Montoya serves as the Executive Director of the Presidential Advisory Council
on HIV/AIDS (Council), established by Executive Order through the President.
The Council makes recommendations to the President on programs and policies
which affect people with HIV and AIDS. He acts as liaison between the Advisory
Council, the Secretary of Health and Human Services,
the Director of the Office of National AIDS Policy,
federal agencies, state agencies, and private and community-based organizations.
Mr. Montoya is
responsible for providing staff support to the Presidential Advisory Council
on HIV/AIDS, including coordinating all meetings and hearings of the Council,
working with the chair to set the agenda and working with subcommittees of the
Council to develop and monitor policy recommendations made by the Council to
the President. He provides policy advice and assistance to the President, the
Secretary of HHS, and the director of the Office of National AIDS Policy, develops
an annual report to the President concerning HIV/AIDS issues, and evaluates
the nation's efforts to combat HIV/AIDS.
Mr. Montoya received his Masters in Public Affairs from the LBJ School of Public Affairs at the University of Texas at Austin (pending), where he also received his Bachelors of Business Administration in Finance. He previously worked at the Texas General Land Office where he focused on environmental and energy policy at both the grassroots and federal levels. His main focus was clean air and clean water, especially as it affected minority, underserved and vulnerable populations in Texas. Mr. Montoya has worked with numerous AIDS-related organizations focusing on care and services, housing, complimentary therapies and human and civil rights, having served as both a volunteer and board member. Recently, Daniel was featured in the cover article of POZ en Espanol magazine as one of the most influential people working on HIV/AIDS issues in the White House. As a person living with HIV for over 12 years, Daniel is especially sensitive to the needs of people living with HIV/AIDS.