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In the summer of 1996, the Executive Office of the President undertook a
study to assess the progress of the Departments of Defense (DOD) and
Energy (DOE) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration
(NASA) in implementing reforms directed in Presidential Decision
Directive (PDD) NSTC-5, Guidelines for Federal Laboratory Reform
(see Appendix A). These agencies already had reform efforts
underway, but the PDD specifically called for agency action in four
areas. The agencies were directed to streamline management practices,
regulations, and oversight that impede laboratory performance; clarify
and focus laboratory missions; reduce or eliminate low priority
programs; and coordinate laboratory resources and facilities to
eliminate unnecessary duplication.
The objective of the reforms mandated by the President is to maintain
the scientific excellence that is the hallmark of our national science
and technology enterprise while improving scientific productivity.
Beyond this important goal, successful reform will also have a
significant impact on the broader objective of making government work
better for less. The laboratory systems of DOD, DOE, and NASA are by far
the largest in the federal government, accounting for at least 20
percent of the entire federal research and development (R&D) budget,
and spending over 80 percent of the funds allocated government-wide to
federal laboratories. Collectively they play a major role in performing
R&D to serve national needs. Moreover, the individual laboratories
are rich in human talent and facilities, many of which provide unique,
state-of-the-art capabilities used by researchers from universities and
industry. The DOE and NASA laboratories are deeply integrated into the
fundamental science enterprise, while the overarching mission of the DOD
and DOE weapons laboratories is to serve national security requirements.
All the laboratories have been vital forces in advancing technology
associated with their missions, and most participate in partnerships,
collect ively supporting a broad range of industrial sectors.
To conduct this study, the Office of Science and Technology Policy
(OSTP) polled the subject agencies, sampled the laboratories, and
examined documents pertaining to agency and laboratory reform as well as
reports produced by other government agencies, including those of the
General Accounting Office. The Department of Energy invited OSTP to
observe its internal meetings as well as those of its Laboratory
Operations Board. This participation provided us with a deeper exposure
to DOE’s progress and challenges than can be obtained via documentation
and discussion alone.
This status report provides a snapshot of an ongoing, dynamic reform
process in all three agencies and their laboratories. Section II
summarizes how the agencies have responded to the Presidential Decision
Directive, emphasizing aspects more or less common among the three
agencies. In Section III we propose recommendations for how to build on
the reforms accomplished to date, and include suggestions for next
steps. Section IV details our findings by individual agency, followed by
a brief summary in Section V. Appendices provide additional details from
each agency on the status of its reforms.
Considerable effort is being expended by DOD, DOE, NASA, and their
laboratories to plan, document, and implement the directives of the PDD
as well as the agencies’ own independent reform initiatives. Both
reforms and downsizing have considerable momentum and are continuing,
since much remains to be done. White House and Congressional mandates,
along with budgetary pressures, are driving the changes.
1. Mission clarification and priority setting. Each agency is
engaged in a major strategic planning process, typically involving
employee and stakeholder input, with the plans available to the public
through their Internet home pages. None of the agency strategic plans,
however, includes a clear and specific vision describing the role and
nature of that agency's laboratory system--the 'end-point' of reform--in
sufficient detail to guide its evolution. Nonetheless, agency and
laboratory missions are being clarified substantially, refined, and
communicated. Few, if any, hard priority choices have been made, except
when forced by immediate budgetary pressures or specific Congressional
2. Regulation, directive, and oversight reform. The agencies
are revising directives and orders, and the quantity of such documents
has been reduced markedly. In addition, staffing levels have decreased
and the number of contract compliance audits has declined. Despite what
agencies report to us about the progress they have made in this area, it
is too soon to assess reductions in administrative work resulting from
the decrease in directives and orders. To date, the substantial effort
invested in reviewing and reducing directives and orders tends to have
outweighed the savings. This effort is likely to abate as the reforms
mature. Beyond that, however, we found that declining numbers of
directives and orders do not necessarily translate into decreased
requirements (or even the number of pages in the directives and orders).
