by the House and currently pending at
the desk in the Senate -- that would create a bipartisan commission to study
this difficult and complex question and make recommendations to the Congress
within a date certain. This would allow for substantive resolution of the
issue in a deliberative manner, allowing all affected parties to voice their
Legal Services Corporation
Of the $300 million appropriated for the Legal Services Corporation (LSC), $17
million is earmarked for "pro se" legal education programs. Funding for the
provision of legal services remains at the FY 1997 level. The Administration
recommends full funding of the President's request.
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
The Administration appreciates the Committee's desire to provide additional
resources over the FY 1997 level for the Equal Employment Opportunity
Commission (EEOC). However, we urge the Senate to go further and fully fund
the President's request of $246 million, given the importance of the EEOC's
work in addressing unlawful discrimination.
Department of State
The Administration appreciates the Committee's strong support for the State
Department's accounts that fund diplomatic and consular activities, which would
help reverse the erosion of the Department's worldwide operations. We are also
pleased that the Committee provided the transfers as requested to support the
International Cooperative Administrative Support Services (ICASS) program.
While the Administration welcomes the first-year funding of $100 million for
arrears payments, we are greatly concerned about the funding levels for the FY
1998 annual assessments provided in Contributions to International
Organizations and Contributions for International Peacekeeping Activities
(CIPA). United States leadership in these organizations on a host of issues of
importance to the American people will be compromised if we fail to meet our
binding obligations to them. It is important that funding for these activities
be protected so that the Administration can pay annual costs, avoid new
arrears, and be given some flexibility to address unforeseen needs relating to
peace and security around the world.
Funding for both accounts is significantly below what is necessary to pay
annual costs, avoid new arrears, and provide some flexibility for the President
to address unforeseen needs relating to peace and security around the world.
We believe it is premature to direct that FY 1997 CIPA funds be reallocated
given continuing uncertainties in some regions of the world. Further, we are
disappointed that the bill does not provide a commitment for three years of
arrears payments, consistent with the Senate-passed authorization bill. These
appropriations levels are inconsistent with the extensive negotiations between
the Administration and Congress on reform and funding of the U.N. system.
The Administration urges the Senate to strike two provisions that raise
serious Constitutional concerns, sections 406 and 408. Section 406 would
condition the use of funds for diplomatic relations with Vietnam on
Presidential certification that Vietnam has satisfied specific conditions
contained in this section. This unworkable requirement would
unconstitutionally constrain the President's exercise of his power to recognize
foreign governments. Section 408 would mandate that the United States withdraw
from an international organization if the President determines that amounts
appropriated for payment of all contributions to such organization are less
than the actual amount of contributions to such organization. This
congressional mandate would infringe on the President's constitutional power to
conduct U.S. diplomatic affairs.
Arms Control and Disarmament Agency
The Administration strongly opposes the Committee mark of $32.6 million for
the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency (ACDA), which would severely undercut
the Administration's efforts to reduce the threat of nuclear and other weapons
to the security of the American people. In addition to the $46.2 million
request included in the FY 1998 Budget, a fully-offset budget amendment for
Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty requirements was transmitted on July
17th, bringing ACDA's FY 1998 request to $59.2 million. The full revised
request is needed for these important national security activities.
National Endowment for Democracy
The Administration strongly objects to the Committee's elimination of funding
for the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), particularly given the
Committee's increases above the request for other USIA-funded grants. The
President's request of $30 million is needed to support democracy-building
programs throughout the world. We urge the Senate to provide funding for NED
at the requested level of $30 million.
Additional Administration concerns with the Committee bill are contained in
the attachment.