Underpinning Our Nation's Economic Well-Being, Health, and National Security "Cutting back on research at the dawn of a new century where research is more important than it has been for even the last fifty years would be like cutting our defense budget at the height of the Cold War." --President Bill Clinton Throughout time, humans have pondered the nature of the universe and the laws that order it, seeking to understand our world and our place in the cosmos. Curiosity and the quest for understanding punctuate all human growth and learning, beginning with our childhood questions: "What is it?" "How does it work?" "What happens if . . . ?" Basic (or fundamental) research seeks to answer these and other questions in all scientific fields. Basic research usually does not have a specific practical benefit in mi nd; it simply helps us understand the way things are and generates new ideas and questions about the unknown. It has taught us about the evolution of the physical universe, the evolution of life, and a wealth of other topics. Inevitably, however, the results of basic research are prerequisites for many advances that substantially improve our lives. No one could anticipate that:
Although it is virtually impossible to predict specifically how today's basic research results will eventually improve our quality of life, or to imagine the new industries and markets that will eme
rge, there is no question that such improvements and industries will arise. America's scientists and engineers are working in universities, industrial laboratories, research institutes, and national laboratories on important research. Their results will t
ransform our lives in the twenty-first century, just as we now reap the harvest from past discoveries. Our children and grandchildren will look back with the same wonder we experience today at the myriad ways frontier basic research has advanced society.
Basic science studies matter at all levels of aggregation, from the materials we experience everyday down to their most fundamental constituents. This progress leads to new scientific and technical knowledge and, years later, to innovative prod
ucts and lucrative commercial markets. These advances have generated millions of high-skilled, high-wage jobs and significantly improved the quality of life for Americans.
The Administration's commitment to basic research derives from a clear and positive vision for the future prosperity of our nation and a strong belief that by creating knowledge and a well-educated
citizenry, we gain the power to shape our future. Therefore, the Administration has championed Federal investments in science and technology, stressing repeatedly that science fuels technology's engine - the engine of economic growth that creates jobs, bu
ilds new industries, and improves our standard of living. Moreover, a significant component of Federally sponsored research is performed in colleges and universities, where young scientists and engineers are trained in the process of creating new knowledg
To advance America's interests in science, mathematics, and engineering, the Administration set forth the following goals in its 1994 science policy statement, Science in the National Interest:
Achieving these goals will ensure that our nation has the specialized human resources as well as the modern infrastructure needed for cutting-edge science and technology. The science and technology
enterprise weaves a vast and variegated fabric of knowledge, ideas, devices, and questions that covers a broad range of human curiosity and innovation.
Leadership across the frontiers of scientific knowledge is not merely a cultural tradition of our nation - today it is an economic and security imperative. Creative people working in diverse fields generate new knowledge - rich in wonder and often leading
to unexpected applications. The range of our research spans all major fields of science and engineering and is one of its most powerful attributes.
p.16a.JPG Scientific breakthroughs spur new technologies that, in turn, enable improved scientific capabilities to explore the unknown. It was not until the mid-1980s that physics understanding, niobium purity, and ultraclean manufacturing and processing techniques made it feasible to build a superconducting electron accelerator needed to explore the innermost structure of the atom's nucleus. The world's largest assembly of superconducting accelerator cavities is now at the Department of Energy's Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility in Newport News, Virginia.
Given the growing linkages among the scientific and technical disciplines, it is impossible to predict what expertise will be indispensable for future developments. As with any investment portfolio, certain areas will be emphasized at any given time becau
se of special opportunities for progress and impact. The Federal portfolio, however, must remain broad-based and accommodate the high-risk investments that may have enormous long-term impact. It is increasingly evident that the major fields of science a
nd engineering mutually catalyze one another - strengthening the fabric of science and, with it, the entire science and technology enterprise. By advancing all frontiers of knowledge, creative American scientists and engineers, along with their students,
enrich the present and shape the future.
The diversity of Federal sources of basic research funding, and the variety of institutions and organizations conducting the research contribute to U.S. leadership across the scientific frontiers spanned by the Federal scientific and technical
research portfolio.
In this time of constrained resources, some have argued that less emphasis should be placed on basic research, since its results are typically available to anyone in the world. Japan, for example, h
as developed strong market positions for some products, particularly consumer electronics, for which American scientists did much of the original research and development. The Administration rejects this simplistic argument. The dominance of our basic res
earch enterprise is a core American strength that must be preserved. This enterprise, in addition to producing new knowledge that is indeed appropriable by others, generates the physical and human infrastructure that underlies our national innovation syst
em and our society's resourcefulness in the face of rapid technological change.