In addition, continuing micromanagement of the laboratories impedes
progress, particularly at DOE. The message from agency top management
for change is often not implemented a t the working level.
3. Management streamlining. Beyond the effort invested in
reducing directives, orders, and oversight, agencies and laboratories
have started to reengineer administrative and support functions. This
activity is coupled with the directives and oversight reform described
above, because inefficient administrative/support systems evolved to
meet agency directives and the requirements of procedures manuals. As
onerous requirements are eliminated, streamlining becomes possible.
Automation of administr ative systems and electronic communication are
simplifying administrative processes by reducing the number of steps and
the need for redundant information entry and processing by different
offices involved in each transaction. Simultaneously, the transaction
speed and the ability to check status of administrative processes are
Management streamlining is proceeding at the agencies and individual
laboratories, tailored to each situation. Streamlining options and
progress, however, are limited by the requirements of federal personnel
rules and other regulations, over which the agencies and laboratories
have no control. If these requirements were relaxed or eliminated, the
laboratories would have considerably more latitude to reduce support
costs and increase scientific productivity and quality.
Staff reduction programs are having an impact on both technical and
support personnel. In some cases, these losses have weakened program
management capability at agency headquarters, and eroded scientific and
technical excellence and leadership at the laboratories. For research
laboratories with Civil Service staff, limits on the number of
high-GS-level personnel hamper the retention of highly qualified
scientists and engineers. Since the entry level for Ph.D. scientists and
engineers is GS-11 or 12, these technical personnel find their career
advancement slowed or blocked. In essence this policy encourages the
best people to seek employment elsewhere after a few years, to find
opportunities for promotion. Furthermore, nonvoluntary staff reduction
programs tend to reverse recent progress in workforce diversity, as
minorities, women, and the disabled typically have less seniority than
4. Interagency, interservice, and interlaboratory
coordination. Cooperation and collaboration is growing among
agencies, laboratories, industry, and academia on R&D topics of
mutual interest. This cooperation is broader than the three agencies
included in the initial laboratory-reform effort, and can be credited in
part to tightening budgets and the Administration’s emphasis on pooling
resources and forming partnerships, and in part to regular, formal
interactions via NSTC Committees. Contacts among agency and laboratory
personnel and programs close to the grass-roots level have been
important in formulating scientific initiatives and in advancing science
and technology. The computerized interagency Major Facilities Inventory
(accessible through the Internet at
includes over 1700 R&D facilities operated by NASA, DOD, DOE, the
National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and the
Federal Aviation Agency ( FAA).
5. Performance measures and tracking reform progress.It is difficult but important to identify a set of measures (both
quantitative and qualitative) that accurately indicates reform progress.
However, the primary focus on cost savings and staff reduction as key
indicators paints at best an incomplete picture, and at worst can be
counter-productive. These metrics have no direct bearing on R&D
quality or relevance nor on the organization’s contributions to national
goals. Agencies are investing considerable effort in developing
performance measures and collecting data. While some of this attention
and effort is useful, in other cases the cost of the measurement exceeds
the value of the information obtained. For quality of science the
somewhat subjective assessment of an external peer group remains the
most accurate metric. As recommended by the NSTC publication
Assessing Fundamental Science, it will be important to utilize
the maximum flexibility in the Government Performance and Results
Act to implement meaningful measures of R&D output, and to use
assessments of scientific productivity and quality in combination with
measures of efficiency and cost reduction to characterize reform
progress. Each agency and laboratory would be expected to have some
customized performance measures appropriate to its missions, but not
necessarily applicable or useful to other agencies and laboratories.
