Oral Statement
The Honorable Neal Lane
Assistant to the President for Science and
Technology and
Director of the Office of Science and
Technology Policy
before the
Subcommittee on Energy and
Environment Committee on
Science United States House of
April 6, 2000
Good morning.
Mr. Chairman, members of the Subcommittee,
thank you for the opportunity to appear before you to discuss the Human Genome
Projectthe current status and, more importantly, where it promises to
take us. I ask that my written testimony be included in the record of
this hearing.
The Human Genome Project has broken new
ground on a number of fronts. In undertaking to understand human biology
at the level of the fundamental building blocks of life, the Human Genome
Project is the largest, most ambitious biological research effort ever
launched. Accomplishing this monumental goal requires the combined forces
of a truly international workforce drawn from across the public and private
sectors. This newly forged partnership is appropriate because we stand to
gain enormous benefits, not the least of which is a revolution in the way
medicine will come to be practiced in the new millennium.
Today we are looking at completion of the
working draft phase of sequencing the human genome later this
spring, with a final version to be completed in 2003. But this
achievement does not mark the end of the Human Genome Project. Rather it
marks a turning point when attention will shift to the identification of the
roughly 100,000 genes embedded in the human genome. From identification
scientists move forward to determine the functions of those genes and their
complex interactions within the cell, in the body as they send messages to each
other, and how the respond to signals from the environment.
Other goals of the Human Genome Project
have also been attained. We have completed the chromosome maps and used
them to locate the genes associated with scores of diseases, including
Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease, and some forms of heritable
cancer. We have a publicly accessible database and the tools to mine it
for still other genes. We have interdisciplinary teams of researchers who
will lead us into the next phase of gene discovery and functional
The ultimate goal is to harness this
incredible engine of information and use it to drive the development of novel
treatments, preventions and cures for human illness. We can envision a
time when doctors can prescribe treatments specifically targeted not just to a
disease, but the disease as experienced by each individual patient. Which
medicine will be most effective and have the fewest or no side effects?
Rational drug design can help answer these questions. Which ailments can
be prevented by changes in behavior, diet or exercise? Understanding the
regulation of gene expression will provide important clues to these
Achieving these lofty heights will require
the joint efforts of both the public and private sectors, each executing their
respective missions. Our strong tradition of public support for
fundamental research and private support of shorter-term, commercially focused
research, has served us well. President Clinton's and Prime Minister
Blair's joint statement, issued last month, describes the dual principles
of rapid, unencumbered access to raw, fundamental genome sequence information,
and the important role of appropriate intellectual property protection that
will speed the translation of the sequence information into products that
improve the health of humankind. The human genome is a unique, finite, precious
biological resource. These principles will ensure that it is utilized to its
Constructing a productive public-private
partnership is not always an easy task, given the difference in their
missions. However, once attained, such a partnership can create mutual
benefits and serve each party well. I want to take this opportunity to
note that discussions between the Federal Government, Celera Genomics, and
other companies, have taken place, will continue to take place, and are
welcome, with the hope that such mutually beneficial grounds can be
found. The cooperative effort that resulted in the completion of
Drosophila project led by Dr. Venter and Dr. Rubin is a superb example of the
fruits of this kind of collaboration.
Genomic discoveries will clearly raise
social and ethical issues as well, which will require our attention as a
public, as companies, as researchers, citizens, medical practitioners, policy
makers, and entrepreneurs. It has been the policy of this Administration to
encourage all of these communities to work together as we move along, so that
as we increase our understanding of the science, we also advance our
understanding of the important social issues that are involved. From the
outset, three to five percent of the Human Genome Project budget has been
devoted to the ethical, legal, and social issues raised by genetics and
I am excited to live in a time when change
is so rapid and so remarkable. I am thrilled to witness the new
partnerships that transcend national boundaries. I am happy to see the
public and private sectors join forces to speed our rate of progress toward
completion of what may turn out to be the most significant achievement of our
Thank you, again, Mr. Chairman, for this
chance to discuss this important program with you today.
Office of Science
and Technology Policy 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, N.W Washington, DC 20502