The nondefense R&D/GDP ratios of both Japan (2.7 percent) and Germany (2.4 percent) considerably exceeded that of the United States (2.0 percent) in 1993 and have done so for years. The nondefense R&D ratio of France matched the ratio of the Un
ited States; the ratios of the United Kingdom (1.9 percent), Canada (1.5 percent), and Italy (1.3 percent) were somewhat lower.
In each of the last four years, American scientists funded by the U.S. government have won Nobel prizes. These awards reflect the enormous dividends of specific research investments included years ago in our national research and development portfolio by
the National Science Foundation, the National Institutes of Health, the Department of Energy, and the Department of Defense.
Russell A. Hulse, Princeton Univesity, Princeton, NJ and Josheph H. Taylor, Jr., Princeton, NJ, for the discovery of a new type of pulsar, a discovery that has opened up new possibilities for the study of gravitation.
NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY awarded for contributions to the developments of
NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS awarded for pioneering contributions to the development of
neutron scattering techniques for studies of condensed matter with one-half to: Bertram N. Brockhouse, McMaster University, Ontario, Canada, for development of neutron spectroscopy and one-half to: Clifford G. Shull, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, for the development of the neutron diffraction technique.
NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS awarded for pioneering experimental contributions to lepton
physics with one-half to: Martin L. Perl, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, for the discovery of the tau lepton, and one-half to: Frederick Reines, University of California-Irvine, Irvine, CA, for the detection of the neutrino.
NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY awarded jointly to:
NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS awarded jointly to:
David M. Lee, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, Robert C. Richardson, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, and Douglas D. Osheroff, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, for discovery of superfluidity in helium-3.
NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY awarded jointly to:
Maintaining U.S. leadership across the frontiers of scientific knowledge is achieved through investments by numerous Federal agencies that span all fields of science and engineering. Diverse combinations of expertise and approaches, along with teamwork an
d collaboration, contribute to the steady progress and major breakthroughs advancing today's frontiers. By bringing specialists together to tackle problems that transcend disciplinary boundaries, we cross-fertilize scientific fields and spur further advan
Each theme listed below represents an area of emphasis in our Federal research portfolio:
In each area, several Federal agencies bring to bear powerful capabilities and complementary perspectives. The research enlists the talents and institutional resources of the best university faculty
and students, government and national laboratory scientists and engineers, and industrial researchers throughout the nation. Priority goes to efforts that are judged most worthy of taxpayer investment on the basis of merit review and that also serve the
missions of the Federal agencies. The competition for resources is fierce. Annually our nation's scientists and engineers submit some 70,000 proposals just to the NSF and NIH for scientifically sound and worthwhile studies - easily three to five times mor
e than can be funded.
At present, scientists can claim a rudimentary understanding of the physical evolution of the universe from about 10-35 seconds after the start of the Big Bang to today. Recent discoveries by space-based instruments, such as the Hubble Space Telescope, by NSF's ground-based observatories, and by a new generation of large privately funded telescopes, have made recent years outstanding ones for astronomy.
This eerie, dark pillar-like structure in the Eagle Nebula in this Hubble Space Telescope image is actually cool interstellar hydrogen gas and dust incubating new stars. Stars are born when clouds of dust and gas collapse because of gravity. As
more and more material falls onto the forming star, it finally becomes hot and dense enough at its center to trigger the nuclear fusion reactions that make stars, including our Sun, shine.
While we have answered many age-old questions, the progress of the past several years has forced new questions upon us. We do not know the exact paths along which galaxies, stars, and planetary syst
ems evolve. Only within the past two years have we discovered possible planets around other stars. We do not completely understand the Sun's impact on processes here on earth. We are only beginning to explore the detailed features of our nearest planetary
Because of both natural and manmade causes, our earth undergoes local, regional, and global changes on time scales ranging from momentary to geological. Humans and other creatures affect earth's habitability by just living. In fact, over eons, photosynthe
sis by early plants on the ancient earth created the oxygen-rich atmosphere we and other animals breathe. Now, to maintain our high standard of living we convert vast quantities of energy and raw materials into forms we desire, consume, and often discard.