6. Comparisons and extrapolations. Meaningful comparisons
among the agencies and their laboratory systems are difficult, and
extrapolating from the experiences of one to the complex as a whole can
be subject to large error. Comparisons with regard to productivity
improvement are especially risky, since the laboratories and agencies
did not start at the same levels of efficiency nor did they have the
same problems. Moreover, readily available data are frequently not
comparable from agency to agency, among the laboratories, among services
within DOD, or even within a service. For the outcomes of greatest
interest--R&D quality, relevance/appropriateness, and
productivity--there are no generally accepted metrics, except for
qualitative evaluations obtainable via peer review. Data and metrics
that are available are only weak indicators of the desired outcomes.
7. Institutional Diversity.The agencies and their
laboratories differ substantially, making standardized reform
undesirable. Among the differences are civil service vs contractor
workforces; operation by the government vs profit contractor vs
not-for-profit contractor; and the specific missions and core
competencies. This diversity, in combination with the diversity provided
by industrial and academic research performers, is a strength of the
American R&D system. It should be modified only when doing so would
increase simultaneously the efficiency, productivity, mission
accomplishment, and innovation capability of the performers.
Standardization for its own sake is likely to be counterproductive,
although gains may be possible by ensuring that the institutional
characteristics of each laboratory are well matched to its mission.
The reform process is difficult--involving the disruption or termination
of long-established, if inefficient, ways of doing business.
Understanding the barriers to reform and developing mechanisms to
overcome these barriers will be the keys to success. We offer eight
recommendations to accelerate laboratory reform. These recommendations
fall into three categories, those aimed at enhancing scientific and
technical excellence, those that would streamline management and improve
productivity, and those intended to improve the utilization of
laboratory capabilities to address national needs. In addition, we
propose a ninth recommendation addressing next steps for the NSTC to
build on the progress that has already been made, and to extend the
reforms to the fed eral laboratories of other agencies.
To enhance scientific and technical excellence
1. Existing laws, regulations, and executive guidance must be reviewed
and modified to enable agencies and their laboratories to implement
personnel practices that promote scientific competence and renewal in
the workforce, especially at the government-op erated laboratories.
2. Performance measures (quantitative, qualitative, and peer review)
tailored to the unique character of R&D should be developed and
implemented to assess research quality, importance, and laboratory
productivity. (Reference: Assessing Fundamental Science and the
Government Performance and Results Act.)
3. Incentives should be developed to reward agencies and laboratories
for initiatives that preserve or enhance programmatic excellence and
productivity while reducing costs. Such incentives might include
allowing the laboratories to apply administrative savings to their
scientific programs, greater latitude for "Laboratory Directed
R&D," and reduced agency micromanagement and oversight.
To streamline management and improve productivity
4. Intensified agency leadership at the highest levels is needed to
ensure that the intentions of the reform process are reflected in
day-to-day operations and in requirements imposed on the laboratories.
5. Laws and regulations on any subject that impede laboratory reform
should be reviewed to identify candidates for repeal or modification.
6. The number and length of agency-specific regulations, directives,
and procedures should be reduced to the absolute minimum necessary for
safe, effective, and efficient operations. They should describe desired
outcomes, and set standards, but not mandate specific approaches. This
policy would mean, for example, that DOE should rely on external
regulation of its laboratories, except in specialized areas where the
operations are unique and hazardous and there are no appropriate
external regulators.
7. The Administration and Congress should conduct a pilot project to
fund R&D tasks at the laboratories on a multiyear basis, to
eliminate inefficiencies built into annual funding.
To improve utilization of laboratory capabilities to address
national needs
8. The NSTC should examine further and propose ways to reduce the legal,
financial, institutional, and cultural barriers to optimum utilization
of laboratory capabilities to promote greater cooperation among all
federal agencies and laboratories, and with the industrial and academic
Next Step
9. The NSTC should establish an interagency working group on federal
laboratories to address these recommendations, review barriers to
laboratory reform, share lessons learned across government, and develop
and implement an action plan to continue the ref orm process.
