Statement of
The Honorable Neal Lane
Assistant to the President for Science and
Technology and
Director of the Office of Science and
Technology Policy
before the
Subcommittee on Energy and
Environment Committee on
Science United States House of
April 6, 2000
Mr. Chairman, Members of the Committee, I
am pleased to appear before you today to discuss the Administration's
views on the Human Genome Project and the use of human genomic
I will begin by briefly describing the
Human Genome Project and the extraordinary progress that is being made right
now in the field of genomics. The Human Genome Project is an international
collaborative research effort to characterize the genomes of human beings and
selected model organisms. Among the project's goals are:
· to identify the approximately 100
thousand genes within the human genome;
· to determine the complete sequence
of the human genome, the three billion biochemical letters or base pairs of DNA
that are the blueprint of life itself;
· to assemble a catalog of common
genetic variations within the human genome;
· to analyze the functions of genes
and how they interact;
· to develop new technologies to
analyze the genomes of humans and other organisms;
· to examine the ethical, legal, and
social implications of human genomic research; and
· to train a generation of
scientists in this important and expanding field.
Formally launched in October 1990, the
Human Genome Project is the largest coordinated biological research effort ever
undertaken. The U. S. component of this project is supported by the National
Institutes of Health's National Human Genome Research Institute and the
Department of Energy's Human Genome Program. The U. K.'s
Wellcome Trust, a private philanthropy, also contributes to the global
initiative and supports one of the five principal large-scale human genome
sequencing centers. Due to advances in technology and increased efficiency in
the sequencing process, the project has been proceeding on an accelerated
schedule, and expects to completely sequence the human genome two years earlier
than was originally anticipated.
This accomplishment the complete
sequencing of the three-billion-letter genetic code will stand as one of
the major achievements of modern biology, one that is significant not as an
endpoint so much as a turning point. The Human Genome Project is ushering in a
new paradigm of biological and biomedical research, which uses large-scale
genomic data to enable us to understand how biological phenomena at a
microscopic level are connected to the health and functioning of the whole
organism. Fundamental genomics research will offer a new level of understanding
of how genes interact, how they vary and where they come from, how they are
regulated in development and influenced by the environment, and many other
questions at the frontiers of biology.
This fundamental research, enabled in large
part by Federal support, will be of tremendous long-term medical and economic
value. For example, genes have been identified that are linked to certain forms
of cancer, yet much remains to be discovered about what turns them on and off,
and what process turns a healthy cell into a cancerous one. In the short term,
these genes will be valuable for predictive and diagnostic purposes, and could
lead the way to precisely targeted forms of chemotherapy. In the long term,
understanding the regulation of genes and their role in the larger disease
process will be the key to effective cures or preventative measures. Both
public and private support and cooperation will be needed to enable these
avenues of research, all of which we must pursue to improve human
The Human Genome Project will have a
lasting impact on how we detect, treat, and prevent disease. Genome research
will help us to design drugs that specifically target the root causes of an
illness, to intervene at the earliest possible stages of disease, and to
custom-tailor treatments according to a patient's specific needs. Genomics
is also the basis of a burgeoning new industry which, in another decade, is
expected to produce more than $45 billion worth of DNA-based products and
biotechnologies each year. Federally supported genomics research, in tandem
with this vibrant science-based industry, will enable long-term advances in
genomic science along with treatments and diagnostics that are of immediate
value today.
Right now, the field of genomics is in a
period of extraordinary progress. In just the past two weeks we have reached
the following milestones:
· The Human Genome Project announced
that it had sequenced two billion out of the three billion base pairs of the
human genome. Researchers are progressing at a rate of twelve thousand base
pairs per minute, 20 times faster than was possible just three years ago. They
expect to a complete a working draft of the entire human genome by June. By
2003, we expect to have the human genome sequenced to an accuracy of
· Celera Genomics Corporation,
together with the Berkeley and European Drosophila Genome Projects, completed
the genome of the fruit fly, an organism that geneticists have studied as a
model system for nearly a century. (Celera and the Berkeley group are both
represented by witnesses on this panel: Dr. Venter and Dr. Rubin,
respectively.) The fruit fly is the most complex organism yet to be understood
at this level. Its genome is being made freely available to anyone who requests
· Earlier this week, Monsanto
announced its completion of a working draft of the rice genome. Sometimes
referred to as the world's most important crop, rice is the principal food
of half of the people on this planet. Monsanto's data are being shared
with an international consortium led by Japan that is sequencing the rice
genome, and are also being made accessible to all scientists for basic
agricultural research.
These impressive accomplishments in the
accumulation of genomic knowledge are due to intensive efforts involving both
the public and private sectors. Our knowledge of life at the level of the
genome will have a profound impact on fundamental discoveries in biology, on
improvements in all areas of medicine, and on our understanding of ourselves as
human beings.