This consumption has adverse effects on the earth's air, water, weather, landforms, and agricultural productivity. The U.S. Global Change Research Program coordinates the efforts and invest
ments of 13 Federal agencies and collaborates with international partners to study these problems.
From the ancient Bronze and Iron Ages to the Information or Silicon Age of today, materials have been at the heart of technological revolutions. Advances in communications, computers, medicine, transportation, energy, and defense technology are all made p
ossible by new materials and materials-related phenomena.
p.22.JPGNeutrons penetrate deeply into materials, allowing structure determination at the atomic level for a wide variety of materials,
from high temperature superconductors to large biological molecules. This image from the High Flux Isotope Reactor at the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory
shows two-dimensional magnetic ordering in a particular lutetium compound. With a next-generation neutron source, U.S. scientists and engineers will be able to resolve currently inaccessible, important features associated with the motion and ordering of
atoms in useful materials.
In another example of the cross-fertilization so prevalent (and necessary) to modern science, research techniques in materials science now require innovations first seen in the accelerators of high
energy and nuclear physics. Over the last decade, the emergence of national facilities, from atomic-resolution microscopes to powerful synchrotron and neutron facilities, has transformed the cutting edge of materials science. Together with high-performanc
e computing, these state-of-the-art facilities (e.g., DOE's Advanced Light Source, its recently completed Advanced
Photon Source, and a needed next-generation neutron source now being designed) will provide unprecedented opportunities to expand our knowledge of the increasingly complex materials and phenomena essential for the technological breakthroughs of the fu
The human genome is the complete set of genetic instructions found in the nucleus of most cells on 23 pairs of chromosomes that are long strands of DNA. Each gene is a segment of DNA that carries the blueprints for a specific molecule, usually a protein.
When there is a mistake in the order of chemical bases that comprise the DNA coding for a specific protein, that protein may be altered, missing, or ineffective in the family members carrying the error. The methods for locating such disease genes include
the construction of detailed maps to identify the position of the gene on a chromosome, sequencing the DNA in the area where the gene is localized, and comparing the gene sequence in individuals who have the disease with those who do not. For a newly isol
ated gene, the researcher can quickly gather from on-line databases everything that has already been determined about its identity, function, and protein product.
p.23.JPG"Visible Humans" have transformed the teaching and pract
ice of medicine. A 59-year-old female and a 39-year-old male donated their bodies to science, and became immortalized as the first digitized cadavers, available to the public and the medical community over the Internet. Images obtained from comput
erized tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, and high-resolution photographs were compiled into a database, providing complete, anatomically correct, three-dimensional views. The uses of these "recyclable" bodies include rehearsal of surgery, repeated d
issection, computerized crash testing, and numerous other medical simulations.
Over many years, the list of human diseases that result from known defects in a single gene has grown to about 4,000. Many of these conditions are rare and afflict only a fairly small number of peop
le; sickle cell disease is an exception, affecting more than 50,000 individuals in the United States. However, it has also become clear that many complex afflictions, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, some forms of cancer, and
other diseases, have a strong genetic component. By developing and making widely available the tools for locating and rapidly sequencing genes, the Human Genome Project - an ambitious
international research effort - is accelerating the progress of molecular medicine.
The current revolution in information and communications technologies is creating demands for new human learning skills and interaction modes. Merely being able to read, write, and calculate is no longer sufficient. Everyone needs to master the skills req
uired to extract and integrate relevant information and use it for complex decision-making and problem-solving.
Just as Olympic-caliber athletes need the finest equipment and training protocols to triumph in their events, so do scientists, engineers, and their students need the most modern research instruments and facilities with the best capabilities, the farthest
reach, and the finest accuracy and resolution. As we push beyond the frontiers of our current knowledge, research facilities, instruments, and enormous databases serving the social sciences must evolve to support ever more complex research. These major f
acilities and laboratory tools require continuous modernization, upgrading, and, ultimately, replacement.
p.26.JPGExceptionally intense x-rays open new vistas of research in materials science, chemistry, physics, biotechnology, and medicine.
The environmental, geological, agricultural, and planetary sciences also benefit from the Department of Energy's Advanced Photon Source at Argonne National Laboratory near Chicago. With this third generation x-ray source, researchers can study objects thousands of times smaller than can be seen with conventional optical techniques. Exposure times are fast enough to produce images of chemical and biological molecules as they react. Scientists can
gain new knowledge to create new materials tailored to specific applications in such areas as superconductors, semiconductors, polymers, pharmaceuticals, and catalysts.