In 1995, the Department of Defense (DOD) spent approximately $36 billion
(nearly 14% of its FY 1995 $253 billion budget authority) on research,
development, and test & evaluation (RDT&E). The RDT&E
organizations employ a workforce of almost 108,000 personnel -
approximately 90,000 civilian and 18,000 military. DOD has 120
laboratories and test and evaluation centers. There are 87 laboratory
sites: 29 Army, 38 Navy, 19 Air Force, and one defense-wide. In
addition, there are also several test and evaluation (T&E) centers,
some of which are collocated with the laboratories: 15 Army, 18 Navy, 9
Air Force, and 7 defense-wide. In general, these laboratories are
actively managed at the service level, rather than at the level of the
Office the Secretary of Defense (OSD), with OSD performing a policy
oversight role.
1. Mission Clarification and Priority Setting
DOD's Vision 21, published April 30, 1996, describes
what DOD's approach will be to developing a detailed plan for
consolidating and restructuring DOD laboratories and Test and Evaluation
centers into as few installations as possible by 1 October 2005.
DOD will identify to the 105th Congress new legislation the
Secretary considers necessary to accomplish downsizing and consolidation
of the laboratories and test and evaluation centers.
DOD will submit a plan for reducing personnel; intra-service and
cross-service restructuring; and creating modernized, efficient, and
effective laboratories to Congress and the President by 1 July 1998.
The Director of Defense Research and Engineering established the
Defense S&T Advisory Group (DSTAG) to advise on strategic planning,
programming, budgeting, review and assessment of the DOD S&T program.
DOD uses three plans to insure coordination between Science and
Technology functions.
The Basic Research Plan.
The Joint Warfighting Science and Technology Plan.
The Defense Technology Area Plan.
DOD has reviewed the role of its FFRDCs (Federally Funded Research
and Development Centers) and chartered an independent review by the
Defense Science Board.
2. Reforms in Orders, Regulations, and Oversight
Consistent with Executive Order 12861, "Elimination of One Half
of Executive Branch Internal Regulations," the Department is
reviewing existing DOD regulations, seeking opportunities to eliminate
or streamline those that are redundant or unnecessary, including those
that affect its RDT&E enterprise. For example, DOD is revising
Directive 3201.1, "Management of DOD Research and Development
Laboratories" to encompass redundant instructions in Directives 3201.3,
"DOD Research and Development Laboratories," and 3202.1, "Use of DOD
Research Facilities by Academic Investigators."
DOD acquisition regulations can have a chilling effect on research,
and progress has been made in reducing their number, which has fallen
from 766 to 505 (a 35% reduction). The focus is on canceling obsolete
regulations and streamlining others.
The total page count for regulations of the Office of the Under
Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Technology (OUSDAT) was reduced
45 percent from 155,000 to 84,000 pages. This reduced number of pages
still seems too large to be understood and followed in an efficient manner.
3. Streamlining and management improvements
Project Reliance, the Laboratory Quality Improvement Program (LQIP),
and the Base Realignment and Closure Process (BRAC), are the three major
thrusts in DOD’s efforts to streamline and improve management practices.
These ongoing streamlining and management improvement projects are
projected to reduce RDT&E personnel (military and civilian) from
121,000 to 86,000 (29%) between FY 1992 and FY 2001.
Since 1985, the buying power of RDT&E funding defense-wide has
declined $9.7 billion ( in constant 1997 dollars) to $36 billion in FY 1997.
DOD and congressional action have reduced FFRDC budgets by 34% since
FY 1991.
The 1988, 1991, 1993, and 1995 base closures have entered the
implementation phase and significant reductions in the Department's
laboratory and T&E infrastructure have begun. Fourteen Army, 40
Navy, and 8 Air Force sites are to be closed or realigned by FY 2001.
Approximately 20% of BRAC-directed actions have been implemented.