President Clinton and British Prime
Minister Blair agreed that it is important to take notice, at the highest
levels of our governments, of the progress our countries have made in human
genomics and of the era of new opportunities before us. Last month, they issued
a joint statement of position to help ensure that human genomic discoveries are
used as effectively as possible for the advancement of human health throughout
the world.
The statement consists of two equally
important, complementary principles, designed to maximize scientific
opportunities to understand the human genome, as well as medical and economic
opportunities for the development of health care products.
· First, the statement reiterates
the principle that raw fundamental sequence data from the human genome
the ordering of the A's, T's, G's, and C's that make up DNA
should be distributed as broadly as possible, in an unencumbered manner,
for use by scientists around the world. Since 1996, this principle has been a
condition of funding by the Human Genome Project, which makes genomic sequence
data freely available over the Internet in a public database called GenBank.
Some private-sector genomics companies have also made their raw genomic data
broadly available, and we strongly encourage all companies to adopt such
· Second, our statement makes clear
that intellectual property protection for gene-based inventions will play an
important role in stimulating the development of health care products, which
will in turn allow the public to realize the full medical benefits of the
fundamental scientific discoveries. As a new generation of medicine begins to
rely on gene-based technologies, it is essential that we afford these
technologies the kind of intellectual property protection that has enabled the
development of every other wave of medical innovations.
Taken together, these principles will speed
the translation of the sequence information that we are discovering into
products that improve the health of humankind. The human genome is a unique,
finite, precious biological resource. These principles will ensure that it is
utilized to its fullest.
I want to emphasize that the joint
statement does not represent a new position or a change in policy on what can
or should be patented. What was patentable before the statement is still
patentable today. There was some misunderstanding of this point in the press.
The statement does not conflict with or supersede any aspect of existing patent
law. Nor does the statement change any aspect of the patent protection that is
available for useful genes. The statement reiterates the policy of protecting
gene-based inventions.
The complementary principles described in
the statement are beneficial to both the private sector and the public. They
reinforce the public-private partnership that has fueled the genomics and
biotechnology enterprises, by enabling fundamental biological discoveries as
well as the entrepreneurship that can capitalize on those discoveries and bring
innovations to market. Key companies involved in genomics were quick to issue
statements last month endorsing the joint statement.
I would like to close by underscoring the
importance of public-private partnerships, which have enabled government funds,
investment capital, and research organizations of all shapes and sizes to work
together and take risks together on what history will record as one of the most
significant scientific and medical endeavors of our time. The Drosophila
project led by Dr. Venter and Dr. Rubin is a superb example of the fruits of
this kind of collaboration.
A project known as The SNP (pronounced
snip) Consortium is another exciting collaboration. The SNP
Consortium is systematically identifying localized variations in the genetic
code, known as single nucleotide polymorphisms or SNPs (snips).
This consortium of 12 pharmaceutical and technology companies, the Wellcome
Trust, and leading academic centers of the Human Genome Project, has discovered
more than 40,000 SNPs and has made those data publicly available.
As I said earlier, the sequencing of the
genome the best-known aspect of the Human Genome Project is only
the beginning of genomics. It is the first step into a future of discoveries
and innovations that genomics will enable, that the public and private sectors
must pursue together. Scientists will learn how genes interact to cause
disease; which genes turn on when we learn something new; how genes are
affected by hormones, stress, and the environment; and how we can manipulate
them for our betterment. There is no phenomenon on earth that is more complex
than human health. Genomics will help us to truly understand it.
Genomic discoveries will clearly raise
social and ethical issues as well, which will require our attention as a
public, as companies, as researchers, citizens, medical practitioners, policy
makers, and entrepreneurs. It has been the policy of this Administration to
encourage all of these communities to work together as we move along, so that
as we increase our understanding of the science, we also advance our
understanding of the important social issues that are involved. From the
outset, three to five percent of the Human Genome Project budget has been
devoted to the ethical, legal, and social issues raised by genetics and
In his first Executive Order of the new
millenium, the President prohibited discrimination in the Federal workplace on
the basis of genetic tests. Genetic discrimination is a key concern of patients
that has stopped some people from taking advantage of potentially life-saving
genetic tests. The Executive Order was developed through consultation with the
legal, medical, and scientific communities, and I raise it as an example of how
the different communities involved in genomics can and must continue to
An expanding, evolving partnership has made
human genomics discoveries possible, and is now poised to make those
discoveries beneficial for everyone. It is our desire to see greater
collaboration between the public and private sectors in all aspects of human
genomics. I believe that the policies that we have pursued will help to
strengthen this partnership, allowing genomic discoveries and innovations to
move steadily forward for the benefit of our Nation and for all
Thank you. Office of Science
and Technology Policy 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, N.W Washington, DC 20502