Appendix D


Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP)
Federal Laboratory Review

NASA Implementation Report
August 23, 1996

The following four questions were posed by OSTP to NASA, the Department of Energy (DOE), and the Department of Defense (DoD), based on Presidential Decision Directive(PDD)/NSTC-5, Guidelines for Federal Laboratory Reform. All three agencies were asked to provide information about what has been accomplished, what is planned to be accomplished, and obstacles encountered or anticipated in implementing the directives of the PDD.

1. "What steps have been taken to reduce internal management orders, regulations, and redundant oversight? Please provide baseline and performance measures that demonstrate the affect of these changes on scientists, programs, laboratories, and the age ncy."

2. "What steps have been taken to clarify and focus laboratory missions and assignments? Has redundancy been eliminated and to what degree has the laboratory system been restructured?"

3. "What has been done to streamline and improve management practices, both at the agency and in the laboratories? What impact have these actions had on efficiency and effectiveness of the laboratory system? Please include information about personnel reductions, both at the agency and at the laboratories. Also provide a list of redundant and/or lower priority programs, projects, and activities that have been eliminated or significantly reduced and the savings (in FTEs and dollars) from each reducti on or elimination."

4. "What steps have been taken to coordinate and integrate laboratory resources and facilities within the agency and with other agencies?"

The following three questions were posed by OSTP to NASA and DoD.

I. "What is the status of NASA and DoD responses to the recommendations contained in the May 15, 1995, Interagency Federal Laboratory Review Final Report, the February, 1995, report of NASA's Federal Laboratory Review Task Force, (and the February, 1995, memorandum from Jones to Gibbons? [DoD only]). Future Plans?"

II. "How do NASA and DoD plan to interface with the private sector in setting priorities for R&D facilities planning, management, consolidation, and closure?"

III. "Are there any issues identified in Presidential Review Directive NSTC-1 which have not been adequately addressed?"

Appendix D
Table of Contents

Status Of Federal Laboratory Reforms

Appendix A

Appendix B

Appendix C

Appendix D

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