Ratios of direct to indirect workers at the laboratories have
changed as personnel levels dropped, e.g. the Air Force’s Wright
Laboratory decreased support staff by 20% (from 500 to 400) but
scientists and engineers by only 17% (from 1800 to 1550) bet
ween September 1992 and July 1996.
Sites designated Reinvention Laboratories under the National
Performance Review may carry out personnel demonstration projects and
propose waivers to burdensome regulations. The Office of Personnel
Management has approved five Army projects, and in March 1997 the Air
Force implemented a demonstration, which will affect 2800 scientists and
engineers at Wright, Rome, Armstrong, and Phillips Laboratories.
The LQIP has enabled DOD to streamline management practices by
raising the dollar threshold for expedited handling of construction and
small purchases, and by demonstrating an alternative personnel system.
The Office of Personnel Management has removed DOD’s direct-hire
authority for Ph.D. level scientists and engineers, which makes it
harder for DOD’s Laboratories to compete for these technical staff.
Highly qualified DOD laboratory scientists and engineers are leaving
the laboratories, because of restrictions on the number of high-grade
personnel prescribed by Executive Order 12839. Wright Laboratory, for
example, reports losing thirteen of its best early- to mid-career
employees, nine of whom were Ph.D.s, because those employees felt there
were few prospects for promotion substantially above the GS level at
which they entered. The Administration issued this Executive Order to
reduce the number of government managers, but it also applies to
nonsupervisory Ph.D.s at high GS levels.
4. Interagency, Interservice, and Interlaboratory Coordination
Coordinated review of DOD's laboratories will begin in early 1998.
DOD opposes consolidating its FFRDCs, because it believes each
offers unique expertise.
Department of Energy
The Department of Energy has nine multiprogram laboratories and fourteen
program-dedicated laboratories. All but one are operated for the
department by various university and corporate contractors. Operating
costs for all the laboratories total approximately $8.5 billion per
year. From headquarters and through its network of field offices, the
Department provides oversight; manages the contracts; ensures laboratory
compliance with environmental, safety, and health regulations. National
security, energy/environment, and science form the core missions of the
multiprogram laboratories while the program-dedicated laboratories
operate user facilities or pursue single-purpose science or technology
1. Mission Clarification and Priority Setting
DOE published its strategic plan Fueling a Competitive Economy
in April 1994. Subsequently each program secretarial office has
issued its own strategic plan. Each laboratory prepares an
Institutional Plan annually, and these plans now include a major
section that constitutes the laboratory’s strategic plan.
In response to recommendations of the Galvin panel, DOE established
the Laboratory Operations Board (LOB), which meets regularly to advise
the Secretary on laboratory management issues. The LOB is aware of and
is addressing the issues and concerns ide ntified in this report.
Information on the structure, funding, and missions of the
Department's laboratories is compiled and published in Strategic
Laboratory Missions Plan-Phase 1, published in July 1996.
The LOB reviewed how DOE selects R&D performers for its work
among universities, government laboratories, and the private sector.
A future LOB review will examine the Department's small
mission-specific laboratories to determine their relevance to DOE
missions and if any are candidates for privatization, alternative
contracting mechanisms, or closure.
The LOB will also examine the institutional and strategic plans of
the multiprogram laboratories in evaluating their contribution to the
needs of the Department.
External LOB members will consider how best to evaluate the
scientific and technical merit of the laboratories.
2. Reforms in Orders, Regulations, and Oversight
DOE is reformulating and reducing directives and orders, the means
by which it establishes formal requirements and guidance for its
During 1995 DOE halved the number of orders to the laboratories
(from 312 to 156) and reformulated the 100 most burdensome orders into
"user-friendly" documents. According to the laboratories, fewer orders
did not necessarily result in fewer pages of instructions, reductions in
requirements, or savings in administrative laboratory personnel. New
orders are sometimes accompanied by extensive "guidance" about how to
comply, sometimes resulting in longer more prescriptive documents than
the original orders.