Via a dynamic synergism, the creation and operation of these state-of-the-art facilities is a multidisciplinary, state-of-the-art science and engineering challenge in its own right. In most cases, a
ccess to these facilities is awarded to qualified scientists and engineers on the basis of peer-reviewed competitions, where the proposed research is judged for its quality and importance.
National Nanofabrication Users Network (Nodes in California; New York; Pennsylvania; Washington, D.C.); operational in 1994. Network providing electronic access to fabrication equipment
and expertise on nanoscale materials and devices.
Advanced Light Source (California); completed in 1994. Provides soft x-ray beams.
Within the United States, many players sharing common goals in these times of constrained resources are partnering to sponsor or pursue research programs in their area of mutual interest. The Administration has enthusiastically encouraged and supported re
search partnerships of all types. Such collaborations combine the resources of industry, academia, nonprofit organizations, and all levels of government to advance knowledge, promote education, strengthen institutions, and develop human resources.
The compact between government and universities aimed at advancing science and technology in the national interest goes back well over a century, when the Land Grant universities were founded. In the last 50 years, this partnership has become the core of
our world-class science and technology enterprise. Over half of the Federal investment in basic research goes to universities, where it supports the training of young scientists and engineers and the creation of new knowledge.
Exchange of personnel is probably the most effective vehicle for transferring research results among institutions and disciplines and converting them into products and markets. Graduate student and post-doctoral fellowship programs bring bright young peop
le from universities into national laboratories. Faculty exchanges bring industrial or national laboratory scientists and engineers into universities, while faculty members move into industry or Federal laboratories. The NSF's Grant Opportunities for Academic Liaison with Industry, for example, stimulates a mix of industry/university linkages. This initiative targets high-risk, high-gain fundamental research; developmen
t of innovative, collaborative industry/ university educational programs; and direct transfer of new knowledge between universities and industry.
Partnerships are also a means for building scientific instrumentation and facilities. Increasingly, the Federal government is providing the resources to build major new scientific user facilities, and other partners are sponsoring and developing user-rese
arch stations. In other cases, the entire research device comes into being only with the combined support of state and local government, industry, private foundations, universities, and the Federal government, none of which individually could shoulder the
entire burden. The Administration has actively promoted innovative investment partnerships that collect the required resources from several sources to develop leading scientific capability. A few recent examples include:
The Federal role in forging research partnerships to enhance U.S. competitiveness or economic development is well proven. Numerous examples exist, where a small amount of federal seed money has created partnerships that can grow to thrive without further federal resources. For example, NSF's Industry/University Cooperative Research Centers, and its St ate/Industry/University Cooperative Research Centers encourage highly leveraged cooperation among the indicated players on research topics of interest both to industry and the university. Within five years, full support of such centers must come from the non-federal partners. The DOD Government/ Industry/University Cooperative Research Program promotes the creation of a knowledge base to enhance national security and domestic economic growth. The program capitalizes on co-funding by industry and go vernment of university research centers to conduct long-term, goal-oriented research in areas of mutual interest. The Sea Grant and National Estuarine Research Reserv e programs of DOC/NOAA leverage Federal resources by requiring state matching funds and encouraging partnerships with industry.
In many research fields the path to scientific advances increasingly involves international collaboration. International partnerships allow us to pursue important elements of our research agenda, even when financial, human, infrastructure, or other facto
rs are limiting. For nearly 40 years, scientific activities in Antarctica have been inherently international, with the United States assuming leadership responsibilities in some arenas, and relying on other nations for hospitality and support elsewhere. S
ome major research endeavors, such as space missions, giant particle accelerators, astronomical observatories, the quest for fusion energy, and mapping the human genome, are so resource intensive and necessarily one-of-a-kind that international cost-shari
ng, exchanges, or in-kind contributions have become commonplace. Recent examples include NSF's Gemini Telescopes and several detectors for DOE's high-energy and nuclear physics facilities. Collaborations with individual investigators in other countries, occasional use of specialized foreign apparatus, multi-year international experiments, and participatio
n in facility or device development and construction routinely make state-of-the-art capabilities in other countries available to American scientists and their students, and vice versa.
OUR COMMITMENT This Administration has a policy of protecting Federal investments in basic research across all major scientific fields. These investments are essential to our strategy for reaching our overarching national goals. It is impossible to predict which areas o f science and engineering will yield ground-breaking discoveries, what those discoveries will be, or how they will impact other disciplines and, eventually, our daily lives. Who can foretell what will be needed to maintain our national security and our st rong economy, and to clean up the environment and develop a healthier, better-educated citizenry? By sustaining our investments in basic research, we ensure that America remains at the forefront of scientific capability, thereby enhancing our ability to shape and improve the world's future. |
In a stunning scientific advance that contributes to our fundamental understanding of the origin of life, in August 1996 a team of researchers announced that they had decoded the first complete genetic blueprint of a microorganism from the third major bra
nch of life on earth. The finding will allow scientists to understand more about the operation and function of the cell, while bringing them closer to understanding the nature of the ancestral cells from which life stemmed early in the planet's history. I
n the years ahead, the sequence holds dramatic prospects for commercial applications in biotechnology, development of renewable energy sources, and for cleaning up the environment.
p.20.JPGSeen from the submarine Alvin's porthole over 8,000 feet deep on the Pacific Ocean floor is this 185 degree Fahrenheit thermal v
ent where the archeon, Methanococcus jannaschii - a member of the third major branch of life on earth - was collected. This stunning scientific advance contributes to our fundamental understanding of the origins of life. Inset: This electron micrograph (0
.5 micrometers is 20 millionths of an inch) shows two bundles of flagella that propel the organism.
"These findings represent the scientific equivalent of opening a new porthole on earth and discovering a wholly new view of the universe," said Venter, who is director of TIGR. He said he and his c
olleagues were "astounded to find that two-thirds of the genes do not look like anything we've ever seen in biology before," and that many of them have no known function.
For a few seconds in June 1995, several thousand rubidium atoms coalesced inside a tiny glass vial in a laboratory in Boulder, Colorado. As rapt scientists observed the fleeting video image of a gassy super-cooled blob of molecules, a state of matter neve
r observed before joined the ranks of physical wonders. The short-lived phenomenon elegantly established a long-standing but elusive hypothesis and opened an uncharted realm of scientific research that may prove as significant as the discovery of the lase
r to industry and society.
p.28.JPGA new state of matter opens an uncharted realm of scientific research that may prove as significant as the discovery of the las
er. The new entity is known as a Bose-Einstein condensate. All of its atoms are stopped. They have close to zero velocity. These images were made by photographing the shadow of the atom cloud after it was allowed to expand for a few thousandths of a secon
d. These three snapshots were taken as the rubidium condensate was forming. Color, or height, shows the density, or number, of atoms having a particular velocity. Before condensation begins (left), the rubidium atoms have a range of velocities, as expecte
d for a gas in thermal equilibrium. The condensate appears in the middle measurement, with a large fraction of the atoms having velocities close to zero (blue/white peak). Continued evaporation of the fastest atoms (green/yellow) leads to a nearly pure co
ndensate containing about 2,000 atoms.
The Bose-Einstein condensate is not a new molecule, but its atoms, cooled to a virtual standstill, behave as a single entity. Rather than buzzing around as atoms usually do, the cold atoms move in l
ockstep - at identical speed and direction - much as photons do in a laser beam. These atoms are as different from normal rubidium atoms as an ice crystal is from cold water. "It really is a new state of matter," Wieman said. "It has completely different
properties from any other kind of matter."
The hopeful notion that worlds exist around other stars yielded to wonderful fact in 1995 and 1996 with the discovery of companions to other Sun-like stars. The finding of stars with possible planets gives scientists hope that planetary systems like the s
olar system may be common. While the newly discovered planets are unlikely to support life, their existence seems to increase the possibility that life, perhaps even intelligent life, exists elsewhere in the universe.
p.30.JPGDiscovered using the Palomar Telescope in California, this brown dwarf orbits the star, Gliese 229, which is located in the constellation Lepus about 19 light years from earth. In just the past t
wo years, more than a dozen planetary-like systems have been detected, and the number is growing rapidly. This brown dwarf, called Gliese 229B, is about 20 to 50 times the mass of Jupiter and 100,000 times the diameter of our Sun.
Most of the stellar companions found so far are more massive and revolve in more eccentric - less circular - orbits than our solar system's planets. This means the companions may be failed stars, or
brown dwarfs, or that planets may form or evolve in ways previously unimagined.
Letter from the President to Congress
Letter from the Director of OSTP
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