The Department has begun reforming the audit/appraisal process,
which includes business practice reviews, technical reviews, and
environment, safety, and health reviews conducted by the Department and
other review groups.
During a pilot period (April 1995 to April 1996 for 16
laboratories), Department business practice reviews fell from 324 to 21;
person-years devoted to these reviews were reduced from 14 to 4.7; and
associated costs were reduced from $10.2 million to $2.8 million.
DOE is piloting Functional Cost Reporting, in which the laboratories
would report support costs in 24 categories. This proposal appears to be
a step backward, and to add work without commensurate benefit or value.
DOE announced its intention to shift over a ten year period from
internal regulation of nuclear activities (except for nuclear
explosives) to external regulation by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission,
and is preparing for congressional consideration the draft legislation
required. Discussions are underway for Department of Labor oversight of
DOE’s industrial and construction safety and health practices.
DOE is moving from compliance-based environment, health, and safety
(ES&H) regulations to a system based on site-specific "necessary and
sufficient" standards (with some limitations for Defense Nuclear
Facilities). Each site has invested considerable effort in identifying
and codifying those standards that are "necessary and sufficient" for
responsible management of safety, health, and environmental issues.
ES&H reforms have not necessarily resulted in savings to the
laboratories or in demonstrably improved safety performance. In some
cases the reforms seem to have created more requirements. DOE’s ES&H
management could be characterized as documentation and reporting intensive.
3. Streamlining and Management Improvements
Laboratories have ‘reinvented’ some management practices, resulting
in improved productivity.
The laboratories have agreed on a set of three ‘Productivity
Metrics,’ and report data annually compared with FY 1994 as the
baseline. Uniformly the laboratories report increased research to
support ratios, increased percent of research effort conducted by
technical workers, and reduced average operating cost per research staff
The Department has started to allow M&O contractors to use some
of the best commercial practices for procurement, rather than continue
to require them to conform to the Federal and Department of Energy
Acquisition Regulations (FARs and DEARs).
The number of DOE Federal workers and laboratory employees has
declined as a result of agency and laboratory actions and
Congressionally mandated cuts.
DOE Federal workers (excluding the Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission) fell from a high of 18,900 employees in FY 1993 to 17,300 in
FY 1996, and are projected to reach 15,000 by FY 2000.
The greatest number of personnel in the DOE laboratory system are in
the nine multiprogram laboratories. Between FY 1993 and FY 1996 the
number of laboratory personnel fell from approximately 50,800 to 47,500
(not including subcontractor employees, although these are also reported
to have declined.)
4. Interagency, Interservice, and Interlaboratory Coordination
The Department has established an R&D Council of the R&D
Assistant Secretaries to improve internal coordination and integration
of various functions.
Laboratory Directors meet quarterly with each other and DOE top
management to improve coordination and communication.
The Office of Defense Programs is working to make its three
laboratories work together as a system.
The Office of Energy Research is in the early stages of creating a
"Laboratory System" of its laboratories.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
At the end of the third quarter of FY 1996, NASA had a total workforce
of 21,555 Civil Servants at its Headquarters and at the 10 Field
Installations (Centers) located throughout the country. Each Center is
dedicated to defined roles and responsibilities. One of these, the Jet
Propulsion Laboratory, is an FFRDC managed and operated by the
California Institute of Technology. Each Center has been assigned unique
agency leadership responsibilities in specific areas of technology or
1. Mission Clarification and Priority Setting
NASA’s strategic planning process is described in its Strategic
Management Handbook, and is featured in a training program operated
by the Office of Personnel Management.
NASA updates its Strategic Plan annually. Its latest edition
was issued in February 1996, and the 1997 edition is undergoing final
review for release in May.
NASA has consolidated its Strategic Enterprises from five to four,
by transferring Space Technology functions into the other four Enterprises.
Each NASA Center now has a specific mission with NASA-wide program
management responsibility in that area.
The strategic planning process requires each Center to prepare a
Center Implementation Plan, describing its mission, Lead Center and
support responsibilities, and alignment with agency and enterprise goals
and objectives.
2. Reforms in Orders, Regulations, and Oversight
Internal regulations were reduced by 63 percent, halving the number
of pages.
The civil service workforce has been reduced by 13 percent in the
last three years.
NASA projects an additional 19 percent decrease in the NASA
workforce and a 21 percent decrease in its contractor workforce by the
year 2000. To date, NASA is on track with its downsizing plans without
resorting to an involuntary Reduction In Force ( RIF).
3. Streamlining and Management Improvements
NASA formed four cross-cutting process teams to improve efficiency
and effectiveness.
Full-cost accounting practices and customer-based financial
management systems are being developed.
According to NASA's 1995 Management Initiatives Report Card, the
agency improved 600 management practices between 1992 and 1995. Over 400
additional improvements are being considered for inclusion in the 1996
Report Card.
NASA maintains that under the current scenario, it can sustain its
major programs, although some lower-priority programs are being eliminated.
The "Provide Aerospace Products and Capabilities" Process
Team is tasked with developing agency policy directives and process
guidelines for technology development, program development, space
operations services, and commercialization.
The idea of "faster, better, cheaper" has taken hold, and
the culture is changing. NASA proposes to reduce the average cost per
spaceship by a factor of three (from $590 million to $190 million) and
the development time by a factor of two (from 8.3 years to 4.6 years) by
1999, without lowering safety standards for human space flight. Three
spacecraft (Pathfinder, Mars Global Surveyor, and the Near Earth
Asteroid Rendezvous (NEAR)) developed following the new philosophy have
already been l aunched.
Civil service personnel rules limit NASA’s options for streamlining
and management improvements at its Centers. Due to these rules, NASA
decided not to implement its plan for Science Institutes.
The 1996 Agency wide Employee and Customer Satisfaction Survey
revealed some dissatisfaction, but it established a baseline that the
agency takes seriously. It is considering its response now.
4. Interagency, Interservice, and Interlaboratory Coordination
Through NASA’s use of Centers of Excellence, agency-wide management
of specific programs is focused at specific centers, which coordinate
with other Centers whose expertise or services are required for success.
NASA and DOD collaborate through the Aeronautics and Astronautics
Coordinating Board (AACB).
Interagency Integrated Product Teams have recently completed a study
of ways to strengthen collaboration between the two agencies to
consolidate, improve efficiencies, and save costs.
Technology roadmaps have been developed to focus R&D in critical
areas serving agency needs.
The AACB identified six classes of major test facilities for
collaborative action, including wind tunnel and air-breathing
propulsion, rocket propulsion, space environmental, hyper velocity
ballistic range, and arc-heated facilities.
Collaboration with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration is being strengthened through efforts to collocate
operations and to share access to each other’s space capabilities.
The NASA Inspector General flagged a proposed consolidation of NASA
aircraft at the Dryden Flight Research Center as not saving the money
estimated. Since 1993, the total fleet size has been reduced from 149 to
106 aircraft, and NASA is considering fu rther consolidation options.
V. Summary
DOD, DOE, NASA, and their laboratories are making progress in meeting
the directives of the PDD, which called on the agencies to streamline
management and oversight, focus laboratory missions, and coordinate
laboratory resources and facilities. In short, the PDD’s objectives were
improved laboratory productivity and cost-effectiveness, but not at the
cost of scientific excellence. These three agencies operate by far the
largest laboratory systems in the Federal government, but not the only
ones. We recommend extending the reform mandate to the other Federal
agencies with significant intramural laboratories or laboratory systems
(notably the National Institutes of Health, and the Departments of
Agriculture, Commerce, and Interior). As science and technology budgets
continue to be squeezed, it becomes increasingly important to meet the
President’s goal of making government work better and cost less, while
preserving or even enhancing scientific capability and performance.